What's the difference between prostate and utricle?



  • (a.) Standing before; -- applied to a gland which is found in the males of most mammals, and is situated at the neck of the bladder where this joins the urethra.
  • (n.) The prostate gland.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The diffusion of Myocamicin in the prostatic tissue of patients undergoing prostatectomy after a single oral dose of 600 mg has been studied.
  • (2) 11 patients with a postoperative classification of stage D had additional external beam radiation to the pelvic and paraaortic lymph nodes with shielding of the implanted prostatic region.
  • (3) However, in benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) cases, a high false positive rate of 41% was observed in Americans.
  • (4) In a final experiment, prostatic atrophy in castrate rats was not enhanced by either adrenalectomy or flutamide treatment.
  • (5) Newer modalities, such as TRUS and PSA, can identify patients with nonpalpable prostate cancer, but the use of these tests will also result in many false-positives.
  • (6) Cytochrome P-450 was partially purified from microsomes of whole brain, hypothalamus, and prostate and 3 beta-diol OHase activity reconstituted.
  • (7) A transurethral prostatic resection for prostatism in a 73 year old man showed a cluster of richly capillarised clear cells originally thought to be indicative of invasive carcinoma.
  • (8) Thirty six fresh surgical specimens were collected from patients undergoing radical retropubic prostatectomy for carcinoma of the prostate.
  • (9) The presence of prostatic invasion either into the stroma or involving prostatic ducts and acini only had no adverse effect on outcome.
  • (10) Conversely, in 18 out of 21 hyperplastic prostates, 5 alpha-reductase activity was higher than 3 alpha (beta)-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity.
  • (11) The translation of mRNA for S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase was studied using a polyamine-depleted reticulocyte lysate supplemented with mRNA from rat prostate and the antiserum to precipitate the proteins corresponding to S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase.
  • (12) 5 alpha-Reductase is necessary for the metabolism of testosterone (T) to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and is found in high levels only in certain tissues such as the prostate.
  • (13) Thus, prostate tissues of mice can be a potential source of horizontally transmitted mammary tumor virus in mice of at least some high mammary cancer strains.
  • (14) Management in pregnant females or in males with indwelling catheters or before prostatic surgery presents special problems.
  • (15) SCH 13521 definitely interfered with the localization of the radioactivity of these steroids in the prostate and indicated a competitive situation between SCH 13521 and the steroids.
  • (16) Estramustine phosphate may be given safely for a prolonged period and has a place in the treatment of advanced prostatic cancer refractory to hormonal therapy.
  • (17) Computed tomography gave excellent visualization of prostate morphology and pelvic anatomic relationships.
  • (18) The aim of the present investigation was to establish whether in advanced prostatic carcinoma in relapse treated with LHRH analogues combined with cyproterone acetate (CPA), substitution of this antiandrogen with another compound such as flutamide (FLU) might lead to further subjective and objective improvement.
  • (19) Medium from other cultured human cells (prostate fibroblasts, genitourinary tumor and non-tumor cells), as well as control medium, contained less than 1 ng.
  • (20) A multicenter randomized clinical trial was carried out between May, 1986 and May, 1987 involving 82 patients with stage B-D prostatic carcinoma from 29 centers.



  • (n.) A little sac or vesicle, as the air cell of fucus, or seaweed.
  • (n.) A microscopic cell in the structure of an egg, animal, or plant.
  • (n.) A small, thin-walled, one-seeded fruit, as of goosefoot.
  • (n.) A utriculus.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) These results demonstrate pauses in the maturation process of the vestibular receptors and show that the utricles develop one week in advance of the cristae.
  • (2) Our patient had anomalous configuration of lateral semicircular canal and an abnormally high location of the utricle and saccule.
  • (3) Cristae hair bundles are less developed than those of the utricles on the 1st day after birth, with evidence of ciliogenesis being present in the cristae.
  • (4) The surfaces of the utricle and the lateral cupula were depressed by a fine glass pipette.
  • (5) A series of 88 male patients with prostatic utricle cysts (müllerian duct) has been compiled by adding our 3 patients to 85 cases reported.
  • (6) The utricle and its nerve were isolated with the anterior and the lateral semicircular canal ampullae in frog Ringer's solution.
  • (7) The theories on development of congenital urethral diverticula are considered and the importance of the clinical, radiological, endoscopical and histological examination for the differential diagnosis of the acquired diverticula and enlarged utricle is emphasised.
  • (8) In ketamine anesthetized cats, the contralateral labyrinth, the ipsilateral utricle, the ipsilateral horizontal and anterior semicircular canal nerves were completely destroyed, leaving the ipsilateral saccule intact.
  • (9) Occlusion of the anterior vestibular artery has resulted in severe degeneration and new bone formation limited to the utricle, saccule, and superior and lateral semicircular canals.
  • (10) The distribution of the pathological hair cells in the utricle was more general than in the ampullae.
  • (11) Urethrography revealed the prostatic utricle in the second case.
  • (12) Leaving age-related changes out of account, the utricle and horizontal canal ampulla appeared normal in all ears except one in which the ampulla was replaced by tumor tissue.
  • (13) The utricle and the proximal portion of the endolymphatic duct were studied using light and electron microscopy.
  • (14) Neogenesis and growth of otoconia appear to occur postnatally, with different characteristic growth potentials for those of the saccule and the utricle.
  • (15) By means of electron microscopy, it was shown, that this layer is identical with the host-cell cytoplasm enclosing utricle-like a giant, membrane-bound parasitophorus vacuole, which in both types of schizonts was closely filled with parasites and an enclosing ground substance.
  • (16) K+-NPPase activity was most intense in the strial marginal cell, followed by the dark cell of the ampulla and the utricle.
  • (17) The embryology of the utricle and the relationship of the dilated utricle to the müllerian duct regression factor are discussed.
  • (18) In hatchlings, tannic acid, which precipitates mainly proteoglycans, stained the mineralizing GMs of the utricle, saccule and lagenar macula darker than it did the nonmineralizing GMs of the cristae and tectorial membrane of the basilar papilla, while Alcian blue and ruthenium red stained all GMs in the vestibule and basilar papilla almost to the same degree.
  • (19) Multiple anomalies include: abnormal narrowing of the crus commune-utricle junction, superiorly located crus commune and posterior semicircular canal, underdeveloped modiolus, absence of the bony septum between the middle and apical coil (existence of scala communis in left ear), abnormally small internal auditory meatus, and abnormal direction of internal auditory canal, large cartilaginous mass around the superior semicircular canal and in the tympanic end of the fissula ante fenestram, small facial nerve, large facial bony canal dehiscence, anomalic stapes, etc.
  • (20) Marginal cells from the stria vascularis and dark cells from the posterior wall of the utricle were isolated, dissociated and placed in culture medium.

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