What's the difference between protester and public?



  • (n.) One who protests; one who utters a solemn declaration.
  • (n.) One who protests a bill of exchange, or note.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Nulliparous women were also more likely to discontinue the condom because of pregnancy, as were non-Protestants and the Australian-born.
  • (2) A number of asylum seekers detained in the family camp on Nauru have begun peaceful protests over conditions at the centre.
  • (3) In late May, more than 50 residents of Ust-Usa protested the effects of oil drilling and plans for a new oil well near the village.
  • (4) When asked why the streets of London were not heaving with demonstrators protesting against Russia turning Aleppo into the Guernica of our times, Stop the War replied that it had no wish to add to the “jingoism” politicians were whipping up against plucky little Russia .
  • (5) We are already witnessing a wholly understandable uprising of protest.
  • (6) "I saw my role, and continue to do so, as doing everything I can to accelerate the Lib Dems' journey from a party of protest to a party of government," he said.
  • (7) The protesters were confronted by a much larger group of pro-Kremlin activists, which led to scuffles.
  • (8) Officers arrested her last month during the protest against oil drilling by the energy firm Cuadrilla at Balcombe in West Sussex – a demonstration Lucas has attended several times.
  • (9) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Joe Davis protests against his wife Kim’s jailing.
  • (10) Brazil and Argentina unite in protest against culture of sexual violence Read more The symbolic power of so many women standing together proves that focusing on victims does not mean portraying women as passive.
  • (11) Among non-Hispanic whites in the 1980s, Catholic total fertility rates (TFRs) were about one-quarter of a child lower than Protestant rates (1.64 vs. 1.91).
  • (12) "I did so in protest at using unethical ways to make unjust allegations, therefore I hereby withdraw my complaint against this artist."
  • (13) She devoured political science texts, took evening classes at Goldsmiths college, and performed at protests and fundraisers, but became disillusioned.
  • (14) In saying what he did, he was not telling any frequent flyer something they didn't already know, and he was not protesting about any newly adopted measures.
  • (15) They plan to continue the hour-long demonstrations daily, potentially inviting arrest under laws introduced last year that allowed some protests to be criminalised.
  • (16) Down the road another group of protesters gathered outside the chain-link fence surrounding the Marriott's perimeter.
  • (17) The organizers of the protest march he participated in said the man had fallen ill before any rioting had broken out.
  • (18) The authorities had said they used water cannon, teargas and smoke grenades to break up the protest.
  • (19) Protesting naked, as Femen's slogans insist, is liberté , a reappropriation of their own bodies as opposed to pornography or snatched photographs which are exploitation.
  • (20) They vote as a protest, no matter what the consequences of it.



  • (a.) Of or pertaining to the people; belonging to the people; relating to, or affecting, a nation, state, or community; -- opposed to private; as, the public treasury.
  • (a.) Open to the knowledge or view of all; general; common; notorious; as, public report; public scandal.
  • (a.) Open to common or general use; as, a public road; a public house.
  • (n.) The general body of mankind, or of a nation, state, or community; the people, indefinitely; as, the American public; also, a particular body or aggregation of people; as, an author's public.
  • (n.) A public house; an inn.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A former Labour minister, Nicholas Brown, said the public were frightened they "were going to be spied on" and that "illegally obtained" information would find its way to the public domain.
  • (2) For some time now, public opinion polls have revealed Americans' strong preference to live in comparatively small cities, towns, and rural areas rather than in large cities.
  • (3) Biden will meet with representatives from six gun groups on Thursday, including the NRA and the Independent Firearms Owners Association, which are both publicly opposed to stricter gun-control laws.
  • (4) Consensual but rationally weak criteria devised to extract inferences of causality from such results confirm the generic inadequacy of epidemiology in this area, and are unable to provide definitive scientific support to the perceived mandate for public health action.
  • (5) I said: ‘Apologies for doing this publicly, but I did try to get a meeting with you, and I couldn’t even get a reply.’ And then I had a massive go at him – about everything really, from poverty to uni fees to NHS waiting times.” She giggles again.
  • (6) The prospectus revealed he has an agreement with Dorsey to vote his shares, which expires when the company goes public in November.
  • (7) Whittingdale also defended the right of MPs to use privilege to speak out on public interest matters.
  • (8) 8.47pm: Cameron says he believes Britain's best days lie ahead and that he believes in public service.
  • (9) It is entirely proper for serving judges to set out the arguments in high-profile cases to help public understanding of the legal issues, as long as it is done in an even-handed way.
  • (10) A key way of regaining public trust will be reforming the system of remuneration as agreed by the G20.
  • (11) The last 10 years have seen increasing use of telephone surveys in public health research.
  • (12) They have actively intervened with governments, and particularly so in Africa.” José Luis Castro, president and chief executive officer of Vital Strategies, an organisation that promotes public health in developing countries, said: “The danger of tobacco is not an old story; it is the present.
  • (13) Neal’s evidence to the committee said Future Fund staff were not subject to the public service bargaining framework, which links any pay rise to productivity increases and caps rises at 1.5%.
  • (14) Fringe 2009 also welcomes back Aussie standup Jim Jeffries , whose jokes include: "Women to me are like public toilets.
  • (15) The fall of a tyrant is usually the cause of popular rejoicing followed by public vengeance.
  • (16) True, Syria subsequently disarmed itself of chemical weapons, but this was after the climbdown on bombing had shown western public opinion had no appetite for another war of choice.
  • (17) This is not an argument for the status quo: teaching must be given greater priority within HE, but the flipside has to be an understanding on the part of students, ministers, officials, the public and the media that academics (just like politicians) cannot make everyone happy all of the time.
  • (18) Eighty people, including the outspoken journalist Pravit Rojanaphruk from the Nation newspaper and the former education minister Chaturon Chaisaeng, who was publicly arrested on Tuesday, remain in detention.
  • (19) Chris Jefferies, who has been arrested in connection with the murder of landscape architect Joanna Yeates , was known as a flamboyant English teacher at Clifton College, a co-ed public school.
  • (20) They derive from publications of the National Insurance Institute for Occupational Accidents (INAIL) and refer to the Italian and Umbrian situation.