What's the difference between polymerization and together?



  • (n.) The act or process of changing to a polymeric form; the condition resulting from such change.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Natural tubulin polymerization leads to the formation of hooks on microtubular structures.
  • (2) The polymerization of dATP, dCTP, and dGTP onto the defined length initiator, d(pA)10, has been carried out in four buffers.
  • (3) The results indicated that the higher-M(r) somatostatin-like species isolated from the hypothalamus did not result from hormone polymerization by means of disulfide interchange.
  • (4) Essential characteristics of the composite bone cement included a homogeneous and uniform fiber distribution, and a minimal increase in apparent viscosity of the polymerizing cement.
  • (5) On the other hand, ultraviolet (320-nm) light, absorbed by 3-hydroxy-pyridinium cross-links which were rapidly photolyzed, partially dissociated polymeric collagen aggregates from bovine Achilles tendon after subsequent heating.
  • (6) The reaction was treated with T5 D15 exonuclease to selectively destroy partially polymerized single-stranded phage DNA that may otherwise contribute to an increased background of wild-type transformants.
  • (7) Since chromatin particles containing DNA the size of 125 kbp can electroelute, we conclude that the polymerizing complex is attached to a nucleoskeleton which is too large to escape.
  • (8) The UV and IR absorption spectra of compounds present in the eluate were compared with those of model compounds that were assumed to exist in the gel as impurities after the polymerization (monomers and oligomers of hydroxyethyl methacrylate, decomposition products of initiators).
  • (9) Oligo- or polyribonucleotides are relatively ineffective initiators of polydeoxynucleotide polymerization.
  • (10) Ultrastructural studies of detergent-insoluble cytoskeletons from infected cells and immunofluorescence microscopy of phalloidin-labeled cells showed alterations in the structure of the cytoskeleton during the internalization process including the accumulation of polymerized actin around entering bacteria.
  • (11) On day 5, intake of the elemental group exceeded that of the polymeric group (p less than 0.02).
  • (12) Poly (2'-deoxy-2'-fluoroinosinic acid) [ poly(If)] was synthesized by polymerization of 2'-deoxy-2'-fluoroinosine 5'-diphosphate catalyzed by Escherichia coli polynucleotide phosphorylase.
  • (13) A cytokine-mediated up-regulation of SC that simultaneously increases the transport capacity for polymeric IgA would constitute an efficient enhancement of secretory immunity in diseased glandular tissue.
  • (14) This has been demonstrated from agglutination and radioimmunometric assay (RIMA) results, using ten antisera raised in rabbits against purified polymeric flagellins from ten Salmonella serotypes as immunogens.
  • (15) This reaction gave rise to artifacts in alkaline polyacrylamide gels and isoelectric focusing systems when residual acrylamide monomers were still present in the gel matrix after the polymerization process ceased.
  • (16) Greater than 99% of the polymerization reaction products were quenched by the addition of 2.0 mM ascorbate.
  • (17) Thus, patients treated with extracts polymerized with glutaraldehyde had IgG4 levels that were similar to those of the patients subjected to no IT.
  • (18) Examination of the inhibitory effect of ATP using oligo(dA)12-18 as well as activated DNA as primers revealed that (a) ATP inhibition is not due to its addition onto a 3'-OH primer terminus ad judged by the lack of incorporation of labeled ATP, although under similar conditions incorporation of GTP can be demonstrated, (b) a consistent degree of inhibition was noted independent of primer or enzyme concentration; (c) addition of ATP to an ongoing reaction promptly reduces the rate of polymerization; (d) kinetic studies indicate a competitive (with respect to substrate deoxy triphosphate) pattern of inhibition; (e) addition of excess deoxyribotriphosphate promptly relieves the inhibition.
  • (19) With different oxidation catalysts most antioxidants and amino acids tested enhanced polymerization.
  • (20) This implies that degradation of sIgM does not result from the incompetence of 38C cells to polymerize.



  • (prep.) In company or association with respect to place or time; as, to live together in one house; to live together in the same age; they walked together to the town.
  • (prep.) In or into union; into junction; as, to sew, knit, or fasten two things together; to mix things together.
  • (prep.) In concert; with mutual cooperation; as, the allies made war upon France together.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A group of interested medical personnel has been identified which has begun to work together.
  • (2) The hypothesis that proteins are critical targets in free radical mediated cytolysis was tested using U937 mononuclear phagocytes as targets and iron together with hydrogen peroxide to generate radicals.
  • (3) Together these results suggest that IVC may operate as a selective activator of calpain both in the cytosol and at the membrane level; in the latter case in synergism with the activation induced by association of the proteinase to the cell membrane.
  • (4) But when he speaks, the crowds who have come together to make a stand against government corruption and soaring fuel prices cheer wildly.
  • (5) At pH 7.0, reduction is complete after 6 to 10 h. These results together with an earlier study concerning the positions of the two most readily reduced bonds (Cornell J.S., and Pierce, J.G.
  • (6) However, ticks, which failed to finish their feeding and represent a disproportionately great part of the whole parasite's population, die together with them and the parasitic system quickly restores its stability.
  • (7) However, as the same task confronts the Lib Dems, do we not now have a priceless opportunity to bring the two parties together to undertake a fundamental rethink of the way social democratic principles and policies can be made relevant to modern society.
  • (8) Together these observations suggest that cytotactin is an endogenous cell surface modulatory protein and provide a possible mechanism whereby cytotactin may contribute to pattern formation during development, regeneration, tumorigenesis, and wound healing.
  • (9) The new Somali government has enthusiastically embraced the new deal and created a taskforce, bringing together the government, lead donors (the US, UK, EU, Norway and Denmark), the World Bank and civil society.
  • (10) Taken together these results are consistent with the view that primary CTL, as well as long term cloned CTL cell lines, exercise their cytolytic activity by means of perforin.
  • (11) The present retrospective study reports the results of a survey conducted on 130 patients given elective abdominal and urinary surgery together with the cultivation of routine intraperitoneal drainage material.
  • (12) The relative strength of the progressions varies with excitation wavelength and this, together with the absence of a common origin, indicates the existence of two independent emitting states with 0-0' levels separated by either 300 or 1000 cm-1.
  • (13) HCECs display an unusual combination of cytokeratin IFs and neurofilaments, together with vimentin, and are heterogeneous with respect to their IF makeup.
  • (14) When my boyfriend and I first got together a year ago, our sex life was romantic and playful.
  • (15) The observation that phase reversals did not occur in area 29, together with the low incidence of phasic (rhythmic) theta-on cells, suggests that the posterior cingulate cortex does not independently generate type 2 theta.
  • (16) In the dark cortical zone of the nodes (III group) there occur tissue basophils (mast cells), that, together with increasing number of acidophilic granulocytes and appearance of neutrophilic cells, demonstrates that there is an inflammatory reaction in the organ studied as a response to the lymphocytic suspension injected.
  • (17) Although there was already satisfaction in the development of dementia-friendly pharmacies and Pride in Practice, a new standard of excellence in healthcare for gay, lesbian and bisexual patients, the biggest achievement so far was the bringing together of a strategic partnership of 37 NHS, local government and social organisations.
  • (18) This "gender identity movement" has brought together such unlikely collaborators as surgeons, endocrinologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, gynecologists, and research specialists into a mutually rewarding arena.
  • (19) Results of detailed studies on tissue reactions to Cysticercus bovis in the heart of cattle, together with a comparison of findings in animals with spontaneous and experimental infection, and an evaluation of tissue reactions in relation to the location, morphology and morphogenesis of C. bovis provided evidence for the fact that in general, the response of the heart to the presence of C. bovis was an inflammatory reaction characterized by the origin of a pseudoepithelial border and a zone of granulation tissue.
  • (20) Taken together with other physical studies on the effect of vitamin E on (unsaturated) phospholipids, these results indicate that vitamin E could influence the physical properties of membrane phospholipids in addition to its known antioxidant role.

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