What's the difference between profanity and promiscuous?



  • (n.) The quality or state of being profane; profaneness; irreverence; esp., the use of profane language; blasphemy.
  • (n.) That which is profane; profane language or acts.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Perhaps he modified his language for the NY Times reporter, but the more likely explanation is that his swearing added nothing and was therefore omitted by the writer or edited out; in America, even in liberal New York, profanities still need to be argued into print.
  • (2) Extensive research among the Afghan National Army – 68 focus groups – and US military personnel alike concluded: "One group sees the other as a bunch of violent, reckless, intrusive, arrogant, self-serving profane, infidel bullies hiding behind high technology; and the other group [the US soldiers] generally views the former as a bunch of cowardly, incompetent, obtuse, thieving, complacent, lazy, pot-smoking, treacherous, and murderous radicals.
  • (3) Throughout his life, Dad observed the rule that profanity – effing and blinding as he called it – should be confined to workplaces and other all-male venues where men gathered outside the earshot of women and children.
  • (4) McQueen told this tale several times – the words varied from “McQueen was here” to more profane messages, between tellings – and so, years later, Anderson & Sheppard asked the prince’s valet for the suits of that era back, in order to examine the linings.
  • (5) The phychological aspects of language show an antithesis between learned and profane languages.
  • (6) A few years back, a survey of 3,000 11-year-olds revealed that nine out of 10 parents swear in front of their children, and the average kid heard six different expletives per week (whoever said profanity was bad for your vocabulary?).
  • (7) "Not just because it's wrong to expect officers to endure profanities, but it's also because of the experience of the culprits.
  • (8) Here, in the profane world of anti-music, I could be a hater and say: "This is where the rock'n'roll dream dies.
  • (9) This research examined 160 college students' impressions of an audiotape of a female counselor who used profanity with either a male or female client who did or did not use profanity.
  • (10) Inside the cinema-like forum, all was concentrated silence punctuated by an occasional profanity or a murmur of "My God, North lied all along" from the readers.
  • (11) Effects of counselor's profanity and subject's religiosity on acquisition of lecture content and behavioral compliance were investigated.
  • (12) She was praised by many but also criticised harshly as a result of this exhibition, as her unapologetic nudity was seen by many as downright profane.
  • (13) You expect movie ratings to tell you whether a film contains nudity, sex, profanity or violence.
  • (14) One profanity-ridden post concluded with: "John Oliver told me to do this."
  • (15) Motion pictures were not born in religious practice, but instead are a totally profane offspring of capitalism and technology,” writes Paul Schrader in his landmark book, Transcendental Style in Film, in which he isolates two strains of religious film-making: the epics of Cecil B DeMille, presenting religion as spectacle, with teeming hordes, VistaVision, shafts of light, and strangely subdued orgies.
  • (16) She was roundly abused and Lord Carrington , the Economist and many others told her she was being profane.
  • (17) "It has mad amounts of violence, blood and profanity, and no shortage of racist and homophobic things.
  • (18) Boehner and his staff gamely tried to fend off both the specter of a shutdown and a leadership challenge from his caucus’ more belligerent culture warriors – as late as yesterday, a Boehner spokesman was assuring the press that the battle-tested speaker “wasn’t going anywhere.” No doubt, however, that a cursory look at the long train of sober spiritual leaders in his caucus lining up to deliver pointless CSPAN tantrums over the outrages of science prompted the longtime Ohio Congressman to mutter some variant of Good Lord, not this again together with a few well-chosen profanities for good measure.
  • (19) Cultural comprehensions and spirit of time are registered in numerous sacred and profane monuments of art.
  • (20) A profanity-strewn squabble with bewildered old John Motson was trotted out; Fergie time; the hairdryer treatment; the intimidation of some match officials; the trackside battles with Wenger and Benitez.



  • (a.) Consisting of individuals united in a body or mass without order; mingled; confused; undistinguished; as, a promiscuous crowd or mass.
  • (a.) Distributed or applied without order or discrimination; not restricted to an individual; common; indiscriminate; as, promiscuous love or intercourse.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In addition to the well established contra-indications to use, a past history of pelvic inflammatory disease or ectopic pregnancy, promiscuity, nulliparity and age less than 25 are now considered relative contraindications.
  • (2) While a clearcut relationship cannot be established between heavy metal music and destructive behavior, evidence shows that such music promotes and supports patterns of drug abuse, promiscuous sexual activity, and violence.
  • (3) The analysis of specific clones indicates that both peptides are very promiscuous in their capacity to bind to class II.
  • (4) The DNA primase gene of the promiscuous IncP-1 conjugative plasmid RP1, encoding two polypeptides of 118 and 80 kDa, was inserted into the transposon Tn5 in Escherichia coli.
  • (5) The HIV-infected mother was sexually promiscuous and a drug addict.
  • (6) In the U.S. and Europe, AIDS correlates to 95% with risk factors, such as about 8 years of promiscuous male homosexuality, intravenous drug use, or hemophilia.
  • (7) Both promiscuous and nonpromiscuous male homosexuals should refrain from giving blood.
  • (8) The promiscuous action of IE protein has led to the suggestion that it functions by an unusual mechanism.
  • (9) The active transport mechanism for mIBG uptake appears rather promiscuous for biogenic amines, as dopamine, tyramine and nor-adrenaline were highly efficient at blocking mIBG entry to the cell.
  • (10) When I was nine or 10 I leapt directly from Doctor Dolittle to Dr No, leaving behind all those stupid talking animals and free-falling into a far naughtier realm of suavely promiscuous government assassins, hot shell-diving beauties and villains with metal hands and messianic plans for humanity.
  • (11) In a chart listing their "vulnerabilities", two of the six are identified as being involved in "online promiscuity".
  • (12) Herpetiform ulceration of the penis in a person who has had promiscuous sexual contact is not necessarily herpes progenitalis, since varicella may also involve the penis.
  • (13) Rather than homosexual intercourse (U.S.) and syringe sharing by drug abusers (Italy), most African cases seem to be transmitted by heterosexual promiscuous contacts and, to a lesser extent, by blood derivates and recycled syringes.
  • (14) At the emergency station of the Surgical Department of the University Hospital in Zurich, 90% of the group with high risk of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus are intravenous drug abusers and 10% are promiscuous homosexuals.
  • (15) Kaposi's sarcoma as a complication of AIDS occurred mainly in homosexuals (17 of 42 homosexuals, one of 17 drug abusers, one of five heterosexually promiscuous patients, and one of six patients who had previously received transfusions).
  • (16) During adolescence the physiological transformation zone of the cervix in the virgin undergoes limited change when compared to that of girls who are sexually promiscuous; the latter often show large areas of metaplastic squamous epithelium and the development of an atypical transformation zone.
  • (17) There were significant differences between the sexes (P less than 0.01) in drug use (alcohol, cannabis), use of condoms, promiscuity and with respect to discussion of AIDS.
  • (18) To make up the control group, 180 non-tattooed subjects from the remaining 2,264, who neither engaged in promiscuous sexual activity nor were intravenous drug abusers, were matched from household registry reports by age, sex, education, occupation, and geographic origin from Mainland China, where their parents were born.
  • (19) The CAT system illustrates the extent of variation possible for an accessory gene product which is required infrequently and which is encoded by multicopy and promiscuous vectors which can cross taxonomic boundaries.
  • (20) Fibres taken from erector spinae (Es), plantaris (Plt), diaphragm (Dia) and soleus (Sol) muscles of adult rabbits were pretyped as fast-twitch-glycolytic (FG), fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic (FOG), slow-twitch-oxidative (SO) or promiscuous (P) using a combination of histochemical staining and PAGE.