(a.) Completely; wholly; entirely; totally; perfectly; as, the work is not quite done; the object is quite accomplished; to be quite mistaken.
(a.) To a great extent or degree; very; very much; considerably.
Example Sentences:
(1) It is quite interesting to analyse which gene of the virus determines the characteristics of the virus.
(2) The most successful dyes were phenocyanin TC, gallein, fluorone black, alizarin cyanin BB and alizarin blue S. Celestin blue B with an iron mordant is quite successful if properly handled to prevent gelling of solutions.
(3) Mike Ashley told Lee Charnley that maybe he could talk with me last week but I said: ‘Listen, we cannot say too much so I think it’s better if we wait.’ The message Mike Ashley is sending is quite positive, but it was better to talk after we play Tottenham.” Benítez will ask Ashley for written assurances over his transfer budget, control of transfers and other spheres of club autonomy, but can also reassure the owner that the prospect of managing in the second tier holds few fears for him.
(4) Certainly, Saunders did not land a single blow that threatened to stop his opponent, although he took quite a few himself that threatened his titles in the final few rounds.
(5) Yesterday's flight may not quite have been one small step for man, but the hyperbole and the sense of history weighed heavily on those involved.
(6) In the dark the 6-azidoflavoproteins are quite stable, except for L-lactate oxidase, where spontaneous conversion to the 6-amino-FMN enzyme occurs slowly at pH 7.
(7) I did not - do not - quite understand how some are able to contemplate his anti-semitism with indifference.
(8) In spite of the presence of scar tissue following rhytidectomy, this procedure has been quite successful because of the rich blood supply in that area.
(9) Dialyzed crude enzyme extracts from yeast cells were found to destroy diacetyl in a manner quite similar to that of diacetyl reductase from Aerobacter aerogenes, and both the bacterial and the yeast extracts were stimulated significantly by the addition of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH).
(10) The authors present a quite unused technique that helps to simplify the cavity preparation in Operative Dentistry.
(11) Interexaminer reliability studies indicate that a standard method of motion palpation is quite feasible and accurate.
(12) Our findings: (1) both forms, LC1 and LC3, migrate in the two species with rather similar electrophoretic constants (both in terms of pI and Mr); (2) the LC2 forms of rabbit and humans exhibit the same Mr but quite different pI values, the rabbit forms being more acidic; (3) the chain LC2Sb is resolved into two spots in both rabbit and humans.
(13) The tunes weren't quite as easy and lush as they had been, and hints of dissonance crept in.
(14) The decision of the editors to solicit a review for the Medical Progress series of this journal devoted to current concepts of the renal handling of salt and water is sound in that this important topic in kidney physiology has recently been the object of a number of new, exciting and, in some instances, quite unexpected insights into the mechanisms governing sodium excretion.
(15) In a clear water reservoir built in ready construction after a working-period of five months quite a lot of slime could be found on the expansion joint filled with tightening compound on the base of Thiokol.
(16) Four patients developed an hypertensive crisis with quite elevated levels of aldosterone, cortisol and plasma renin activity.
(17) Stage REM frequently appeared within 10 min of stage 1 onset and the normal sequence of stages REM and 4 were altered, demonstrating that the organization of sleep within a nap is quite different from that in monophasic nocturnal sleep.
(18) I think we are still trying to understand all that and I think that fits under the broader topic of social licence and what bringing in automation to an area does to that region as a whole, which we don’t quite know yet.” Could carbon farming be the answer for a 'clapped-out' Australia?
(19) Asked whether the 2022 bid should be reopened in the wake of the allegations in the Sunday Times, Cameron said: "There is an inquiry under way, quite rightly, into what happened in terms of the World Cup bid for 2022.
(20) We believe that this unit is quite safe for clinical use and that it will become a new strong support for non-blood open heart surgery.
(adv.) In a thorough manner; fully; entirely; completely.
Example Sentences:
(1) 2.39pm BST The European Union called for a "thorough and immediate" investigation of the alleged chemical attack.
(2) Before carrier vaccines are applied, these risks must be thoroughly evaluated case-by-case.
(3) To study these changes more thoroughly, specific monoclonal antibodies of the A and B subunits of calcineurin (protein phosphatase 2B) were raised, and regional alterations in the immunoreactivity of calcineurin in the rat hippocampus were investigated after a transient forebrain ischemic insult causing selective and delayed hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell damage.
(4) A careful history, a thorough physical examination, and an appropriate selection of tests will identify these patients.
(5) Thorough clinical investigation of the patient revealed sarcoid involvement of the skin, lungs, liver and lymph nodes and an extensive retroperitoneal surgically-verified lymph tumour.
(6) Sift the cocoa powder over the top and lightly but thoroughly fold it in with the metal spoon.
(7) A thorough nursing assessment is essential to detect and correct drug misuse and to diagnose drug abuse.
(8) Fetal activity throughout pregnancy has been thoroughly studied.
(9) A high index of suspicion of bilateral tumors and a thorough work-up resulted in the early diagnosis of small tumors.
(10) Results indicate that laryngeal paralysis following severe trauma can be a very early sign of aortic injury and requires prompt and thorough investigation.
(11) A thorough dental prophylaxis before acid-etching of enamel is often recommended.
(12) A thorough family history and an extensive investigation of bleedings in the neonatal period should make early diagnosis possible.
(13) The diagnosis in all patients was made on the base of a thorough clinical examination, the results from the electrocardiography and the selective coronarography.
(14) Xu, the ABP chairman, disputed any claims of impropriety, and said his company went through a “robust and thorough” tender process.
(15) Thorough knowledge of the modes of ventilatory support and criteria for weaning are essential for the critical care nurse to anticipate patient needs.
(16) Similarities and differences in the sensitization induced by cocaine and amphetamine (which are though to have different mechanisms of actions although common behavioral outcomes) have not been thoroughly studied.
(17) It is advisable to examine horses thoroughly during training and to use the results of training for the evaluation of their condition before difficult races.
(18) The requirement for technical reliability of the implantable device for patient safety requires a thorough understanding of all technical and medical details of the therapeutic device.
(19) If LTP is to be effective, thorough coagulation with tender blanching effects is mandatory.
(20) A thorough review of the literature concerning the Frey syndrome is reported.