(n.) A coursing back, or coursing again, along the line of a previous coursing; renewed course; return; retreat; recurence.
(n.) Recurrence in difficulty, perplexity, need, or the like; access or application for aid; resort.
(n.) Access; admittance.
(v. i.) To return; to recur.
(v. i.) To have recourse; to resort.
Example Sentences:
(1) Gastroduodenal investigation must of course be comprised of pictures during collapse, semi-collapse and repletion of the entire duodenal outline; once out of every two times, one has to recourse to intravenous duodenography which has become a routine investigation.
(2) Using this olfactory scale in the blotting paper test a rough quantitative screening of the degree of olfaction impairment should be possible, without recourse to expensive olfactometry.
(3) Perhaps the most controversial aspect of the legislation is its so-called “Henry VIII powers” that grant the government executive power to amend existing legislation without further recourse to parliament.
(4) The analysis of positive cases allows it to be stated that on each occasion in which the reaction is positive there is a pregnancy, but the location of this pregnancy is uncertain, and recourse to a complementary technique is justified.
(5) The aim of the study was to assess vomit and pain control in terminal cancer patients with inoperable gastrointestinal obstruction, using a pharmacologic symptomatic treatment which prevents recourse to nasogastric tube placement and intravenous hydration, in hospital and home care settings.
(6) This leaves members of the public open to wrongful arrest with no right of recourse and heavy-handed tactics and abusive actions by police not subject to disciplinary proceedings,” he said.
(7) Sacked unfairly, few will have recourse to the law.
(8) Every violation by Uber will be evaluated and we will go for legal recourse,” said Madhur Verma, the Delhi police deputy commissioner.
(9) The growth of populations and the spread of urbanization, resulting in new agricultural structures, have entailed a concentration of livestock production and recourse to new techniques.
(10) Physical and psychological barriers left them significantly disadvantaged, politically powerless, and without legal recourse in matters of discrimination.
(11) The ready recourse to these grafts, so much in vogue at the present time in primary rhinoplasties, should be carefully and completely re-examined, since the final result very frequently yields no real benefits and may permanently deface the area from which the cartilage has been taken.
(12) When facing these issues ethical behaviour depends upon an individual's understanding and acceptance of this painful dilemma without recourse to external moral authority.
(13) "Health care personnel may not apply undue pressure of any sort on individuals who have opted for the extreme recourse of a hunger strike.
(14) Two recent technical advances facilitate the derivation of proliferating hybrids from human diploid fibroblast strains without recourse to biochemical selection: (1) a new chemically-mediated method of somatic cell fusion (PEG-DMSO) yields hybrids at rates as high as 1 in 160 colonies after dilute plating of treated cell mixtures, and (2) a simple technology for assessment of DNA content (flow microfluorometry) permits rapid and highly sensitive monitoring of ploidy.
(15) In endodontic treatment of teeth, partial or "conservative" crown reconstructions are clinically acceptable where loss of substance is limited and recourse to radicular pivots is contraindicated.
(16) and I.S.A.3,000 from the percentage of emphysema as determined macroscopically, without recourse to histological methods.
(17) The ever-growing recourse to profit-driven firms to provide prisons is diametrically opposed to the provision of reform and rehabilitation in prisons.
(18) There is currently no right of appeal – if the tribunal rules against an individual, his or her only recourse is to the European court of human rights.
(19) Paget's disease may in some cases require recourse to surgery: (1) Fractures of bones in patients with the disease mend normally but slowly.
(20) But to steer a path through Europe's biggest financial crisis in decades, reboot France's stuttering economy, reverse the surge in unemployment and wipe out the government's overdraft without simple recourse to drastic austerity measures and while preserving a generous welfare state, Hollande needs the solid backing of parliament to pass his reforms.
(n.) A covering overhead; especially, a tent.
(n.) The cloth covering of a cart or a wagon.
(n.) A cloth cover of a boat; a small canopy or awning extended over the sternsheets of a boat.
(v. t.) To cover with a tilt, or awning.
(v. t.) To incline; to tip; to raise one end of for discharging liquor; as, to tilt a barrel.
(v. t.) To point or thrust, as a lance.
(v. t.) To point or thrust a weapon at.
(v. t.) To hammer or forge with a tilt hammer; as, to tilt steel in order to render it more ductile.
(v. i.) To run or ride, and thrust with a lance; to practice the military game or exercise of thrusting with a lance, as a combatant on horseback; to joust; also, figuratively, to engage in any combat or movement resembling that of horsemen tilting with lances.
(v. i.) To lean; to fall partly over; to tip.
(n.) A thrust, as with a lance.
(n.) A military exercise on horseback, in which the combatants attacked each other with lances; a tournament.
(n.) See Tilt hammer, in the Vocabulary.
(n.) Inclination forward; as, the tilt of a cask.
Example Sentences:
(1) The tilt was reproduced with a typical spread of about 10 degrees.
(2) The compromised ice sheet tilts and he sinks into the Arctic Sea on the back of his faltering white Icelandic pony.
(3) Moreover, the majority of the 'out of phase' units showed an increased discharge during side-up animal tilt and side-down neck rotation.
(4) It appears impossible to define a "positive" tilt test that would adequately identify patients with clinically significant dehydration or blood loss; this is due to the large variance in patients' orthostatic measurements both in a healthy and in an ill state and the lack of a significant correlation of orthostatic measurements to a level of dehydration.
(5) The most frequently occurring signs were: tilting of the disc (89%), oblique direction of the vessels (89%) and myopic astigmatism (96%).
(6) Patellar subluxation may improve substantially following either lateral release or anteromedial tibial tubercle transfer, but this study suggests that correction of subluxation is less consistent than reduction of abnormal tilt with tibial tubercle transfer or lateral release alone.
(7) The calculated separation between the centers of these two pigments (using an extended version of the exciton theory) is about 10 A, the pigments' molecular planes are tilted by about 20 degrees, and their N1-N3 axes are rotated by 150 degrees relative to each other.
(8) The diagnostic criterion was a difference in talar tilt of 6 or more degrees between the injured and uninjured foot on inversion stress radiographs.
(9) Failure was more likely with a subluxated, tilted, or excessively thick patella or flexed femoral component.
(10) Past measurements have shown that the intensity range is reduced at the extremes of the F0 range, that there is a gradual upward tilt of the high- and low-intensity boundaries with increasing F0, and that a ripple exists at the boundaries.
(11) Pulmonary ventilation parameters (breathing depth, frequency and minute volume, and alveolar ventilation) of 5 healthy male test subjects who performed a 20-minute tilt test were analyzed.
(12) Nonspecific baroreflex loading maneuvers such as head-down tilt readily suppress stimulated arginine vasopressin levels in normal humans.
(13) Meanwhile, among hepatic and systemic hemodynamics, wedged hepatic venous pressure, hepatic venous pressure gradient, free hepatic venous pressure, cardiac index, systolic blood pressure, systemic vascular resistance, and stroke volume were found to have changed significantly after tilting.
(14) Among the implications of the less-than-impressive substantive results of the MWTA is the lesson that while a crisis can tilt the political balance in favor of regulatory legislation, it cannot as readily produce the consensus required to sustain that regulation at the levels promised in the legislation.
(15) Whole body tilt from supine to 45 degrees head-up was associated with increased heart rate and an insignificant rise in MABP in both groups, although a rise in plasma AVP occurred in control subjects only.
(16) During tilt, both systolic (S) blood pressure (BP) (p less than 0.01) and diastolic (D) BP (p less than 0.05) increased in HT, but not in NT.
(17) Three trials on the tilting plane significantly elevated the corticosterone concentration in saline-treated ANT rats, but produced no additional increase in drug-treated ANT rats.
(18) The transition moment either tilts further into the membrane or loses some of its axial orientation, or both.
(19) All initially positive patients were rendered tilt negative by therapy.
(20) Midodrine significantly increased the basal rate of cardiac output and attenuated the decrease in cardiac output induced by the tilt.