What's the difference between pufferfish and swellfish?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) Among the most destructive recent entrants from the Suez is the silver-cheeked pufferfish , a non-native fish containing toxic chemicals that has caused several people to be treated in hospital in the eastern Mediterranean in the past 10 years.
  • (2) We carried out serial nerve conduction studies in a patient with tetrodotoxication caused by ingesting pufferfish.
  • (3) Heterobothrium elongatum predominantly occurred on the most anterior pair of gill arches of infected pufferfish, Torquigener pleurogramma.
  • (4) The fishing industry, for example, is likewise threatening the survival of many species of fish, including its latest victims: the Pacific bluefin tuna and the Chinese pufferfish.
  • (5) With time, the [3H]tetrodotoxin radioactivity level in the injected pufferfish decreased in most tissues, except for skin and gallbladder.
  • (6) A 45-year-old man ate the liver of the toxic pufferfish (Diodron hystrix) and developed mild tetrodotoxication consisting of hyperemesis, bradycardia, hypotension, generalized numbness, and a generalized paresis.
  • (7) Bacteria isolated from the skin of the pufferfish Fugu poecilonotus were screened for tetrodotoxin production.
  • (8) Both aconite toxins (aconitine, mesaconitine, and hypaconitine) and a pufferfish toxin (tetrodotoxin, TTX) were detected in the blood of a legal autopsy case.
  • (9) Four strains of tetrodotoxin-producing bacteria isolated from a red alga and from pufferfish were characterized.
  • (10) Photograph: Alamy The Chinese pufferfish has entered the IUCN Red List as critically endangered.
  • (11) What O'Comartun had in mind is not hard to guess – the same antics that so appalled Mitt Romney 's aides when they were vetting Christie (who they codenamed "Pufferfish") for a potential vice-presidential slot in Romney's unsuccessful run against Obama.
  • (12) The appetite for sashimi is also blamed for the decline of the Chinese pufferfish (Takifugu chinensis), one of the world’s most toxic fish.
  • (13) In spite of the low specific radioactivity, the [3H]tetrodotoxin was able to be used to investigate the anatomical distribution of tetrodotoxin in pufferfish.
  • (14) The camera hones in on plates of mostly-eaten fish – poisonous pufferfish, long-tailed anchovy and largehead hairtail, according to onlookers – as well as top-shelf bottles of Chinese rice liquor and Australian Yellowtail wine .
  • (15) Based on these results, the metabolism of tetrodotoxin in pufferfish is discussed.
  • (16) The coupling of liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis with ionspray mass spectrometry is described for the separation of mixtures of PSP toxins and the highly potent pufferfish toxin tetrodotoxin.



  • (n.) Any plectognath fish that dilates itself, as the bur fish, puffer, or diodon.

Example Sentences:

Words possibly related to "swellfish"