(1) Following the surgery, one patient continued to exhibit PLEDs but clinical seizures were absent PLEDs recurred in the second patient due to inadequate anticonvulsant medication.
(2) The third pleiotropic gene, pleD, is described here for the first time.
(3) Neck stiffness and cerebrospinal fluid findings were improved and PLEDs disappeared.
(4) This is in contrast to the normal outcome for 8 of the 11 infants who did not have PLEDs.
(5) The electrographic characteristics of PLEDs in these infants were similar to those reported in neonatal herpes simplex encephalitis and in older children and adults.
(6) Although a great deal of attention has been directed to the neuropathological basis of PLEDs, little emphasis has been placed on the functional basis of this EEG syndrome.
(7) Over 100 film industry insiders signed a letter in support of Roman Polanski , who pled guilty to "unlawful sex" with a 13-year-old.
(8) A 74-year-old woman reveal typical periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLED's) on the right hemisphere.
(9) Three patients are described with pathologically verified Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) who presented with localizing clinical signs accompanied by focal electroencephalographic abnormalities including periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDS).
(10) Although PLEDs are usually seen in association with an acute or subacute disturbance of cerebral function, the findings in this group of patients show that chronic PLEDs also can occur in patients with long-standing seizure disorders or chronic brain lesions.
(11) Ischemic strokes associated with PLEDs have some characteristic features: old age, vascular risk factors, parieto-occipital areas infarcts and frequent association with TIAs.
(12) PLEDs was found in acute dysfunction of CNS, and in epileptic patients in periods of increased seizure activity.
(13) All episodes were accompanied by the occurrence of periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs) on the EEG, which became normal when the ictal episodes subsided either spontaneously or after administration of diazepam i.v.
(14) EEG obtained on the fourth hospital day showed right-sided PLEDS and on the fifth hospital day a generalized seizure occurred.
(15) She later showed periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs), originating in the left hemisphere, which were temporally associated with nystagmus retractorius.
(16) Low amplitude rhythmic discharges (RDs) closely associated in time and in spatial distribution to inter-ictal epileptiform discharges are not seen in scalp EEGs of patients with non-periodic focal epileptiform discharges (NPEDs) but they are unexpectedly common in patients with periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs).
(17) We postulate that the EEG phenomenon of PLEDs could be considered a part of the status epilepticus condition.
(18) But Senate minority leader Harry Reid pled for action on the Senate floor on Tuesday.
(19) A retrospective study was carried out in 147 patients who had been found to have periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs).
(20) Our case is significant for the following reasons: 1) PLEDs maximal right and left occipital areas associated with bilateral visual loss has not previously been observed; 2) abnormal electrical activity in the occipital lobes may be a reversible cause of Anton's syndrome.
(imp. & p. p.) of Pole
Example Sentences:
(1) Two small populations of GLY + neurons were observed outside of the named nuclei of the SOC; one was located dorsal to the LSO, near its dorsal hilus, and the other was identified near the medial pole of the LSO.
(2) In 22 cases (63%), retinal detachment was at least partially flattened in the area of the posterior pole of the eye.
(3) Delineation of the presence and anatomy of an obstructed, nonfunctioning upper-pole duplex system often requires multiple imaging techniques.
(4) David Blunkett, not Straw, was the home secretary at the time the decision was taken to allow Poles and others immediate access to the British labour market.
(5) PYY-containing secretory granules were primarily found in the basal pole of open-type endocrine cells.
(6) Were he from Iceland, or from the north pole, then I would say he still had his ski boots on.
(7) A 40 year old female presented with secondary glaucoma and loss of vision due to anterior pole metastasis of breast carcinoma.
(8) A modification of a previously described curved ruler, the current model has a hinge for greater ease of maneuverability and a "T" piece on one end to facilitate measurement and marking of both poles of the muscle without repositioning the ruler.
(9) Two of them, the radiocapitate and deep radioscapholunate, insert on the scaphoid, whereas the collateral ligament courses to the distal pole of the scaphoid.
(10) Thus, the present observations provide histochemical evidence indicating an exclusive localization of calcium in mitochondria and tubulovesicular structures of the secretory ameloblast, and support their contributions to the translocation of calcium from the proximal to the distal pole of the cytoplasm.
(11) His balancing pole swayed uncontrollably, nearly tapping the sides of his feet.
(12) The retinal findings are quite similar to those found in diabetic retinopathy, except for unilaterality corresponding to the more obstructed artery and early onset in the retinal midzone rather than the posterior pole.
(13) Less marked lesions were however observed in distal tubules, particularly large vacuoles were present at the apical poles of the tubule cells, the sites of kallikrein secretion.
(14) The testicular vein--midway between the internal inguinal ring and the lower pole of the kidney--divides into the medial and lateral branch to form a delta.
(15) Probably there is a continuity of this system throughout the entire vascular pole including (1) all granulated cells, (2) all lacis cells, (3) the mesangium cells and (4) the adjacent smooth muscle cells of the vas afferens and vas efferens.
(16) In all of the old rats, but not in any of the young ones, symmetric high voltage activity was observed in the frontal pole of the cortex.
(17) Later, these vacuoles were divided into numerous vesicular spiral formation-centers, producing micronemes at the apical pole of young merozoites.
(18) Therefore, this nonrandom segregation to opposite poles can occur by mechanisms that do not involve DNA sequence homology.
(19) The intranuclear spindle of yeast has an electron-opaque body at each pole.
(20) All of these AChE positive fibers appeared to be related to the medial portions of the dorsal hippocampus from its septal pole to the dorsal psalterium.