What's the difference between poon and tree?



  • (n.) A name for several East Indian, or their wood, used for the masts and spars of vessels, as Calophyllum angustifolium, C. inophullum, and Sterculia foetida; -- called also peon.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) As someone who had a chance to talk to him in the past, I really feel heartbroken to see how he has been treated,” said Patrick Poon, a Hong Kong-based Amnesty International activist.
  • (2) The proposed activation mechanism is based upon several key concepts, including the "S"-structure for the folding of the C1r2C1s2 tetramer among the C1q arms [Poon, et al., J. molec.
  • (3) Poon said Beijing was attempting to shift the focus on to how much medical attention Liu was receiving to shirk responsibility for its “cold-blooded” treatment of the democracy activist.
  • (4) It has been shown previously that in this paradigm older adults are differentially inhibited by semantically related primes (Bowles & Poon, 1985a).
  • (5) Patrick Poon, an Amnesty campaigner who also knows Liu, said Beijing was preventing the dissident’s friends from visiting him to avoid embarrassment over the fact that a man it portrayed as a “convicted criminal” still enjoyed popular support.
  • (6) A previous optimal chemical-mechanical model (C.-S. Poon.
  • (7) "If even people like him are taken away, it gives a very bad sign to other human rights defenders and netizens," said Patrick Poon, executive secretary of the China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group.
  • (8) Beijing had repeatedly rejected calls for Liu to be treated abroad, Poon pointed out.
  • (9) Adding injury to insult, Liu Xiaobo has been diagnosed with a grave illness in prison, where he should never have been put in the first place,” said Patrick Poon, a researcher at Amnesty International in Hong Kong.
  • (10) Still, when older adults become aware of memory problems, they typically become quite alarmed (see Poon et al., 1980).
  • (11) Poon's optimization model may give a key to integrate complicated and coflicting experimental results in a unique concept.
  • (12) In 2012 Poon donated £20m to the law school at King’s College London, which has been renamed in his honour.
  • (13) The Chinese authorities should immediately ensure that Liu Xiaobo receives adequate medical care, effective access to his family and that he and all others imprisoned solely for exercising their human rights are immediately and unconditionally released.” “The authorities should immediately and unconditionally lift all restrictions on his wife Liu Xia and let the two reunite as soon as possible,” Poon added.
  • (14) The increased exercise sensitivity in hypercapnia is qualitatively consistent with the hypothesis that VE is controlled to minimize the conflicting challenges due to chemical drive and the mechanical work of breathing (Poon, C. S. In: Modelling and Control of Breathing, New York: Elsevier, 1983, p. 189-196).
  • (15) But I hope that President Xi will see that it’s in China interests to not be viewed as not only silencing a man but wilfully and intentionally shortening his life.” Patrick Poon, another Amnesty International activist, said Chinese authorities could no longer justify preventing Liu from leaving China.
  • (16) A hamster protein (termed IBF) which binds to IES2 and stimulates transcription in vitro has previously been purified and was found to have a subunit molecular mass of 40,000 (Karnitz, L., Poon, D., Weil, P.A., and Chalkley, R. (1989) Mol.
  • (17) It adds injury to insult that Liu Xiaobo, who should never have been put in prison in the first place, has been diagnosed with a grave illness,” said Patrick Poon, a China researcher at Amnesty International.
  • (18) The application of this relative memorability analysis to previously reported data dealing with the immediate recall of spoken sentences (Stine, Wingfield, & Poon, 1986) revealed that although older adults show qualitative recall similar to younger adults when informational density is low, they show less discrimination among text elements when informational density is increased.
  • (19) This finding is consistent with the demonstration that stage VI oocytes contain a store of B-type cyclin polypeptides (Kobayashi, H., J. Minshull, C. Ford, R. Golsteyn, R. Poon, and T. Hunt.
  • (20) Poon said another one, Liu Zhengqing, was taken away from his home in Guangzhou on 24 March.



  • (n.) Any perennial woody plant of considerable size (usually over twenty feet high) and growing with a single trunk.
  • (n.) Something constructed in the form of, or considered as resembling, a tree, consisting of a stem, or stock, and branches; as, a genealogical tree.
  • (n.) A piece of timber, or something commonly made of timber; -- used in composition, as in axletree, boottree, chesstree, crosstree, whiffletree, and the like.
  • (n.) A cross or gallows; as Tyburn tree.
  • (n.) Wood; timber.
  • (n.) A mass of crystals, aggregated in arborescent forms, obtained by precipitation of a metal from solution. See Lead tree, under Lead.
  • (v. t.) To drive to a tree; to cause to ascend a tree; as, a dog trees a squirrel.
  • (v. t.) To place upon a tree; to fit with a tree; to stretch upon a tree; as, to tree a boot. See Tree, n., 3.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Arterial compliance of great vessels can be studied through the Doppler evaluation of pulsed wave velocity along the arterial tree.
  • (2) The only sign of life was excavators loading trees on to barges to take to pulp mills.
  • (3) These findings suggest that aerosolization of ATP into the cystic fibrosis-affected bronchial tree might be hazardous in terms of enhancement of parenchymal damage, which would result from neutrophil elastase release, and in terms of impaired respiratory lung function.
  • (4) While there has been almost no political reform during their terms of office, there have been several ambitious steps forward in terms of environmental policy: anti-desertification campaigns; tree planting; an environmental transparency law; adoption of carbon targets; eco-services compensation; eco accounting; caps on water; lower economic growth targets; the 12th Five-Year Plan; debate and increased monitoring of PM2.5 [fine particulate matter] and huge investments in eco-cities, "clean car" manufacturing, public transport, energy-saving devices and renewable technology.
  • (5) Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is characterized by an absence of seromucous glands in the oropharynx and tracheobronchial tree, making children with this disease prone to viral and bacterial respiratory infections.
  • (6) Celebrity woodlanders Tax breaks and tree-hugging already draw the wealthy and well-known to buy British forests.
  • (7) A new family tree of the tyrannosaurs in the paper considers Lythronax to be very close to Tyrannosaurus and its nearest relatives.
  • (8) Increasing awareness of disorders such as coronary arterial spasm, functional impairment of subendocardial blood flow and the possible role of variant patterns of anatomic distribution of the coronary arterial tree, will provide a better understanding of their significance as determining or contributing factors in patients with the anginal syndrome.
  • (9) It's of her and Barack Obama planting an olive tree in Uhuru park in the city centre in October 2006.
  • (10) The alterations of dendritic trees of pyramidal neurons of layer III of visual cortex of the rat exposed to the influence of space flight aboard biosputnik "Cosmos-1887" were studied and the results are described to illustrate the methods power.
  • (11) The trachea and the bronchial tree (first through seventh order branches) both synthesized alpha1(II) chains.
  • (12) Using a large clinic population with adequate controls, significant correlation between ragweed, grass or tree pollen sensitivity and the dates of birth was not obtained.
  • (13) The criteria selected by a classification tree method were similar: palpable purpura, age less than or equal to 20 years at disease onset, biopsy showing granulocytes around arterioles or venules, and gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • (14) The results are consistent with an action of banana tree juice on the molecule responsible for excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle, resulting in a labilization of intracellular Ca2+.
  • (15) Studying the bronchial tree on the chest x-ray it is possible to indicate the visceral situs with asplenia or with polysplenia.
  • (16) Reconstruction of the intrahepatic biliary tree was carried out in all patients using intrahepatic cholangiojejunostomies between common segmental hepatic stomata and a Roux-en-Y jejunal loop.
  • (17) Axonal trees display differential growth during development or regeneration; that is, some branches stop growing and often retract while other branches continue to grow and form stable synaptic connections.
  • (18) When the vascular supply is abnormal, reconstruction of the vascular tree of one or both organs may be needed.
  • (19) A major outbreak in Kent in 2012 saw 2,000 trees felled.
  • (20) "We are alarmed to see the government is even wavering about continuing its programme of tracing, testing and destroying infected young ash trees.

Words possibly related to "poon"

Words possibly related to "tree"