What's the difference between premarital and prenuptial?
Example Sentences:
(1) Because of early age at initiation of intercourse and associated nonuse of contraception, half of first premarital pregnancies to teens occur in the first six months after they begin coitus; one-fifth occur in the first month.
(2) Among black females, those with a premarital birth are the first to suffer a marital disruption, but by the end of ten years there is little difference in the probability of separation among the three marital status groups.
(3) The incidence of premarital sexual relations was greater among the frigid patients when compared with those who achieved orgasm.
(4) Literature on premarital heterosexual intercourse suggest increases in its incidence, frequency and acceptance among college-aged youth.
(5) The performance of the PHA system in determining immunity to rubella was evaluated by comparing the PHA results and HI results on 1, 086 randomly selected sera submitted for routine premarital and prenatal testing.
(6) Perceived effectiveness of premarital counseling was found to be related to duration of counseling in hours and to the degree to which the program was seen as voluntary.
(7) Relatively few premaritally sexually active women attempted to avoid pregnancy by using a contraceptive method, although premarital contraceptive use is more common in younger cohorts, and among more educated women.
(8) Research on changes in attitudes toward premarital sexual behavior examine either (1) changes in attitudes of college students over a relatively short period of time or (2) changes in attitudes of adult nonstudent populations over long periods of time using noncomparable data sources.
(9) We conclude that compared with other HIV prevention programs mandatory premarital screening would be expensive and would probably have a minor impact on the HIV epidemic.
(10) Puerto Rican women living in metropolitan New York were at greatest risk of having a premarital birth (cumulative hazard rate at age 24=.2) then those living in Puerto Rico (.1) followed by Dominican women (.05).
(11) Permission to marry must be given by the supervisor of the workplace and a premarital examinaton is required to rule out heriditary diseases.
(12) Among other findings, cumulative incidence of masturbation was 68.1% and that of premarital coitus 33.6%.
(13) The effectiveness of premarital screening program for HIV infection is discussed, in relation to hypothetical objectives: improvement of individual health, prevention of transmission of HIV infection and estimate of prevalence among sexually active population.
(14) They were divided into two groups, according to the premarital migration of the couple.
(15) It was determined that 30% of a cross section of teenage women have had premarital intercourse and 58% of those married had premarital intercourse.
(16) Students in 1972, compared with those in 1968, reported (1) more permissive attitudes toward premarital sexual behavior (both men and women), (2) fewer differences in attitudes between men and women, and (3) less adherence to the "double standard."
(17) Multiple regression analyses, controlling for premarital relationship satisfaction, showed affective Disengagement at premarriage to be negatively associated with marital satisfaction at 18 (n = 84) and 30 (n = 72) months after marriage.
(18) Ninety-two premarital medical examines, which include 46 self-paid persons and 46 government paid (subsidized by the Department of Health) visited the Family Clinic.
(19) They can handle hygienic problems and health problems common in their area, for example, certain infections as well as premarital health checkups to ascertain that the prospective parents are healthy and do not suffer from genetic diseases.
(20) Research based on the NSFG suggests that this is a result both of the rapid increase in the percentage of women who have premarital intercourse and of the increasing length of exposure to premarital pregnancy.