(1) Combinations of maximum amounts of glucagon and the cyclic nucleotide did not produce a greater effect than either agent alone.
(2) This suggested that the chemical effects produced by shock waves were either absent or attenuated in the cells, or were inherently less toxic than those of ionizing irradiation.
(3) The liver metastasis was produced by intrasplenic injection of the fluid containing of KATOIII in nude mouse and new cell line was established using the cells of metastatic site.
(4) In contrast, resting cells of strain CHA750 produced five times less IAA in a buffer (pH 6.0) containing 1 mM-L-tryptophan than did resting cells of the wild-type, illustrating the major contribution of TSO to IAA synthesis under these conditions.
(5) We have investigated the effect of methimazole (MMI) on cell-mediated immunity and ascertained the mechanisms of immunosuppression produced by the drug.
(6) If ascorbic acid was omitted from the culture medium, the extensive new connective tissue matrix was not produced.
(7) All of the strains examined were motile and hemolytic and produced lipase and liquid gelatin.
(8) We conclude that chronic emphysema produced in dogs by aerosol administration of papain results in elevated pulmonary artery pressure, which is characterized pathologically by medial hypertrophy of small pulmonary arteries.
(9) Ethanol and L-ethionine induce acute steatosis without necrosis, whereas azaserine, carbon tetrachloride, and D-galactosamine are known to produce steatosis with varying degrees of hepatic necrosis.
(10) Whereas strain Ga-1 was practically avirulent for mice, strain KL-1 produced death by 21 days in 50% of the mice inoculated.
(11) The promoters of the adenovirus 2 major late gene, the mouse beta-globin gene, the mouse immunoglobulin VH gene and the LTR of the human T-lymphotropic retrovirus type I were tested for their transcription activities in cell-free extracts of four cell lines; HeLa, CESS (Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human B cell line), MT-1 (HTLV-I-infected human T cell line without viral protein synthesis), and MT-2 (HTLV-I-infected human T cell line producing viral proteins).
(12) Attempts are now being made to use this increased understanding to produce effective killed vaccines that produce immune responses in the lung.
(13) It was also found that lipocortin I and ONO-RS-082, but not neomycin, facilitated the generation of GIF-producing T cells.
(14) The origins of aging of higher forms of life, particularly humans, is presented as the consequence of an evolved balance between 4 specific kinds of dysfunction-producing events and 4 kinds of evolved counteracting effects in long-lived forms.
(15) First, it has diverted grain away from food for fuel, with over a third of US corn now used to produce ethanol and about half of vegetable oils in the EU going towards the production of biodiesel.
(16) [Ca2+]i exhibited a sigmoidal dependence on [Na+]o. Mg2+, a competitive inhibitor of Na2+-Ca2+ antiport in these cells, antagonized the increase in [Ca2+]i produced by lowering [Na+]o.
(17) Although lorazepam and haloperidol produced an equivalent mean decrease in aggression, significantly more subjects who received lorazepam had a greater decrease in aggression ratings than haloperidol recipients; this effect was independent of sedation.
(18) These findings suggest that clonidine transdermal disks lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients, but produce local skin lesions and general side effects.
(19) Dilutional studies comparing the mechanism of inhibition of monoamine oxidase produced by Gerovital H3 and by ipronizid demonstrated that Gerovital H3 was a reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase.
(20) The AL plus EA produced significantly greater adverse effects than with SFO plus EA.
(a.) Of or pertaining to semen; as, the spermatic fluid, the spermatic vessels, etc.
Example Sentences:
(1) This observation, reinforced by simultaneous determinations of cortisol levels in the internal spermatic and antecubital veins, practically excluded the validity of the theory of adrenal hormonal suppression of testicular tissues.
(2) [5alpha-(3)H]5alpha-Androst-16-en-3-one (5alpha-androstenone) was infused at a constant rate for 180min into the spermatic artery of a sexually mature boar.
(3) Testicular tissue at ectopic site was identified by presence of characteristic signal intensity pattern, mediastinum testis and its location along empty spermatic canal in cases of inguinal testis either singly or in combination.
(4) In group I (torsion maintained), unilateral torsion of the spermatic cord was maintained until the day of sacrifice; in group II (torsion and untwist), torsion of the spermatic cord was maintained for 8 to 12 hours, then the spermatic cord was untwisted and the testis was retained until the day of sacrifice.
(5) A temporary pinching off of the spermatic cord was carried out in 100 male Wistar rats in order to evaluate the effect of a limited period of ischaemia on the testicular parenchyma.
(6) The response of these hormones to LRF infusion was unaltered by spermatic vein ligation, but a significant elevation of the sperm count occurred.
(7) Physical and X-ray examinations showed he had right renal cell carcinoma with tumor thrombosis in the inferior vena cava and the right spermatic vein.
(8) Statistically, no significant difference was found between the volume, motility and morphology of the samples in both groups; however, the concentration of spermatic ATP and acrosin decreased significantly in a group of polyzoospermic patients.
(9) These abnormalities were much more severe in spermatic venous blood.
(10) The first case of carcinosarcoma in the spermatic cord is reported in a 40-year-old man.
(11) On the ground of the results, high ligation of the spermatic vein is regarded as suitable for the surgical management of varicocele in case of renospermatic reflux.
(12) This shows the markedly higher sensitivity of marker evaluation in spermatic cord veins.
(13) Beginning from the 20th week on the nerve fibers appear between spermatic cords.
(14) Spermatic cord involvement was not a prognostically significant finding in patients whose para-aortic region was treated.
(15) These studies have allowed classification of the system of veins involved in the condition into several groups, including involvement of the internal spermatic vein alone, pure cremasteric varicocele, mixed internal spermatic and cremasteric varicosities in one or both systems with valvular incompetence or mere dilatation without apparent incompetence of valves.
(16) The tentative out-patient diagnosis in 8 patients was acute orchiepididymitis and 2 were suspected of having torsion of the spermatic cord.
(17) Evoked responses (ER) to stimulation of spermatic nerve were picked up in conscious monkeys from hypothalamic limbic and cerebral cortical regions.
(18) Antegrade phlebography of the spermatic vein with Valsalva maneuver is used by some workers in preference to the above-mentioned method, but has not yet been fully evaluated.
(19) They ranged from solid, raised serosal growths to delicate papillary structures, and occurred primarily on the tunica vaginalis propria of the testis, epididymis and spermatic cord.
(20) The spermatic artery was identified and preserved in all but 1 varix ligation.