What's the difference between rathe and ripening?



  • (a.) Coming before others, or before the usual time; early.
  • (adv.) Early; soon; betimes.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It was written during the second world war and inspired by the murder in Paris of German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Jewish teenager Herschel Grynszpan .
  • (2) Our investigations have following results: In the Rath-von Verschuer family, which is so extraordinary that the authenticity sometimes had been doubted, we found that crossing overs which were present in 50% of the cases were shown by the combination of protan defect and haemophilia B.
  • (3) This is exactly what happened when the Guardian and Ben Goldacre were sued for libel by vitamin manufacturer Matthias Rath , who had published adverts in South Africa denouncing Aids drugs as ineffective, while promoting his own supplements.
  • (4) By electrokaryotyping we found that all seven genes are located on different chromosomes: MEL1 on chromosome II as shown previously by Voll-rath et al.
  • (5) In a previous paper (Rath, H. M., Doyle, G. A. R., and Silbert, D. F. (1989) J. Biol.
  • (6) "So what we're going to do is get a volunteer up on stage to guess whether the next card detailing an item of Conservative or Labour council waste is higher or lower than the one before," said Rathe.
  • (7) The MF alpha 2-encoded Asn-5,Arg-7 alpha-factor-like peptide has been shown shown to have similar activity to Gln-5,Lys-7 alpha-factor in morphogenesis and growth arrest studies (S. Raths, P. Shenbagamurthi, F. Naider, and J. M. Becker, J. Bacteriol.
  • (8) No matter, because Rathe had some heartwarming soundbites from members giving their reason for joining the party.
  • (9) #BritishThreatLevels May 24, 2017 Ben Rathe (@benrathe) "Can you move down please?"
  • (10) There have been other cases, including Keith Schellenberg, a multi-millionaire who bought a Scottish island, but didn't get on with the islanders; with Matthias Rath, who peddled vitamins as a treatment for HIV; and with Elton John, who had a sense of humour failure at a harmless piece of parody – a case involving fair comment.
  • (11) "I'm Austin Rathe, head of membership and supporters," said a young man who looked as if he might have had to produce ID to get into the club.



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ripen

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Our data suggest that prostaglandin gel cervical ripening and induction of labor and delivery by 42 weeks' gestation may be the most appropriate management for patients with well-established gestational age and an unfavorable cervical examination.
  • (2) Analysis of extractable peptides showed that sub partu collagen was degraded in preference to noncollagenous proteins into very small fragments, whereas in the process of prostaglandin-induced cervical ripening collagen degradation appears to be of minor importance.
  • (3) Patients who were to have preinduction cervical ripening because of an unfavorable cervix (Bishop score less than or equal to 4) were randomly assigned to be given a single dose of prostaglandin E2 as either 2.5 mg of gel or a 3.0 mg "chip" intravaginally in a placebo-controlled manner.
  • (4) Listeria was not detected (direct plating, and cold enrichment) after 80, 77, and 66 d of ripening of Swiss cheese made from milk inoculated with strains California, Ohio, and V7, respectively.
  • (5) It is concluded that PGE2 vaginal tablets--a chemically stable alternative to pharmacy prepared pessaries--appear to be effective as regards cervical ripening as well as for labor induction.
  • (6) The results confirm that the intracervical administration of PGE2 in a viscous medium can induce ripening of the cervix in those patients at term displaying unfavorable cervical state.
  • (7) In contrast, it is activated by the plant hormone ethylene in leaves and during fruit ripening.
  • (8) The reduced pH of cheese curd, which reaches 4.5 to 5.2, depending on the variety, affects at least the following characteristics of curd and cheese: syneresis (and hence cheese composition), retention of calcium (which affects cheese texture), retention and activity of coagulant (which influences the extent and type of proteolysis during ripening), the growth of contaminating bacteria.
  • (9) Other ripening parameters, such as ethylene production, lycopene accumulation, polyuronide solubilisation, and invertase activity, together with pectinesterase activity were not affected by the expression of the antisense gene.
  • (10) It was noted that the collagen bundles disintegrated into fine fibers and also underwent quantitative changes during the ripening process of the cervix.
  • (11) There were no adverse side effects, indicating application of 2 mg of PGE2 as a safe method of cervical ripening prior to induction of labor.
  • (12) The success rate of stripping of the membranes defined as delivery within 48 hours after stripping of the membranes is related to the state of ripening of the uterine cervix and to the ease with which the membranes can be stripped.
  • (13) Two hundred patients received a prostaglandin E2-containing gel for preinduction cervical ripening.
  • (14) These findings point to the insufficient ripening, or aging of placental tissue, which is related to a release of lysosomal enzymes.
  • (15) He proposed that spermatozoa ripen during epididymal transit.
  • (16) Further a summary on questions of the biosynthesis of collagen, changes of the metabolism in the ageing organism and changes of the ripening collagen in the living organism is given.
  • (17) These results indicate that interleukin-8-like chemotactic factor participates in the cervical ripening at term pregnancy and that the production of this factor is controlled effectively by interleukin-1.
  • (18) The 15-methyl-prostaglandin F2 alpha methyl ester suppository technique seems to be effective, safe and simple in ripening the cervix for termination of early pregnancy in primigravidae.
  • (19) The cel1 mRNA was present at a low level in unripe fruit and increased 37-fold during ripening.
  • (20) Growth of salmonellae in Bologna sausage ("frische Mettwurst") can be inhibited by adding of at least 2.5% nitrit curing salt, 0.3% glucono-delta-lactone, and lactic acid starter cultures, even if the product is stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees C. Likewise in spreadible and sliceable fermented sausage ("streichfähige und schnittfeste Rohwurst") no growth of salmonellae is to be expected, if a similar technology secures a sufficient microbiological stability during the ripening and smoking process.

Words possibly related to "rathe"

Words possibly related to "ripening"