(a.) Too valuable to admit of being appraised; of inestimable worth; invaluable.
(a.) Of no value; worthless.
Example Sentences:
(1) However, as the same task confronts the Lib Dems, do we not now have a priceless opportunity to bring the two parties together to undertake a fundamental rethink of the way social democratic principles and policies can be made relevant to modern society.
(2) The exhibition will include the earliest roadside pillar box erected on the mainland – in 1853, a year after the first went up in Jersey in the Channel Isles – and unique and priceless sheets of Penny Black stamps.
(3) The indices of brain metabolism such as cerebral blood flow (rCBF), cerebral metabolic rate of glucose or oxygen (CMRG, CMRO2) are noninvasively measured by PET offering priceless information for diagnosing brain dysfunction such as ischemia, degeneration, psychosis, or epilepsy.
(4) In the 1900s, several hundred tonnes of soil were removed from the cave to open it up as a tourist attraction, a move that may have destroyed priceless ancient remains.
(5) The city's huge and priceless cultural heritage, a legacy of its medieval status as an African equivalent to Oxford or Cambridge, complete with bustling university, was little known in the outside world, with even the French, Mali's colonial rulers until 1960, carrying away some manuscripts to museums but doing little to unearth the full story behind them.
(6) We believe that Roger can best be honoured by redoubling our commitment to protect elephants and our priceless wildlife heritage.
(7) It is almost impossible to set fixed prices for such priceless items as human organs.
(8) However, if C5's Big Brother revamp produces a new Nasty Nick, or priceless moments like George Galloway pretending to be a cat, then viewers will return and the newspapers will have little option but to cover it.
(9) Hong Kong today is as buoyant and confident as ever, comfortable in the knowledge that China's growth is sufficient to help sustain both itself and Shanghai, and aware too that the rule of law gives it priceless advantages.
(10) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a poem that succeeds through a series of vivid contrasts: standard English contrasting with colloquial speech; the devotion and virtue of the young knight contrasting with the growling threats of his green foe; exchanges of courtly love contrasting with none-too-subtle sexual innuendo; exquisite robes and priceless crowns contrasting with spurting blood and the steaming organs of butchered animals; polite, indoor society contrasting with the untamed, unpredictable outdoors.
(11) Newcastle’s only meaningful attack of the entire 90 minutes handed them a priceless away victory, when Ayoze Pérez fired his third goal of the season past the Bournemouth goalkeeper, Adam Federici, who should have done better.
(12) Nevertheless, Mourinho’s players return with the priceless commodity of match minutes in their legs and double training sessions in their lungs.
(13) China’s public will be encouraged to swoon over the silver-gilt candelabra adorning the royal banquet table, the flower arrangements inspected personally by the Queen, the priceless gold vessels displayed as a sign of respect for the guest of honour’s exalted rank.
(14) But that economic competence rating is priceless all the same.
(15) By his nearly inborn knowledge of anatomy, tissue consistency and texture, the surgeon has a priceless advantage to learn, practice and teach endoscopy.
(16) His double in Tbilisi in his manager’s first competitive game – he also scored in the 62-year-old’s first friendly against Latvia in November last year – increased his relatively meagre tally significantly, and the second of them proved priceless.
(17) In addition, the cost in human suffering is priceless.
(18) Earlier this year, as he and co-stars addressed the media to promote the film The Monuments Men – which tells the story of how a team of allied men and women helped recover priceless artworks stolen by the Nazis – Clooney took the audience by surprise when he said the sculptures belonged to Athens.
(19) Anyone looking for simple, rustic, affordable experiences in priceless locations will find they’re in luck.
(20) All the fans have been amazing and proud to have shared priceless moments February 3, 2015 The decision is the latest in a series of changes at the club.
(a.) Destitute of worth; having no value, virtue, excellence, dignity, or the like; undeserving; valueless; useless; vile; mean; as, a worthless garment; a worthless ship; a worthless man or woman; a worthless magistrate.
Example Sentences:
(1) KR: She was truly in a conundrum because without the app, she felt too worthless to try and fix it by installing an update.
(2) The lack of Ab2 anti-Ab1 anti-HLA makes worthless the utilization of such preparations for neutralization of Ab1 present in highly sensitized dialysis patients or suppression of their production in transplanted patients in contrast with the previous reports suggesting this possibility.
(3) Former Labour science minister Lord Sainsbury said any assurances would be "frankly meaningless" given Pfizer's history of asset-stripping.Allan Black, of the GMB union which represents workers at AstraZenea's Macclesfield factory, said of Pfizer's latest pledges: "Similar undertakings were given by US multinationals before which have proved to be worthless."
(4) The biggest loser could be the state-owned oil company Rosneft, which bought Yukos assets in auctions when the latter's stock was almost worthless.
(5) Nobody is sure what dangerous chemical imbalance this would create but the Fiver is convinced we'd all be dust come October or November, the earth scorched, with only three survivors roaming o'er the barren landscape: Govan's answer to King Lear, ranting into a hole in the ground; a mute, wild-eyed pundit, staring without blinking into a hole in the ground; and a tall, irritable figure standing in front of the pair of them, screaming in the style popularised by Klaus Kinski, demanding they take a look at his goddamn trouser arrangement, which he has balanced here on the platform of his hand for easy perusal, or to hell with them, for they are no better than pigs, worthless, spineless pigs.
(6) Where we revere and anthropomorphise such brutal predators as sharks, tigers and bears, we view these tiny ectoparasites as worthless, an evolutionary accident with no redeeming or adorable characteristics.
(7) In addition to the climate risk, the Bank of England and others argue that fossil fuel assets may pose a “huge risk” to pension funds and other investors as they could be rendered worthless by action to slash carbon emissions.
(8) We have to acknowledge that it's extremely hard to build a regular city from scratch.” Furthermore, some experts say that certified green buildings and pedestrian-friendly roads are a worthless patch for China’s environmental woes, not a solution.
(9) His comments came as voucher experts said consumers have probably lost at least £100m in now worthless HMV vouchers.
(10) Chris Leslie, Labour's shadow financial secretary to the Treasury, said: "Nobody doubts that Stephen Hester has done some important things at RBS, but what this award shows is David Cameron's promises about reining in excessive bonuses at state-owned banks or using shareholder power have proved to be utterly worthless.
(11) The drop in ventricular septal temperature was so small that topical hypothermia, by itself, may be worthless.
(12) The responses to the upper half field stimulation showed greatest variation making the VEP recording worthless in detecting altitudinal visual field defects.
(13) The future of Game Group is hanging by a thread after it filed for administration and admitted the business was worthless, jeopardising 6,000 jobs in the UK.
(14) But it is all merely worthless and meaningless froth while the city council permits a gateway to hell to do brisk business just a few streets away.
(15) If we look at who has what in Syria, you will see that Isis is only controlling the desert, and it is worthless.
(16) "He had no job, he didn't go on holiday … he felt worthless … Thank you, Theresa May , from the bottom of my heart – I always knew you had the strength and courage to do the right thing."
(17) But companies spent $670bn (£436bn) in 2013 alone searching for more fossil fuels, investments that could be worthless if action on global warming slashes allowed emissions.
(18) It's all there: sexual and social confusion, vulnerability and violence, alienation and loneliness, the oscillation between feeling abject and worthless and wanting to take over the world, the fantasies of power and revenge.
(19) In May, the then prime minister, Naoto Kan, ordered the killing of livestock by lethal injection after radiation made them commercially worthless.
(20) I have been charged very little but I'm concerned that many people holidaying in France will book their car through Firefly, only to discover that their booking is worthless because they cannot drive across the border.