(n.) A little prick; a small, sharp point; a fine, sharp process or projection, as from the skin of an animal, the bark of a plant, etc.; a spine.
(n.) A kind of willow basket; -- a term still used in some branches of trade.
(n.) A sieve of filberts, -- about fifty pounds.
(v. t.) To prick slightly, as with prickles, or fine, sharp points.
Example Sentences:
(1) Some peculiarities in the ultrastructure of these neurones were described as the presence of prickles, fringes.
(2) Single-unit sensory nerve recordings from the rabbit saphenous nerve were used to identify the receptors responsible for fabric-evoked prickle.
(3) Prickle cell masses invaded into the soft tissue in the deeper layer.
(4) In some of the distal and middle dendrites and dendritic spines [correction of prickles] in elderly ground squirrels there were plaques, composed of electron-dense material with structure similar to postsynaptic condensations, but without presynaptic specializations of chemical synapses.
(5) Desmosomes are most frequent in the prickle cell layer, where desmosome fields may occur, and in the lower functional cell layer.
(6) Membrane coating granules first reaching a maximum in the functional cell layer appeared in the upper prickle cell layer and few persisted into the surface cells.
(7) Oral discomfort such as prickling and burning sensations, metallic and bad taste was rare in both diabetics and non-diabetics.
(8) Gap junctions (nexuses) were observed primarily in the basal and prickle cell layers.
(9) Beginning to feel the first prickles of boredom, I thought of young Nathan, for whom Minecraft was life, until it wasn't.
(10) The emigrating ERM from PDL explants, as well as occasional proliferating ERM within explants, consisted of two cell types--outer basal-like cells, as described above, and inner tonofilament-rich prickle-like cells, suggesting a propensity for differentiation of ERM.
(11) Three layers were identified, as in the light microscopy of the oesophageal epithelium: basal, prickle and funtional cell layers.
(12) This system was attached to the upper arms of young adult volunteers who increased the voltage of the rectangular electrical pulses supplied to the electrodes until a reproducible sharp prickling pain sensation was perceived.
(13) Various cells were observed in expanded intercellular spaces of basal cell and prickle cell layers.
(14) CRBP concentrations were highest in maturing keratinocytes within the prickle cell layers of normal mucosa and in laryngeal papillomas, as estimated on the basis of immunoreactivity to CRBP.
(15) The fluid phase marker was taken up most avidly by the prickle cells but to a lesser extent in the functional layers and by basal cells.
(16) Light microscopical findings: Leukoplakia exhibited orthokeratinization and the thickening of prickle and corneal cell layers was seen.
(17) Prickling of the skin and hirsutism were common side-effects.
(18) In all sections of leukoplakia, the positive cells for EGFr were found in the prickle cell layer in addition to the basal cell layer.
(19) Each subject judged only one single pair with respect to which one tasted more fizzy ("spritziger"), dry ("trockener"), prickling ("prickelnder") and better ("besser").
(20) Untoward effects experienced in volunteers receiving BW 942C included heaviness in the limbs, nasal stuffiness, mouth dryness, facial flushing, skin rash, and prickling sensations.
(n.) A hard and sharp-pointed projection from a woody stem; usually, a branch so transformed; a spine.
(n.) Any shrub or small tree which bears thorns; especially, any species of the genus Crataegus, as the hawthorn, whitethorn, cockspur thorn.
(n.) Fig.: That which pricks or annoys as a thorn; anything troublesome; trouble; care.
(n.) The name of the Anglo-Saxon letter /, capital form /. It was used to represent both of the sounds of English th, as in thin, then. So called because it was the initial letter of thorn, a spine.
(v. t.) To prick, as with a thorn.
Example Sentences:
(1) But the outspoken journalist and human rights activist has long been a thorn in Ali Abdullah Saleh's side, agitating for press freedoms and staging weekly sit-ins to demand the release of political prisoners from jail – a place she has been several times herself.
(2) Daballen navigates the jeep between thorn bushes and over furrows, guided by a rising moon and his intimate knowledge of the terrain.
(3) Adoption and fostering: ‘The best thing you have ever done’ Read more The process of adopting disabled children was much harder when she first did it in the 1980s, Thorn says, adding that people tended to be bemused as to why any parent would volunteer for the additional work involved in bringing up children with varying needs.
(4) Puncture wounds were cuased in 9 patients by sea urchin spines and 1 patient by a date palm thorn.
(5) Supporters said they were not surprised she had been let go as she had become “a thorn in the flesh” of the DfE after speaking out against government policies.
(6) The call by Denmark’s prime minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, for the country to stand together echoes the Norwegian response after the massacre at Utøya .
(7) Sperm motion was analysed using the Hamilton-Thorn system before and after incubation and treatment.
(8) Three cases are reported in which pseudotumours developed in the hand following injury by oil palm thorns.
(9) Since becoming Denmark's first female prime minister two years ago, Thorning-Schmidt has had to contend with the media nickname of "Gucci Helle", so called because of her fondness for designer clothes.
(10) Wyden and Udall have been thorns in the side of the intelligence community, using their position on the committee, which permits them privileged access to classified briefings, to repeatedly challenge senior officials on the accuracy of their public testimony.
(11) He said police reports in Sweden showed SW had told a friend, Marie Thorn, that she felt police and others around her "railroaded her" into pressing charges.
(12) Although reviewers' letters may be considered an unnecessary thorn in the side, the improved practice that has resulted from these efforts gives strong support to their continued activities.
(13) In layers V and VI they mainly contact with the dendrite trunks and with the nervous cell bodies and more rarely with thorns.
(14) They gradually displayed active membrane pseudopodia, thorn-like processes and petal-like ruffles after 2 h to 4 h of cultivation.
(15) Other names circulating in EU capitals for the top commission job include the Irish prime minister, Enda Kenny, the outgoing Finnish prime minister on the centre-right, Jyrki Katainen, and the Danish prime minister on the centre-left, Helle Thorning-Schmidt.
(16) Across this relatively peaceful corner of the Horn of Africa, where black-headed sheep scamper among the thorn bushes, dainty gerenuk balance on their hind legs to nibble from hardy shrubs, and skinny camels wearing rough-hewn bells lumber over rocky slopes, people long accustomed to a harsh environment find they cannot cope after years of below-average rainfall.
(17) Synovectomy and removal of the plant thorn usually results in normal joint function.
(18) But, as Aimee Thorne-Thomsen, the vice president for strategic partnerships at Advocates for Youth, wrote in 2010 , rather than focus on if abortion is rare enough to make enough people comfortable, "What if we stopped focusing on the number of abortions and instead focused on the women themselves?"
(19) One teacher, who was hiding in a closet in the math lab, heard Thorne yell, "Put the gun down!"
(20) Based on a correlative radiographic and histologic slab study of the wrists in 50 infants who died of unrelated diseases, the author's chief conclusions are as follow: 1) On the wrist radiograph of the infant, bone bark in the Ranvier's groove may appear as a "thorn-like" bony process on the margins of the metaphysis of the radius and ulna.