What's the difference between preferential and referential?



  • (a.) Giving, indicating, or having a preference or precedence; as, a preferential claim; preferential shares.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) As prolongation of the action potential by TEA facilitates preferentially the hormone release evoked by low (ineffective) frequencies, it is suggested that a frequency-dependent broadening of action potentials which reportedly occurs on neurosecretory neurones may play an important role in the frequency-dependent facilitation of hormone release from the rat neurohypophysis.
  • (2) At 24 or 48 hours after ischemia, 63Ni, 99TcO4, and 22Na were preferentially concentrated in the damaged striatum and hippocampus, whereas 65Zn, 59Fe, 32PO4, and 147Pm did not accumulate in irreversibly injured tissue.
  • (3) Cyclosporine is a fungal endecapeptide of novel chemical structure that causes preferential inhibition of T helper cells.
  • (4) The results are discussed in terms of a two-site model in which separate, but interacting, regions exist on the enzyme to accommodate the adenosine and nicotinamide moieties of NAD, and a single-site model in which the adenosine part of the molecule is bound preferentially and this interacts with the nicotinamide fraction.
  • (5) The pharmacological effects characterize reproterol as a bronchospasmolytic with preferential impact on the adrenergic beta2-receptors.
  • (6) The toxins preferentially attenuate a slow phase of KCl-evoked glutamate release which may be associated with synaptic vesicle mobilization.
  • (7) Furthermore it is this small compartment that is preferentially radioactively labelled during short-term incubations with radioactively labelled precursors.
  • (8) Early in the infection, the 5'-most site, L1, is used preferentially, whereas late in infection, all sites are used equivalently.
  • (9) If these is the case the Ir gene (genes) would be the Keystone for maintaining the preferential associations of some pseudoalleles in some haplotypes.
  • (10) Jacalin preferentially bound to alpha-linked non-reducing D-galactose.
  • (11) We report that kainic acid lesions of the posterior corpus striatum, which preferentially spare fibers of passage while destroying striatopallidal neurons, produce a stimulus-sensitive movement pattern in rats that has a highly specific sensory trigger.
  • (12) The chiral intercalators, at micromolar concentrations, inhibit the reaction of EcoRI, but for each enantiomeric pair it is the lambda enantiomer, which binds only poorly to a B-DNA helix, that inhibits EcoRI preferentially.
  • (13) It was found that the use of a pH 9.6 buffer during the coating of ELISA plates led to the dissociation of virions into subunits which bound preferentially to the solid phase.
  • (14) We speculate that the preferential rupture of the H2B-H4 contact is of physiological significance.
  • (15) Glial siphoning can distribute the potassium preferentially toward the blood vessels in the area, leading to an elevation in potassium concentration in the ECF surrounding the vascular smooth muscle of the arterioles.
  • (16) Steep longitudinal and transverse gradients of glycogen are known to exist in the organ of Corti of the guinea pig, with preferential accumulation in the outer hair cells of the apical turns.
  • (17) SPE A preferentially activated T cells expressing V beta 8 but not V beta 3, 6, or 11, while SPEs B and C preferentially stimulated T cells which did not express any of the tested V beta s.
  • (18) Simultaneous metabolic studies of human normal fibrinogen and asialofibrinogen in rabbits revealed only a modest decrease in the half-life of the asialoprotein compared to the intact protein, with no preferential uptake of the asialo-derivative by the liver.
  • (19) When fermented in preferential media it produces geldanamycin, nigericin, nocardamine, and a libanamycin-like activity.
  • (20) Rule-abiding parents can get a monthly stipend, extra pension benefits when they are older, preferential hospital treatment, first choice for government jobs, extra land allowances and, in some case, free homes and a tonne of free water a month.



  • (a.) Containing a reference; pointing to something out of itself; as, notes for referential use.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In another treatment, the same students were assigned single-level study guides that did not contain referential cues, with the guides implemented as an independent activity.
  • (2) Intricate is the key word, as screwball dialogue plays off layered wordplay, recurring jokes and referential callbacks to build to the sort of laughs that hit you twice: an initial belly laugh followed, a few minutes later, by the crafty laugh of recognition.
  • (3) The main effects and interactions of speech and gesture in combination with quantitative models of performance showed the following similarities in information processing between preschoolers and adults: (1) referential evaluation of gestures occurs independently of the evaluation of linguistic reference; (2) speech and gesture are continuous, rather than discrete, sources of information; (3) 5-year-olds and adults combine the two types of information in such a way that the least ambiguous source has the most impact on the judgment.
  • (4) In this paper are proposed the normal referential values of MN-SSEP in children.
  • (5) The meeting, which was only open to the press for about 12 minutes, resembled most of Trump’s interactions with the black community to date: self-referential and placing style ahead of substance, to the chagrin of civil rights advocates.
  • (6) The need for an immunophenotypical referential framework relative to lymphoid follicle has led us to apply a panel of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, by means of a sensitive immunostaining method.
  • (7) At the Air Force Human Resources Laboratory (AFHRL), our researchers are building computer environments that know what they know, know how people can best use them, and know how to draw inferences about their state--self-referential electronic tutors.
  • (8) The role of these two mechanisms in mediating other referential access phenomena is also discussed.
  • (9) The relation between sensorimotor attainments and linguistic development in children using referential speech at the single- and two-word utterance levels was examined.
  • (10) Performance on the referential tasks was used to derive measures of communication success, learning, and efficiency.
  • (11) Both groups of deaf children performed at near perfect levels on the picture recognition task, suggesting that performance differences were attributable to differential message formulation skill as opposed to differential visual processing of the referential array.
  • (12) Those against simplified texts argue that the problem of figurative language control is not one of linguistic complexity, but one of cognitive processing: deaf children can grasp inferred or indirect meaning so long as the referential domain is made clear.
  • (13) Thus, concepts introduced with the indefinite this were more accessible; therefore, the indefinite this appears to operate cataphorically to improve referential access.
  • (14) The importance of comparison and message-formulation skills in referential communication was studied with severely mentally retarded children.
  • (15) The results presented as well as the referential ones suggest the better response to therapy and longer survival of patients with planocellular bronchial carcinoma in whom higher therapeutical irradiation dose was applied (60 Gy).
  • (16) Polarity of the referential component C was inverted between STh-Th and DTh and between OFH and STR while that of referential components D and E remained unchanged along all subcortical structures.
  • (17) The standing posture of 17 young men and women were studied using Barycentremeter measurements and full spine radiograph with a single referential system.
  • (18) For all subjects, however, the load effect on other-referential judgment latencies was smaller for nondepressed-content adjectives than for depressed-content adjectives.
  • (19) The present studies investigated the anaphoric inferences that occur during comprehension of figurative referential descriptions.
  • (20) But this book also has two more distinctly self-referential (and fourth-wall breaking) connections.

Words possibly related to "referential"