What's the difference between prone and propense?



  • (a.) Bending forward; inclined; not erect.
  • (a.) Prostrate; flat; esp., lying with the face down; -- opposed to supine.
  • (a.) Headlong; running downward or headlong.
  • (a.) Sloping, with reference to a line or surface; declivous; inclined; not level.
  • (a.) Inclined; propense; disposed; -- applied to the mind or affections, usually in an ill sense. Followed by to.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is characterized by an absence of seromucous glands in the oropharynx and tracheobronchial tree, making children with this disease prone to viral and bacterial respiratory infections.
  • (2) Moreover, the mucoid substances of the sensillum lymph are probably involved in water conservation, since sensilla are prone to water loss, because the overlying cuticle must be permeable to the chemical stimuli.
  • (3) Analysis of mice injected with helper-free P90A virus stocks demonstrates that the variants are generated during viral replication in vivo, probably as a consequence of error-prone reverse transcription.
  • (4) The effects of chronic dietary salt-loading and nifedipine therapy on hypertension-prone (SBH), -resistant (SBN) and parental (SB) Sabra rats were investigated.
  • (5) The major behavioural assessment was the Jenkins Activity Survey (JAS) designed to measure the coronary-prone behaviour pattern (Type A).
  • (6) In 25 patients we evaluated the efficacy of the prone position to counter these technical difficulties and found that the prone position offers visualization superior to the supine, especially in obese and uncooperative patients and those with abundant bowel gas.
  • (7) However, nonsuppression in the dexamethasone suppression test was not specifically associated with the pain-prone disorder, which was further characterized by the factor models of the Hamilton Depression Scale.
  • (8) Advancing age was associated with a reduction in cell proliferative responses to PHA in both substrains, although the rate of decline was significantly more rapid in the senescence-prone animals.
  • (9) Surviving cells show such cancer-prone genetic consequences.
  • (10) Aneurysms enlarge rapidly when coupled with infection and are prone to rupture, thus requiring extensive surgical repair.
  • (11) Asymmetrical gait pattern with mild gait disturbance was found more often in infants lying in supine than in prone.
  • (12) Using a biopsy procedure, splenic pancreas was removed from both 65 and from 80 day old diabetes prone BB rats.
  • (13) However, DIO-prone [3H]PAC binding was only 14-39% of DR-prone levels in 9 areas including 4 amygdalar nuclei, the lateral area, dorso- and ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus, median eminence and medial dorsal thalamic n. Although it is unclear whether this widespread decrease in [3H]PAC binding implicates brain alpha 2-adrenoceptors in the pathophysiology of DIO, it does correlate with a phenotypic marker (increase glucose-induced NE release) which predicts the subsequent development of DIO on a high-energy diet.
  • (14) The effect of varying amounts of dietary magnesium in conjunction with potassium (K) on hypertension and stroke mortality in hypertensive stroke prone (SHRsp) rats was studied.
  • (15) The results indicate the beta-globin domain is a mosaic of aggregation-resistant and aggregation-prone regions with the latter being associated with H1 and H5.
  • (16) Under the influence of immunosuppression cutaneous hyperkeratoses more rapidly evolve into squamous-cell carcinoma, multiple skin cancers occur in some patients, and keratoacanthoma is not only more frequent but also prone to early recurrence.
  • (17) This chromosome region in T cells is unusually prone to develop breaks in vivo, perhaps reflecting instability generated by somatic rearrangement of T-cell receptor genes during normal differentiation in this cell lineage.
  • (18) These data suggest that the error-prone repair pathway participates in mutagenesis by quercetin and its metabolites.
  • (19) The City is rife with gambling addicts whose habits contribute to a risk-prone culture of the sort which helped Kweku Adoboli lose UBS £1.5bn, according to one London trader.
  • (20) The spontaneously diabetic BB rat syndrome is associated with a marked lymphopenia, which affects all members of litters of diabetes-prone rats, and may be a necessary condition for the development of the disease.



  • (a.) Leaning toward, in a moral sense; inclined; disposed; prone; as, women propense to holiness.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Fractures which occur near the base of the dens have a low propensity to unite spontaneously.
  • (2) There was also no significant correlation when prognostic factors were compared to uptake in the individual organ systems except that T cell disease was associated with a significantly greater propensity for lymph node uptake.
  • (3) Three strains of C. burnetii were studied because of the purported propensity of each strain to cause acute or chronic disease and to be resistant or susceptible to antibiotics.
  • (4) Thus, an abnormality of neutrophil oxidative metabolism cannot explain the propensity to bacterial infections in sickle cell disease.
  • (5) The stroma has a propensity to accumulate fluid and to create macroscopic cystic spaces.
  • (6) Myelography and cytology studies are necessary in the evaluation of all newly diagnosed patients with medulloblastoma and may also be indicated for patients with other brain tumors with a known propensity for dissemination.
  • (7) Where UV radiation is restricted, individual propensity to rickets within a given Asian community is mainly determined by dietary factors.
  • (8) The polymorphisms seen could provide useful linkage markers in locating the chromosomal sites of the genetic loci responsible for raised blood pressure in the SHR and the propensity to strokes in the SHRSP.
  • (9) A propensity for elevated shear in the deep cartilage layer near the contact periphery, observed in nearly all computed stress distributions, is consistent with previous experimental findings of fissuring at that level in the impulsively loaded rabbit knee.
  • (10) The propensity for narcolepsy, a clinical sleep disorder of unknown etiology, is virtually totally included within the HLA-DR2,DQw1 (DRw15,DQw6) phenotype.
  • (11) Patients with well-differentiated adenosquamous carcinoma persisted in having a worse prognosis (58.3% ten-year survival rate), compared with adenocarcinoma (84.3% ten-year survival rate), which was explained by the propensity of adenosquamous carcinoma to deeply invade the myometrium.
  • (12) College students completed a 17-item scale measuring the "propensity to argue controversial topics" and 7 other nominal-scale independent variables.
  • (13) Mating propensity in eight all-female laboratory lines was measured.
  • (14) In assortative mating systems modifiers favoring reduced assortment propensities tend to increase.
  • (15) However, CGS 19755 did not show a unique propensity for learning and memory disruption compared to other anticonvulsants.
  • (16) The results of ecological studies appear to be more consistent that those dealing with "specific" psychosomatic disorders and suggest that man has a general psychophysical propensity to disease.
  • (17) The propensity for specific fragmentation of peptide D seems to be correlated to the repetitive sequence, (Gly-Ser)2.
  • (18) This work clearly demonstrates the greater propensity of trans-dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) to form histone-histone and histone-DNA crosslinks compared with the antitumor active cis isomer, which binds first to the DNA and only forms crosslinks to the histones when the nucleosome core is heavily loaded with platinum.
  • (19) The rapid progression of disease, the high incidence of micrometastases (over 80%) at diagnosis, and the propensity of hematogenous spread to the bone marrow and the central nervous system (CNS) as well as the clinico-pathologic 'clusters' associated with particular presenting sites distinguish the pediatric forms of disease.
  • (20) Slower ventricular rates during atrial fibrillation would suggest an increased propensity for concealed conduction in the enhanced AV node conduction group than in the group with an accessory pathway.

Words possibly related to "propense"