(adv.) Well rounded or filled out; full; fleshy; fat; as, a plump baby; plump cheeks.
(n.) A knot; a cluster; a group; a crowd; a flock; as, a plump of trees, fowls, or spears.
(a.) To grow plump; to swell out; as, her cheeks have plumped.
(a.) To drop or fall suddenly or heavily, all at once.
(a.) To give a plumper. See Plumper, 2.
(v. t.) To make plump; to fill (out) or support; -- often with up.
(v. t.) To cast or let drop all at once, suddenly and heavily; as, to plump a stone into water.
(v. t.) To give (a vote), as a plumper. See Plumper, 2.
(a. & v.) Directly; suddenly; perpendicularly.
Example Sentences:
(1) My grandfather was a coal miner and Nana was rather plump and bossy.
(2) Their current Westminster tally is strikingly close, too, to the 45% of the constituency vote that gave Alex Salmond his great Holyrood landslide in 2011, and indeed to the 44% who tell ICM in Friday’s survey that they would plump for the nationalists if there were a fresh ballot for their local Holyrood seat.
(3) Some plump for Your Love , with its distinctive keyboard figure that subsequently turned up both on Candi Staton and the Source's endlessly reissued and covered 1991 hit You Got The Love and, of all things, psychedelic rock band Animal Collective's My Girls.
(4) The company had originally plumped for the name Fox Group, but announced its change of mind in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
(5) Approximately 40% of the plump, spindle-shaped cells that formed the background stroma of these tumors possessed the antigen; however, it was not present on giant cells.
(6) For alkaline phosphatase and adenosine triphosphatase particularly, positive cells and negative cells coexisted, as in the large plump cells of synovial sarcoma.
(7) Sclerosed areas with scarce and plump villi as well as sometimes hyperplastic and polymorphous synovial cell layers could be demonstrated histologically in the tissue specimens of the needle biopsies in cases with gout.
(8) But soon Gontar would see the same plump women and the same injured men appearing in different newscasts, identified as different people.
(9) There are queues at communal water tanks and the irrigated fields plump with crops abruptly give way to hard-baked soil forced to sit fallow.
(10) More peripherally there is a cellular zone containing elongated or plump tumor cells embedded in a fibromyxoid stroma.
(11) The mediastinal milky spots were generally covered with plump mesothelial cells with hemidesmosome-like structures in small projections of the cytoplasm, and consisted mainly of clusters of lymphocytes, macrophages and fibroblasts.
(12) This Week host Andrew Neil predicted 12 million for the leaders' debate, while regular sofa sidekick Michael Portillo plumped for 6 million – so that one goes to Neil, narrowly.
(13) ('Bulkiness' is the average cross-sectional area, or 'plumpness', of a side-chain.)
(14) Melanocytomas are pigmented tumors of the uvea and optic nerve head composed of plump polyhedral melanocytes which have been regarded as nevus cells.
(15) It can snatch a creature as small as a beetle or as bulky as a duck, but its favourite food on high moors is a plump little bird greatly prized by game shooters: the red grouse.
(16) One reader chose Zoë Heller's The Believers, about the dysfunctional Litvinoff family, another plumped for Sue Miller's While I Was Gone, in which a woman is forced to confront the murder of her best friend 30 years ago, a third pointed readers towards Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake, about an Indian boy growing up in America.
(17) Biopsy showed collagenous stroma containing spindle cells and irregular trabeculae of woven bone rimmed by plump osteoblasts.
(18) Of particular interest is a number of tumor cells with plump, bizarre nuclei which contain cross-striations of skeletal muscle pattern.
(19) The tumor cells were uniform in appearance, plump and polyhedral, with distinct finely granular eosinophilic cytoplasm, and were arranged in solid acinar groups.
(20) And here’s a statistic that should terrify anyone who leans to the left: nearly nine out of 10 Austrian manual workers plumped for the far right.
(n.) More or less; a certain quantity or degree; a part, more or less; something.
(n.) A person or thing of importance; a somebody.
(adv.) In some degree or measure; a little.
Example Sentences:
(1) These studies led to the following conclusions: (a) all the prominent NHP which remain bound to DNA are also present in somewhat similar proportions in the saline-EDTA, Tris, and 0.35 M NaCl washes of nuclei; (b) a protein comigrating with actin is prominent in the first saline-EDTA wash of nuclei, but present as only a minor band in the subsequent washes and on washed chromatin; (c) the presence of nuclear matrix proteins in all the nuclear washes and cytosol indicates that these proteins are distributed throughout the cell; (d) a histone-binding protein (J2) analogous to the HMG1 protein of K. V. Shooter, G.H.
(2) Neuroleptics (chlorpromazine, reserpine and haloperidol) had not such an influence, though they somewhat increased the general activity of the animals.
(3) However, the mechanism of the inhibitory action is still somewhat uncertain.
(4) Under these conditions the meiotic prophase takes place and proceeds to the dictyate phase, obeying a somewhat delayed chronology in comparison with controls in vivo.
(5) These data were in agreement with those from a previous comparative study which had a very different research design and a somewhat different type of schizophrenic population.
(6) The elongation of helix III with the addition of helix II at the N-terminus somewhat stabilizes the ordered structure.
(7) In presence of oxygen (air) the phototactic reaction values are somewhat lower than in its absence.
(8) Somewhat more children of both Head Start and the nursery school showed semantic mastery based on both heard and spoken identification for positions based on body-object relations (in, on, and under) than for those based on object-object relations (in fromt of, between, and in back of).
(9) Similarly, it appears that acute hydronephrosis or worsening of an existing hydronephrosis has been somewhat overlooked as a possible cause of uncertain abdominal pain during pregnancy.
(10) Somewhat surprisingly then, in view of the mechanisms in mammals, birds do not seem to use this seasonal message in the photoperiodic control of reproduction.
(11) This inhibition is counteracted by the somewhat slower increase of NE turnover resulting in normalization of LH levels.
(12) Richard now is presented, albeit somewhat inconsistently, as evil in response to social ostracism because of his ugly deformities.
(13) The analysis of the causes of hunger current in the 1970's can be summarized somewhat brutally as follows.
(14) The vascular risk profile associated with insulin appears somewhat different in apparently healthy men and women.
(15) Although differing somewhat in their responses to various biochemical and biophysical tests, all strains were assigned to the genus Flavobacterium.
(16) Simple reperfusion of the infarcted myocardium, however, does not necessarily guarantee myocardial salvage, and preliminary studies have been somewhat confusing as to its beneficial effects.
(17) In addition, the transcriptional behaviour of this tRNALeuCUG gene in various in vitro systems is described and it seems that, although the gene is transcribed in all test systems, the very A + T-rich 5'-flanking sequence of this particular gene may be somewhat inhibitory to transcription in vitro.
(18) Myelosuppressed (cyclophosphamide-pretreated) mice were somewhat more susceptible to C. perfringens as contrasted with mice that had been pretreated with either carrageenan type II or with zymosan.
(19) Children 1 to 6 months old had over twice the morbidity from diarrhea if assigned to the antimicrobial group as compared to placebo, while the toddler group (7-30 months) taking the antimicrobial had somewhat less diarrhea.
(20) Our results showed an approximately two- to threefold increase in the level of the type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase and a somewhat smaller increase in the type II kinase in extracts of the "old" IMR-90 cells (population doubling greater than 48) as compared to that of the "young" cells (PDL 22-27).