(n.) The act of proceeding; continued forward movement; procedure; progress; advance.
(n.) A series of actions, motions, or occurrences; progressive act or transaction; continuous operation; normal or actual course or procedure; regular proceeding; as, the process of vegetation or decomposition; a chemical process; processes of nature.
(n.) A statement of events; a narrative.
(n.) Any marked prominence or projecting part, especially of a bone; anapophysis.
(n.) The whole course of proceedings in a cause real or personal, civil or criminal, from the beginning to the end of the suit; strictly, the means used for bringing the defendant into court to answer to the action; -- a generic term for writs of the class called judicial.
Example Sentences:
(1) He added: "There is a rigorous review process of applications submitted by the executive branch, spearheaded initially by five judicial branch lawyers who are national security experts and then by the judges, to ensure that the court's authorizations comport with what the applicable statutes authorize."
(2) An automated continuous flow sample cleanup system intended for rapid screening of foods for pesticide residues in fresh and processed vegetables has been developed.
(3) The femoral component, made of Tivanium with titanium mesh attached to it by a new process called diffusion bonding, retains superalloy fatigue strength characteristics.
(4) The process of sequence rearrangement appears to be a significant part of the evolution of the genome and may have a much greater effect on the evolution of the phenotype than sequence alteration by base substitution.
(5) Apparently, the irradiation with visible light of a low intensity creates an additional proton gradient and thus stimulates a new replication and division cycle in the population of cells whose membranes do not have delta pH necessary for the initiation of these processes.
(6) Each process has been linked to the regulation of cholesterol accretion in the arterial cell.
(7) These are typically runaway processes in which global temperature rises lead to further releases of CO², which in turn brings about more global warming.
(8) The extent of the infectious process was limited, however, because the life span of the cultures was not significantly shortened, the yields of infectious virus per immunofluorescent cell were at all times low, and most infected cells contained only a few well-delineated small masses of antigen, suggestive of an abortive infection.
(9) Although solely nociresponsive neurons are clearly likely to fill a role in the processing and signalling of pain in the conscious central nervous system, the way in which such useful specificity could be conveyed by multireceptive neurons is difficult to appreciate.
(10) However, some contactless transactions are processed offline so may not appear on a customer’s account until after the block has been applied.” It says payments that had been made offline on the day of cancellation may be applied to accounts and would be refunded when the customer identified them; payments made on days after the cancellation will not be taken from an account.
(11) Sample processing appears effective in avoiding spontaneous oxalogenesis.
(12) In contrast, the effects of deltamethrin and cypermethrin promote transmitter release by a Na+ dependent process.
(13) In order to control noise- and vibration-caused diseases it was necessary not only to improve machines' quality and service conditions but also to pay special attention to the choice of operators and to the quality of monitoring their adaptation process.
(14) Exudative inflammatory processes predominate in the ulcer floor.
(15) An inflammatory process than occurs in the airways that is characterized by an influx of eosinophils and neutrophils into the airway epithelium and bronchial fluids.
(16) The occupation of the high affinity calcium binding site by Ca(II) and Mn(II) does not influence the Cu(II) binding process, suggesting that there is no direct interaction between this site and the Cu(II) binding sites.
(17) In the process, HDL3 became larger and eluted in a position identical to that of HDL2.
(18) Brain damage may be followed by a number of dynamic events including reactive synaptogenesis, rerouting of axons to unusual locations and altered axon retraction processes.
(19) Based on our results, we propose the following hypotheses for the neurochemical mechanisms of motion sickness: (1) the histaminergic neuron system is involved in the signs and symptoms of motion sickness, including vomiting; (2) the acetylcholinergic neuron system is involved in the processes of habituation to motion sickness, including neural store mechanisms; and (3) the catecholaminergic neuron system in the brain stem is not related to the development of motion sickness.
(20) Thus, mechanical restitution of the ventricle is a dynamic process that can be assessed using an elastance-based approach in the in situ heart.
(n.) The act or process of transcribing, or copying; as, corruptions creep into books by repeated transcriptions.
(n.) A copy; a transcript.
(n.) An arrangement of a composition for some other instrument or voice than that for which it was originally written, as the translating of a song, a vocal or instrumental quartet, or even an orchestral work, into a piece for the piano; an adaptation; an arrangement; -- a name applied by modern composers for the piano to a more or less fanciful and ornate reproduction on their own instrument of a song or other piece not originally intended for it; as, Liszt's transcriptions of songs by Schubert.
Example Sentences:
(1) These lysates are comparable to those of Escherichia coli in transcriptional and translational fidelity and efficiency in response to a given template DNA.
(2) This induction is sensitive to actinomycin D but not to protein synthesis inhibitor puromycin, indicating an effect of estradiol at the transcriptional level, possibly mediated by the estrogen receptor.
(3) The promoters of the adenovirus 2 major late gene, the mouse beta-globin gene, the mouse immunoglobulin VH gene and the LTR of the human T-lymphotropic retrovirus type I were tested for their transcription activities in cell-free extracts of four cell lines; HeLa, CESS (Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human B cell line), MT-1 (HTLV-I-infected human T cell line without viral protein synthesis), and MT-2 (HTLV-I-infected human T cell line producing viral proteins).
(4) Quantitative determinations indicate that the amount of PBG-D mRNA is modulated both by the erythroid nature of the tissue and by cell proliferation, probably at the transcriptional level.
(5) Here we show that this induction of AP-2 mRNA is at the level of transcription and is transient, reaching a peak 48-72 hr after the addition of RA and declining thereafter, even in the continuous presence of RA.
(6) At the fepB operator, a 31 base-pair Fur-protected region was identified, corresponding to positions -19 to +12 with respect to the transcriptional start site.
(7) A strong block to the elongation of nascent RNA transcripts by RNA polymerase II occurs in the 5' part of the mammalian c-fos proto-oncogene.
(8) In the absence of an authentic target for the MASH proteins, we examined their DNA binding and transcriptional regulatory activity by using a binding site (the E box) from the muscle creatine kinase (MCK) gene, a target of MyoD.
(9) Thus, human bronchial epithelial cells can express the IL-8 gene, with expression in response to the inflammatory mediator TNF regulated mainly at the transcriptional level, and with elements within the 5'-flanking region of the gene that are directly or indirectly modulated by the TNF signal.
(10) Nevertheless, this LTR does not govern efficient transcription of adjacent genes in a transient expression assay.
(11) Other DNase I hypersensitive sites located adjacent to the S14 cap site at -65 to -265 base pairs (Hss-1) or upstream at -1.3 kb (Hss-2), -2.1 kb (Hss-3'), -5.3 kb (Hss-4), and -6.2 kb (Hss-5) remained unaffected by changes in S14 gene transcription.
(12) In vitro transcription products were analyzed for their 5' end sequences and their oligonucleotide compositions.
(13) We have investigated interactions between the erythroid transcription factor GATA-1 and factors binding two cis-acting elements commonly linked to GATA sites in erythroid control elements.
(14) Thyroid hormones suppress transcription of the gene for the beta-subunit of thyrotropin (TSH beta).
(15) An sdh-specific transcript of about 3,450 nucleotides was detected in vegetative bacteria.
(16) An attempt was made to elucidate possible participation of low molecular weight nuclear RNA's (LMWN RNA's) in the transcription process.
(17) The relative contributions of transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression to the increase in constitutively expressed cellular proteins were examined in mouse kidneys undergoing compensatory growth following unilateral nephrectomy (UNI-NX).
(18) Reverse transcription of retina mRNA followed by DNA amplification using D4-specific nucleotides demonstrates the presence of D4 mRNA in retina.
(19) These levels are sufficient to maintain normal in vivo rates of mRNA and rRNA synthesis, but the average density of packing of polymerases on DNA is considerably less than the maximum density predicted by Miller and Bakken (1972), suggesting that initiation of polymerases of DNA is a limiting factor in the control of transcription.
(20) In addition, a 2.6-kilobase WHV RNA transcript was found in the majority of the NL tissues.