What's the difference between rabbinic and rabbinism?



  • (a.) Alt. of Rabbinical
  • (n.) The language or dialect of the rabbins; the later Hebrew.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Heshel Melamed, a stern rabbinical paterfamilias, was his maternal grandfather.
  • (2) The opening salvo in what became a heated and often surreal religious war of words arrived on August 19 from Rabbi Abraham Hecht, president of the Rabbinical Alliance of America, who claimed to speak for half a million Jews.
  • (3) In a video interview posted on the internet in December by photographer Shimon Gifter, Hynes said he had reached a "rapprochement" with a prominent rabbinic leader, who now understood the beit din "were no substitute for the prosecution of sexual predators".
  • (4) For all Agudath's belligerence – and the silence of the Orthodox Union, which will not comment publicly – there are some signs of dissent within the rabbinic leadership.
  • (5) Rabbi Danny Rich Chief executive , Lucian J Hudson Chair , Rabbi Charley Baginsky Chair, Rabbinic conference, Liberal Judaism • While Antony Beevor is right to remind us of both the Soviet Union’s role in liberating the Nazi extermination camps and of Russia’s long history of antisemitism ( Why Putin should be at Auschwitz , 21 January), he fails to highlight why, at this particular moment, it is worse than “a great shame” that Putin will not be attending the events at Auschwitz next week to mark the 70th anniversary of the camp’s liberation by the Red Army.
  • (6) Thus the Jewish ultranationalist, according to Rabbinic law, might not have been Jewish.
  • (7) These connections survived Moon's increasingly embarrassing activities – his sermons dwelling on the "sexual organs", his description of American women as descended from prostitutes, family scandals, Rabbinic court condemnation for antisemitism and a vow to "conquer and subjugate the world".
  • (8) Contemporary rabbinic authorities are quoted; their opinions may serve as guidelines for the patient and urologist dealing with infertility problems.
  • (9) However, Israeli officials may seek rabbinical dispensation to delay a funeral to give time for representatives of countries to travel to Israel.
  • (10) Contemporary Rabbinic authorities are quoted; their opinions may serve as guidelines for the patient and physician dealing with infertility problems.
  • (11) She was educated at South Hampstead School for Girls and Newnham College Cambridge and stepped down from conducting rabbinical services in 1989.
  • (12) I here examine ancient and medieval rabbinic texts and find these "modern" issues discussed.
  • (13) Since many important legal and moral considerations, which cannot be enunciated in the presentation of general principles, may weigh heavily upon the verdict in any given situation, it seems advisable to submit each individual case to rabbinic judgment, which, in turn, will be based upon expert medical advice and other prevailing circumstances.
  • (14) Some militant settlers and their rabbinical mentors hinted that he deserved death for "treachery", just like his predecessor, Rabin.
  • (15) Clearly, the status of the tests depends on whether termination of affected pregnancies is allowed, and contemporary rabbinical authorities are themselves in dispute as to the permissibility of terminating affected pregnancies.
  • (16) As it is, the rabbinic leadership shows little sign of acting on its own accord.
  • (17) In his three main works, the Commentary on the Mishnah, the Mishneh Torah, and the Guide of the Perplexed, he developed a far-reaching ethical system which is Aristotelian and yet is also greatly dependent upon the Rabbinic tradition.
  • (18) Emblems used throughout the United States and Canada to indicate a program of rabbinic endoresment and supervision of canned, boxed, and bottled products are included.
  • (19) I know there is a lot of pressure on his office from the organised rabbinic community in Brooklyn either not to deal with the cases or to minimise them."
  • (20) It cannot act as the independent regulator you have created, enmeshed in a network of interlocking rules which require an analysis that would do credit to any rabbinical study of the Talmud … I am looking to remove complexity and obscurity in the rules, to make them effective, not to turn them upside-down.” Ipso is to provide “modest sums to those who cannot afford to go to court” to bring action against a newspaper, which has worried the financially beleaguered regional press.



  • (n.) A rabbinic expression or phraseology; a peculiarity of the language of the rabbins.
  • (n.) The teachings and traditions of the rabbins.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Heshel Melamed, a stern rabbinical paterfamilias, was his maternal grandfather.
  • (2) The opening salvo in what became a heated and often surreal religious war of words arrived on August 19 from Rabbi Abraham Hecht, president of the Rabbinical Alliance of America, who claimed to speak for half a million Jews.
  • (3) In a video interview posted on the internet in December by photographer Shimon Gifter, Hynes said he had reached a "rapprochement" with a prominent rabbinic leader, who now understood the beit din "were no substitute for the prosecution of sexual predators".
  • (4) For all Agudath's belligerence – and the silence of the Orthodox Union, which will not comment publicly – there are some signs of dissent within the rabbinic leadership.
  • (5) Rabbi Danny Rich Chief executive , Lucian J Hudson Chair , Rabbi Charley Baginsky Chair, Rabbinic conference, Liberal Judaism • While Antony Beevor is right to remind us of both the Soviet Union’s role in liberating the Nazi extermination camps and of Russia’s long history of antisemitism ( Why Putin should be at Auschwitz , 21 January), he fails to highlight why, at this particular moment, it is worse than “a great shame” that Putin will not be attending the events at Auschwitz next week to mark the 70th anniversary of the camp’s liberation by the Red Army.
  • (6) Thus the Jewish ultranationalist, according to Rabbinic law, might not have been Jewish.
  • (7) These connections survived Moon's increasingly embarrassing activities – his sermons dwelling on the "sexual organs", his description of American women as descended from prostitutes, family scandals, Rabbinic court condemnation for antisemitism and a vow to "conquer and subjugate the world".
  • (8) Contemporary rabbinic authorities are quoted; their opinions may serve as guidelines for the patient and urologist dealing with infertility problems.
  • (9) However, Israeli officials may seek rabbinical dispensation to delay a funeral to give time for representatives of countries to travel to Israel.
  • (10) Contemporary Rabbinic authorities are quoted; their opinions may serve as guidelines for the patient and physician dealing with infertility problems.
  • (11) She was educated at South Hampstead School for Girls and Newnham College Cambridge and stepped down from conducting rabbinical services in 1989.
  • (12) I here examine ancient and medieval rabbinic texts and find these "modern" issues discussed.
  • (13) Since many important legal and moral considerations, which cannot be enunciated in the presentation of general principles, may weigh heavily upon the verdict in any given situation, it seems advisable to submit each individual case to rabbinic judgment, which, in turn, will be based upon expert medical advice and other prevailing circumstances.
  • (14) Some militant settlers and their rabbinical mentors hinted that he deserved death for "treachery", just like his predecessor, Rabin.
  • (15) Clearly, the status of the tests depends on whether termination of affected pregnancies is allowed, and contemporary rabbinical authorities are themselves in dispute as to the permissibility of terminating affected pregnancies.
  • (16) As it is, the rabbinic leadership shows little sign of acting on its own accord.
  • (17) In his three main works, the Commentary on the Mishnah, the Mishneh Torah, and the Guide of the Perplexed, he developed a far-reaching ethical system which is Aristotelian and yet is also greatly dependent upon the Rabbinic tradition.
  • (18) Emblems used throughout the United States and Canada to indicate a program of rabbinic endoresment and supervision of canned, boxed, and bottled products are included.
  • (19) I know there is a lot of pressure on his office from the organised rabbinic community in Brooklyn either not to deal with the cases or to minimise them."
  • (20) It cannot act as the independent regulator you have created, enmeshed in a network of interlocking rules which require an analysis that would do credit to any rabbinical study of the Talmud … I am looking to remove complexity and obscurity in the rules, to make them effective, not to turn them upside-down.” Ipso is to provide “modest sums to those who cannot afford to go to court” to bring action against a newspaper, which has worried the financially beleaguered regional press.

Words possibly related to "rabbinic"

Words possibly related to "rabbinism"