What's the difference between procedure and routine?



  • (n.) The act or manner of proceeding or moving forward; progress; process; operation; conduct.
  • (n.) A step taken; an act performed; a proceeding; the steps taken in an action or other legal proceeding.
  • (n.) That which results; issue; product.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In this paper, we show representative experiments illustrating some characteristics of the procedure which may have wide application in clinical microbiology.
  • (2) The procedure was used on 71 occasions, and in each case a clinical diagnosis was made and compared with the cytological diagnosis made independently by a pathologist.
  • (3) All the women had vaginal ultrasound velocimetry studies in both mainstem uterine arteries through the parametrium before the surgical procedure and again after the procedure.
  • (4) The procedure used in our laboratory was not able to provide accurate determination of the concentrations of these binding forms.
  • (5) Recovery of CV-3988 from plasma averaged 81.7% for the column procedure and 40% for the organic extraction.
  • (6) These authors, therefore, conclude that this modified surgical approach is a viable alternative to the previously described procedures for resistant metatarsus adductus.
  • (7) We have developed a new procedure for the rapid preparation of undegraded total RNA from cultured cells for specific quantitation by dot blotting analysis.
  • (8) A chronic cannulation procedure is described which allows for sampling vomeronasal organ (VNO) contents repeatedly in freely moving conscious subjects.
  • (9) In this study, standby and prophylactic patients had comparable success and major complication rates, but procedural morbidity was more frequent in prophylactic patients.
  • (10) Time-series analysis and multiple-regression modeling procedures were used to characterize changes in the overall incidence rate over the study period and to describe the contribution of additional measures to the dynamics of the incidence rates.
  • (11) Breast reconstruction should not be limited to the requiring patients, but should represent, in selected cases with favourable prognosis, an integrative and complementary procedure of the treatment.
  • (12) We have measured the antibody specificities to the two polysaccharides in sera from asymptomatic group C meningococcal carriers and vaccinated adults by a new enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) procedure using methylated human serum albumin for coating the group C polysaccharide onto microtiter plates.
  • (13) An axillo-axillary bypass procedure was performed in a high-risk patient with innominate arterial stenosis who had repeated episodes of transient cerebral ischemia due to decreased blood flow through the right carotid artery and reversal of blood flow through the right vertebral artery.
  • (14) During the procedure, acute respiratory failure developed as a result of tracheal obstruction.
  • (15) Our experience indicates that lateral rhinotomy is a safe, repeatable and cosmetically sound procedure that provides and excellent surgical approach to the nasal cavity and sinuses.
  • (16) Average fluoroscopy time per procedure was 27.8 minutes of which 15.1 minutes were for nephrostomy tube insertion and 12.7 minutes were for calculi extraction.
  • (17) The result of this study demonstrates that both the "hat" and "inverted" type grafts are highly successful and satisfactory procedures.
  • (18) This mobilization procedure allowed transfer and expression of pJT1 Ag+ resistance in E. coli C600.
  • (19) "The proposed 'reform' is designed to legitimise this blatantly unfair, police state practice, while leaving the rest of the criminal procedure law as misleading decoration," said Professor Jerome Cohen, an expert on China at New York University's School of Law.
  • (20) Midtrimester abortion by the dilatation and evacuation (D&E) method has generated controversy among health care providers; many authorities insist that this procedure should be performed only by a small group of experts.



  • (n.) A round of business, amusement, or pleasure, daily or frequently pursued; especially, a course of business or offical duties regularly or frequently returning.
  • (n.) Any regular course of action or procedure rigidly adhered to by the mere force of habit.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) If the method was taken into routine use in a diagnostic laboratory, the persistence of reverse passive haemagglutination reactions would enable grouping results to be checked for quality control purposes.
  • (2) The inquiry found the law enforcement agencies routinely fail to record the professions of those whose communications data records they access under Ripa.
  • (3) All of the nude mice developed paraplegia with or without incontinence at 2 weeks and routinely died of inanition 3 weeks postimplantation.
  • (4) The present retrospective study reports the results of a survey conducted on 130 patients given elective abdominal and urinary surgery together with the cultivation of routine intraperitoneal drainage material.
  • (5) There are widespread examples across the US of the police routinely neglecting crimes of sexual violence and refusing to believe victims.
  • (6) This implementation reduced a formidable task to a relatively routine run.
  • (7) These unusual fractures are not easily detected on the routine three-view "hand-series."
  • (8) The study included fifty children, aged six to fourteen years, selected from patients seeking routine dental care at Children's Hospital National Medical Center.
  • (9) A newborn presenting with persistent umbilical stump bleeding should be screened for factor XIII deficiency when routine coagulation tests prove normal.
  • (10) It was found to be convenient for routine laboratory use and increased the yield of positive plate cultures in specimens without antibiotics from 53 to 75% (P less than 0.01) and in specimens containing antibiotics from 24 to 38% (P less than 0.05).
  • (11) For routine use, 50 mul of 12% BTV SRBC, 0.1 ml of a spleen cell suspension, and 0.5 ml of 0.5% agarose in a balanced salt solution were mixed and plated on a microscope slide precoated with 0.1% aqueous agarose.
  • (12) The effect of exclusion versus inclusion of the fiducial timing point optimizing routine in the signal averaging program was examined in 21 patients.
  • (13) Since this test is easily performed and hardly stresses the patient, it should routinely be the initial one for the diagnosis of renal osteopathy.
  • (14) This study suggests that the BD VACUTAINER agar slant is an acceptable alternative to the Septi-Chek system for routine blood cultures.
  • (15) The possibility of unequivocally detecting syncytium-inducing strains after only a few days of coculture will make this detection routine and rapid.
  • (16) In a retrospective study of 610 patients the role of routine gastroscopy prior to cholecystectomy was investigated.
  • (17) There were soon tales of claimants dying after having had money withdrawn, but the real administrative problem was the explosion of appeals, which very often succeeded because many medical problems were being routinely ignored at the earlier stage.
  • (18) These results indicate that the routine use of a defunctioning colostomy at anterior resection should now be questioned.
  • (19) During a single reversal trial of two 2-wk experimental periods, teats of all glands of 12 Holstein cows were subjected to a milking routine conducive to large vacuum fluctuations and flooded teat cups.
  • (20) It is of special interest because it presented as a periapical pathosis associated with a nonvital tooth and emphasizes the value of routine histopathologic examination of tissue.