What's the difference between preeminence and superiority?



  • (n.) The quality or state of being preeminent; superiority in prominence or in excellence; distinction above others in quality, rank, etc.; rarely, in a bad sense, superiority or notoriety in evil; as, preeminence in honor.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The difficulty in reconciling these results with the preeminent role assigned to the hypothalamus in the organization of predatory aggressive behavior was considered.
  • (2) 1) Neurophysiological abnormalities in patients with renal failure are being investigated because a) it is the nervous system which preeminently produces the phenomena of clinical uremia that dialysis affects and b) objective quantitative measures of such functions are generally lacking and are needed to provide objective evidence for adequacy of dialysis and other treatment measures in uremic patients.
  • (3) Recent trends in psychiatry, such as shorter hospitalization and the renewed preeminence of biological treatments, are changing the practice of psychiatric nursing.
  • (4) In extreme anticipatory condensation--what I do propose, from my own reflections, is the preeminent importance of an archaic characterological core in depressive illness.
  • (5) It is certain to continue to be the preeminent factor in control of the disease in others.
  • (6) The fourth premise is expressed succinctly in the 11 principles outlined in the 1983 AAMC monograph "Preserving America's Preeminence in Medical Research," which places important responsibilities for the collective success of the U.S. research program on all of the various components of society.
  • (7) Visual impairments have a preeminent place in gerontology because they are a constant feature of the aging process.
  • (8) Consequently, these indicators should never be viewed in isolation or be given preeminence over clinical judgment.
  • (9) They point out the obvious preeminence of arterial disease on venous ones, and discuss about the panel of therapy association usable.
  • (10) Among the many technical issues dealt with in this symposium, two clinical problems are preeminent--how is schizophrenia defined and what is meant by outcome?
  • (11) The ABR threshold evoked by an unmasked click stimulus is, therefore, preeminently useful as a high-frequency point of a two-point audiogram.
  • (12) Patients with Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus and a strong family history of the disease may represent a sub-group where genetic factors play a preeminent role in transmission of the disease.
  • (13) Prostate specific antigen (PSA) has replaced prostatic acid phosphatase as the preeminent clinical tumor marker in the management of patients with prostate cancer.
  • (14) The authors describe a periodicity of one to two decades in which one of the schools achieves preeminence over the others, consolidates its position in medical education and with the community at large, comes under fire for failing to provide solutions to the problems of the mentally ill, and finally experiences a decline of its influence and prestige.
  • (15) William Ellergy Briggs was California's preeminent ophthalmologist for more than fifty years.
  • (16) Assuming pK'RH = PH beta max, the calculated fractional dissociation of RH, alpha RH, was constant between 0 and 30 degrees C. The nature of RH is discussed in relation with Reeves's hypothesis concerning the preeminence of protein imidazole groups in the regulation of extra- and intracellular pH.
  • (17) The 1980s has been a critical decade for the management of acute myocardial infarction (MI) because of the concentration in a very short time span of innovative results produced by a new generation of trials, in which thrombolysis has been the preeminent topic.
  • (18) This aspect was once considered as a secondary feature in respect to the severity of prognosis quod vitam of the subjects affected with cancer, while now, with a significant increase of survival, it is preeminent that there be the possibility to offer these patients an acceptable quality of life under both physical and social profiles.
  • (19) Once dependent on the educational and professional resources of other countries, by the end of World War II the United States was recognized as one of the preeminent centers of the world for medical science and teaching.
  • (20) Its preeminent effects are increased pain threshold and alpha-adrenergic blockade.



  • (n.) The quality, state, or condition of being superior; as, superiority of rank; superiority in merit.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The bank tellers who saw their positions filled by male superiors took special pleasure in going to the bank and keeping them busy.
  • (2) Intravesical BCG is clearly superior to oral BCG, and controlled studies have demonstrated that percutaneous administration is not necessary.
  • (3) This is an easy, safe, and rapid alternative for the emergent treatment of superior vena caval syndrome.
  • (4) The insertions of the sternocleidomastoid, the splenius capitis, the longissimus capitis and the obliquus capitis superior muscles were measured.
  • (5) Long term follow up of extracapsular extraction showed visual results superior to those previously reported for intracapsular extraction.
  • (6) The guanethidine treatment resulted in an 86% absolute reduction in cell number in the superior cervical ganglia of 15 day old rats.
  • (7) The superior mesenteric artery and the abdominal aorta made the mean angle of 35.5 degree in patients with normal left renal vein, the mean angle of 45.4 degrees in those with left renal vein compression without nutcracker phenomenon, and the mean angle of 11.9 degrees in those with nutcracker phenomenon.
  • (8) While the heaviest anterogradely labeled ascending projections were observed to the contralateral ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus, pars oralis (VPLo), efferent projections were also observed to the contralateral ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VLc) and central lateral (CL) nucleus of the thalamic intralaminar complex, magnocellular (and to a lesser extent parvicellular) red nucleus, nucleus of Darkschewitsch, zona incerta, nucleus of the posterior commissure, lateral intermediate layer and deep layer of the superior colliculus, dorsolateral periaqueductal gray, contralateral nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and basilar pontine nuclei (especially dorsal and peduncular), and dorsal (DAO) and medial (MAO) accessory olivary nuclei, ipsilateral lateral (external) cuneate nucleus (LCN) and lateral reticular nucleus (LRN), and to a lesser extent the caudal medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) and caudal nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH), and dorsal medullary raphe.
  • (9) It is usually associated with a left superior caval vein draining into the coronary sinus and is frequently part of a complex congenital malformation of the heart.
  • (10) Following injections of HRP into the apex of the heart, the sinoatrial (SA) nodal region and the ventral wall of the right ventricle, we observed that HRP-labeled sympathetic neurons were localized predominantly in the right stellate ganglia, and to a lesser extent, in the right superior and middle cervical ganglia, and left stellate ganglia.
  • (11) Superior results have been achieved utilizing alternative regimens that include VP-16, the most effective new agent.
  • (12) Both SUC and CIM were superior to placebo (p less than .001).
  • (13) The molar refractivity has been shown to be a superior parameter for the description of the activity of sulphonamides than the sum of electronegativities of atoms making up a heterocyclic substituent in the sulphonamide molecule and molecular weight of the substituent.
  • (14) In this study, the overall effect of amiodarone on ventricular arrhythmias following MI was shown to be superior to that of propranolol.
  • (15) This early elevation in IOP was significantly more pronounced in bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomized (BG) rabbits.
  • (16) Key therapeutic questions are whether beta-lactams can safely replace aminoglycosides for the treatment of gram-negative pneumonia, and whether monotherapy or aminoglycoside and beta-lactam combination antibiotic treatment is superior.
  • (17) Thus, the decreased hyperemic response after arrest suggests a reduced energetic debt with CSC compared with ARC and may indicate superior myocardial protection with CSC.
  • (18) Donor organs were anastomosed parallel to the recipient's heart and right lung, and the superior vena cava inflow was directed into the transplanted heart-left lung block after ligation of the recipient's superior vena cava proximal to the caval anastomosis.
  • (19) Superior memory for the word list was found when the odor present during the relearning session was the same one that had been present at the time of initial learning, thereby demonstrating context-dependent memory.
  • (20) The normal anatomical position of the point of junction of the superficial cerebral veins with the superior sagittal and transverse sinuses of the rat was studied with an analytical mathematical method.