(1) Here we have asked whether protection from blood-borne antigens afforded by the blood-brain barrier is related to the lack of MHC expression.
(2) Unfortunately, due to confidentiality clauses that have been imposed on us by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, we are unable to provide our full names and … titles … However, we believe the evidence that will be submitted will validate the statements that we are making in this submission.” The submission detailed specific allegations – including names and dates – of sexual abuse of child detainees, violence and bullying of children, suicide attempts by children and medical neglect.
(3) However, four of ten young adult outer arm (relatively sun-exposed) and one of ten young adult inner arm (relatively sun-protected) fibroblasts lines increased their saturation density in response to retinoic acid.
(4) The transported pIgA was functional, as evidenced by its ability to bind to virus in an ELISA assay and to protect nonimmune mice against intranasal infection with H1N1 but not H3N2 influenza virus.
(5) In the second approach, attachment sites of DTPA groups were directed away from the active region of the molecule by having fragment E1,2 bound in complex, with its active sites protected during the derivatization.
(6) At the fepB operator, a 31 base-pair Fur-protected region was identified, corresponding to positions -19 to +12 with respect to the transcriptional start site.
(7) In many cases, physicians seek to protect themselves from involvement with these difficult, highly anxious patients by making a referral to a psychiatrist.
(8) Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) afforded significant protection only at the very highest concentration (5.0 mM); inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) did not protect against loss of latency at any concentration.
(9) I hope this movement will continue and spread for it has within itself the power to stand up to fascism, be victorious in the face of extremism and say no to oppressive political powers everywhere.” Appearing via videolink from Tehran, and joined by London mayor Sadiq Khan and Palme d’Or winner Mike Leigh, Farhadi said: “We are all citizens of the world and I will endeavour to protect and spread this unity.” The London screening of The Salesman on Sunday evening wasintended to be a show of unity and strength against Trump’s travel ban, which attempted to block arrivals in the US from seven predominantly Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.
(10) Comprehensive regulations are being developed to limit human exposure to contamination in drinking water by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the authority of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).
(11) They were protecting the sit-in because they believed that, if they left, the police would follow them."
(12) These results suggest that CD4+ protective T cells generated by immunization with vBCG are characterized by the ability to produce IFN-gamma after stimulation with specific Ag.
(13) After 45 days of the exposition, the protective action of these soaps were evaluated.
(14) The yeasts amounts used did not protect the test animals from the kidney infiltration with lipids and cholesterol; 12 g of yeasts per 100 g of the ration promoted elevation of sialic acid content in the blood plasma.
(15) The protective activity of the serum was correlated with high titres of anti-erythrocyte antibodies.
(16) These and other results suggest that the experimental agents do not provide protection against alloxan inhibition by preventing the entry of alloxan into the intracellular space of the islet.
(17) But no such protective effect is seen if the phenobarbitone is administered after treatment with these carcinogens.
(18) Benzyloxycarbonylarginine p-nitrophenyl ester and other activated esters of N-a-sustituted arginine salts may be useful reagents for introduction of trypsin-labile protecting groups into peptide fragments for purpose of polypeptide semi-synthesis.
(19) We propose that during the detergent solubilization the acidic phospholipids protect the transport systems against denaturation by preventing delipidation.
(20) A continuously protective, nontoxic, oral model of chronic treatment with primidone was developed in the rat.
(n.) The doctrine or policy of protectionists. See Protection, 4.
Example Sentences:
(1) No doubt New Labour ministers would regard such moves as protectionism, locked as they are in a discredited free-market mindset.
(2) As part of a concerted push back against protectionism, the World Bank’s president, Jim Yong Kim , said China had lifted 700 million people out of poverty as a result of trade and opening its economy to competition.
(3) "This financial mercantilism - which is foreign banks retreating to their home base - will, if we do nothing, lead to a new form of protectionism," he said.
(4) The forces of chauvinism, protectionism and xenophobia have been emboldened.
(5) Governments must defeat a rising tide of protectionism to prevent a further slowdown in global growth, the head of the International Monetary Fund has said.
(6) Resisting protectionism and promoting global trade and investment 22.World trade growth has underpinned rising prosperity for half a century.
(7) Her grandfather, Jean-Marie Le Pen , founded the political party which she now represents, a party which is anti-Europe, anti-globalisation and which believes in stringent immigration controls and national protectionism.
(8) That is a bizarre manifestation of a concern over inequality.” This year’s Davos has been dominated so far by concerns that the results of referendums in the UK and Italy together with the election of Donald Trump as US president represent a retreat from globalisation into nationalism and protectionism.
(9) Salvini has long attempted to model the Lega on France’s Front National , led by Marine Le Pen, with an emphasis on border controls, protectionism and an “Italians first” philosophy.
(10) Countries had to realise, he said, that the alternative to working together to ensure a high level of global demand would be a return to the protectionism of the 1930s.
(11) It is true that our economy has been plagued by bureaucracy, protectionism and market distortions for a long time,” he said.
(12) Philippot, less popular than Maréchal-Le Pen among party faithful, is a key architect of Marine Le Pen’s drive to “detoxify” and party’s image and pursue an economic line of state protectionism.
(13) He urged politicians not to give in to protectionism on banking rules but to keep an open financial system.
(14) The leaders of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have launched a strong defence of open markets and free trade, as concern grows that the Brexit vote and calls for protectionism in the US presidential election represent a backlash against globalisation.
(15) Pursuing protectionism is like locking oneself in a dark room.
(16) This sort of rabid protectionism might feel depressingly inevitable in the gleaming, super-efficient first world of tournaments such as Germany 2006.
(17) She said: "He's got natural charm and charisma, very quick witted, and he's pretty small-c conservative in his political leanings, with a default setting towards protectionism.
(18) Brown also challenged Congress by asking: "Should we succumb to a race to the bottom, and a protectionism that history tells us that in the end protects no one?
(19) She refused to comment on the American election, but made clear her opposition to Donald Trump’s demand that protectionism should be used to repatriate jobs to the US.
(20) There are other arguments too, including the assumption that a return to the pre-euro Babel of currencies would see the resurrection of tariffs and protectionism, jeopardising the single market.