What's the difference between rebuke and revoke?



  • (v. t.) To check, silence, or put down, with reproof; to restrain by expression of disapprobation; to reprehend sharply and summarily; to chide; to reprove; to admonish.
  • (n.) A direct and pointed reproof; a reprimand; also, chastisement; punishment.
  • (n.) Check; rebuff.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) His words earned a stinging rebuke from first lady Michelle Obama , but at a Friday rally in North Carolina he said of one accuser, Jessica Leeds: “Yeah, I’m gonna go after you.
  • (2) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Bill Shorten backs prospect of Indigenous treaty to ‘move beyond constitutional recognition’ At a press conference, Turnbull rebuked Shorten for his lack of “discipline” on Q&A, which is, after all, the home of reasoned and reasonable political discourse.
  • (3) Peter Schweizer – whose book scrutinizing donations to the Clinton Foundation has earned sharp rebukes from Hillary Clinton’s campaign and liberally aligned groups – confirmed on Thursday plans to investigate Bush’s past financial dealings.
  • (4) Howard was rebuked by the race discrimination commissioner, Tim Soutphommasane, within minutes of the interview being aired.
  • (5) FBI v Apple hearing: 'Apple is in an arms race with criminals and hackers' – live Read more This all comes on the heels of a judge in New York strongly rebuking the FBI and Department of Justice in a court decision on Monday.
  • (6) Bates also rebuked the agency for misrepresenting the true scope of a major collection program for the third time in three years.
  • (7) The strong-arm tactics immediately drew a rebuke from the US.
  • (8) Anyone who stands in his way, from the prime minister to the Labour leader Ed Miliband and grandees in his own party such as the former leader Lord Steel of Aikwood, can expect a withering rebuke from Clegg.
  • (9) The state department issued a stinging rebuke of the behaviour of the Saudis and their Egyptian, Emirati and Bahraini allies, with the secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, warning them to make their demands on Qatar “ reasonable and actionable ”.
  • (10) The same refusal to back down characterised his dispute with Norman Mailer, whose attitudes towards women had brought rebukes from Gloria Steinem and Kate Millett.
  • (11) Those sorts of failures and might-have-beens have pockmarked Kerry’s record, and the rebukes he has faced have at times been scathing.
  • (12) Their barking drew an entertaining rebuke from Ta-Nehisi Coates to which we cannot resist linking, however: Carlson's descent from reasonably credible magazine journalist to inept race hustler is well mapped territory.
  • (13) Many titles are designed as a deliberate rebuke to the mainstream, which rarely shows much interest in depicting alternative lifestyles or engaging with social issues.
  • (14) The prime minister took the opportunity during a Coalition meeting on Wednesday to urge his colleagues to resist talking about themselves, in an apparent rebuke to Tony Abbott and others who continued to comment about the circumstances leading to the September leadership spill.
  • (15) I’ve watched a lot of cats do a lot of weird and interesting things.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Full speech: Michelle Obama’s powerful rebuke against Trump Furthermore, the controversies engulfing Trump’s campaign have distracted almost entirely from the daily dump by WikiLeaks of nearly 2,000 emails hacked from the Clinton campaign .
  • (16) In a sharp rebuke to Israel , state department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said: "The remarks of the defence minister, if accurate, are offensive and inappropriate, especially given all that the US is doing to support Israel's security needs.
  • (17) Or is there a link with president Dmitry Medvedev's statement on 14 July, the day before her murder, that federal forces should be involved in counter-terrorist operations in Chechnya and Ingushetia – an apparent rebuke to Kadyrov, whose own forces have masterminded operations?
  • (18) Gavin Barwell hasn’t been housing minister for very long at all, but has already elicited a stinging rebuke from his boss at No 10.
  • (19) Kim Davis draws rebuke from Eye of the Tiger band after song plays at rally Read more “I just want to give God the glory,” she said.
  • (20) The part played by the two men in the ousting of well-respected chairman David Plowright the following year earned them a stinging rebuke from John Cleese, whose fax famously read "fuck off out of it, you upstart caterer".



  • (v. t.) To call or bring back; to recall.
  • (v. t.) Hence, to annul, by recalling or taking back; to repeal; to rescind; to cancel; to reverse, as anything granted by a special act; as, , to revoke a will, a license, a grant, a permission, a law, or the like.
  • (v. t.) To hold back; to repress; to restrain.
  • (v. t.) To draw back; to withdraw.
  • (v. t.) To call back to mind; to recollect.
  • (v. i.) To fail to follow suit when holding a card of the suit led, in violation of the rule of the game; to renege.
  • (n.) The act of revoking.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But he argued that Obama entered the agreement without approval from Congress, allowing the president to revoke it.
  • (2) (Incidentally, Australia had just revoked Blanc’s visa).
  • (3) The inspections have already led to complaints and demands that the rules be revoked.
  • (4) But private institutions owe their licence to operate to the state, by being given degree-awarding powers or university titles (which can be revoked).
  • (5) Applications by psychiatrists were infrequently withdrawn or revoked.
  • (6) 'No doesn't really mean no': North Carolina law means women can't revoke consent for sex Read more The 13-year-old girl, named Savannah, spoke on 7 May in Eagle Mountain, Utah, during a once-a-month portion of Sunday services in which members are encouraged to share feelings and beliefs.
  • (7) Universities are losing their sense of public responsibility and social purpose | Peter Scott Read more Ministers will now have the power to revoke the royal charters of many older universities previously regarded as near-inalienable.
  • (8) The current TPA bill comes with a big loophole: if Congress feels the TPP doesn’t meet its expectations, it can revoke the TPA and try to change the terms of the trade agreement.
  • (9) At the beginning of the month the ministry of interior published a list of 72 persons whose citizenship was to be revoked.
  • (10) On Wednesday angry MPs approved a resolution calling on the government to charge the documentary-makers with genocide denial and revoke the BBC’s licence to broadcast in the country.
  • (11) Ninety-one PSRB clients received treatment and of this group 51% had their conditional release revoked by the PSRB.
  • (12) Government misquoting my report to defend revoking citizenship, says Bret Walker Read more Some ministers believe the detail of the citizenship legislation should be presented to cabinet for final decision, given that the last discussion occurred around a vague proposal without a cabinet submission or any kind of documentation or any legal advice.
  • (13) Last week, immigration minister Jason Kenney announced that 3,100 people would have their Canadian citizenship revoked for hiring immigration consultants to falsify their documents.
  • (14) The sanctions order assets frozen, visas revoked and a ban on US companies' business with the targets.
  • (15) USA has the right to issue and revoke visa – I fully understand that.
  • (16) Whistleblowers with dual citizenship who speak out on Australia’s national security – including those involved in allegations that Timor-Leste’s cabinet room was bugged – could face having their citizenship revoked under proposed laws.
  • (17) So of course the Republicans want to deny, if not outright revoke, birthright citizenship to people like me.
  • (18) Any licence to the public to enter or cross this land is revoked forthwith.
  • (19) Detained by US immigration: 'In that moment I loathed America' | Mem Fox Read more After receiving notice that his Nexus card – part of a program designed to expedite border crossings for low-risk, pre-approved travellers – had been revoked, Ahmad decided to use his lunch break on Friday to pay a visit to the Nexus office in Michigan.
  • (20) If the regulator had decided that either James Murdoch – who stood down as chairman of News International in March 2012 and as chairman of BSkyB in April, but remains on the board of the broadcaster as a non-executive director – or the company itself were not fit and proper owners, the regulator could have revoked its licences.