(a.) Kicking back; recalcitrating; hence, showing repugnance or opposition; refractory.
Example Sentences:
(1) Based on the principles of adaptational mutations and genetic exchange of catabolic activities, it becomes possible to select and engineer microorganisms that are suitable for the degradation of recalcitrant compounds.
(2) A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicentre study assessed the clinical efficacy and safety of pulsed electromagnetic limb ulcer therapy (PELUT) in the healing of recalcitrant, predominantly venous leg ulcers.
(3) We present a patient whose genital warts were recalcitrant to treatment.
(4) Isotretinoin (Accutane Capsules) is a synthetic vitamin A compound used for treatment of recalcitrant cystic acne.
(5) Such gene cassettes or operons can be transferred into suitable microbial hosts for extending and custom designing the pathways for rapid degradation of recalcitrant compounds.
(6) Of the 30 patients with warts, most of which were recalcitrant, 14 were cured and the remaining 16 showed marked improvement.
(7) This procedure is a simple and effective method for safe office treatment of patients with recalcitrant recurrent erosion.
(8) The thermal cycle sequencing procedures are advantageous because they allow fast and simple semiautomation of the sequencing reaction; make possible the direct DNA sequencing of PCR products, bacterial colonies and phage plaques; require only femtomoles of template DNA; eliminate the requirement of an independent primer annealing step; remove the requirement of denatured plasmids for sequencing double-stranded templates; and use a highly thermostable DNA polymerase for sequencing through potential recalcitrant secondary structure domains and large linear double-stranded DNA templates such as lambda derivatives.
(9) To study the human teratogenicity of this agent, we investigated 154 human pregnancies with fetal exposure to isotretinoin, a retinoid prescribed for severe recalcitrant cystic acne.
(10) The biosynthesis of prostaglandins (PG) in biopsies from 9 patients with recalcitrant psoriasis was studied before, during, and after treatment with 8-methoxy-psoralen and long-wave ultraviolet light (UVA).
(11) The Dec+ mutants had also acquired the capacity to metabolize other recalcitrant branched hydrocarbons such as 3,6-dimethyloctane and 2,6-dimethyldecane.
(12) Levamisole should be tried in recalcitrant chronic candidoses and bacterial infections not responding to specific antibiotic treatment.
(13) Thus, combination therapy is recommended for treatment of recalcitrant cases of bacterial endocarditis caused by N. mucosa.
(14) If the holding phase is sufficiently prolonged, a reduction in the number and complexity of operative procedures needed for recurrent and recalcitrant cases can be expected.
(15) Treatment of associated systemic disorders may improve the ulcers, but lesions may be recalcitrant and persist for months to years.
(16) Cyclosporine, an immunosuppressive drug, is effective in the treatment of recalcitrant psoriasis.
(17) In recalcitrant cases, however, entrapment of the first branch lateral plantar nerve should be suspected.
(18) These autonomous movements were otherwise recalcitrant to therapy and were felt to arise from neural generators intrinsic to the spinal cord.
(19) The effectiveness and tolerance of isotretinoin have been assessed in 72 cases (34 male and 38 female) suffering from papulo-pustular acne with nodulo-cystic component recalcitrant to traditional treatments.
(20) The government’s strategy is clearly based on a deep confidence that it has time, that it won’t be forced back to the polls by a recalcitrant Senate, that it will have years to reach a rapprochement with the angry states and that it will bring down two more budgets before it has to face the voters.
(a.) Striving against; opposed in desire; unwilling; disinclined; loth.
(a.) Proceeding from an unwilling mind; granted with reluctance; as, reluctant obedience.
Example Sentences:
(1) Why Corporate America is reluctant to take a stand on climate action Read more “We have these quantum leaps,” Friedberg said.
(2) The quantitative principles of test selection and interpretation have been reluctantly integrated into clinical practice.
(3) Even the three Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania , whose EU membership was championed by Britain, seemed reluctant to offer him public support.
(4) Massive protests in the 1990s by Indian, Latin American and south-east Asian peasant farmers, indigenous groups and their supporters put the companies on the back foot, and they were reluctantly forced to shelve the technology after the UN called for a de-facto moratorium in 2000.
(5) While RT is regarded as a major treatment innovation in psychiatry, nonpsychiatrists are reluctant or unaware of the uses of antipsychotic medication as it pertains to RT.
(6) Ron Hogg, the PCC for Durham says that dwindling resources and a reluctance to throw people in jail over a plant (I paraphrase slightly) has led him to instruct his officers to leave pot smokers alone.
(7) "I have always been very reluctant to play that hand, to say it was because I was a girl," she said.
(8) It didn’t help either, Leslie argues, that Labour initially appeared reluctant to focus on the need for continued deficit-reduction.
(9) The possibility of pulmonary edema from fluid overload in nonhypovolemic patients, and reluctance of field personnel to infuse fluid at the rates necessary to produce benefit raise further questions about realistic benefit of IV's in all but the most rural systems.
(10) I was an immigrant, although a reluctant one, and I was living in a huge strange country that resembled the America I'd encountered in books and in films so much less than I had expected.
(11) Even his own people, all holidaying, seemed reluctant to help.
(12) We are in a hotel in Mobile, Alabama, a small town on the Gulf Coast where he and Danny Glover are filming an action movie called Tokarev , in which Cage plays a reformed mobster reluctantly returning to his violent roots when his daughter is kidnapped.
(13) Sampson, 10 years older, is also reluctant to revisit the past.
(14) It remains highly unstable, reports said, making many residents reluctant to go back.
(15) Some 59% of voters said the UK's recent entanglements in Iraq and Afghanistan had made them more reluctant to support military interventions by UK forces abroad.
(16) Similarly, many pitfalls may be circumvented by the simple expedient of close collaboration between urologist and radiologist, and by the reluctance of either to accept urography that is suboptimal by current standards.
(17) "The book is widely taught in high schools across the country because of its appeal to reluctant readers.
(18) If Kim has indeed been set aside – and nobody outside Pyongyang really knows – then whoever has taken power is not seeking the limelight,” said John Everard, former UK ambassador to Pyongyang.“The visits to factories and military units that Kim frequently conducted have not been taken over by anyone else; they have simply stopped.” “As a woman in a very male-dominated society, the theory goes, she might be reluctant to push herself forward publicly straight away, preferring instead to bide her time while governing from behind the scenes.” However, Everard says though it is “not impossible” that Kim Yo-jong has stepped up to the leadership, “it is as hard to disprove this theory as it is to find anything to support it”.
(19) The agencies are understandably reluctant to get into operational detail, but it was reasonable to expect them to engage over the principles they applied prior to Paris.
(20) It is reluctantly forced to strip the UK of its treasured AAA rating when the government's growth forecasts have faced repeated downgrades and the upturn is out of sight.