What's the difference between recti and recto?



  • (pl. ) of Rectus

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The numerical difference was especially prominent in comparing the abducens nucleus with one of the vertical recti subdivisions.
  • (2) diastasis recti abdominis with pericardial hernia, ventral defect of the diaphragm, partial defect of the sternum, and tetralogy of Fallot.
  • (3) The ruler is especially helpful when one is doing large recessions and posterior fixation of the recti muscles (Faden operation).
  • (4) Surgery of the perforated caecum and ampulla recti was carried out during the first 24 hours, and that of the sigmoid flexure on the seventh day.
  • (5) Both patients had good cosmetic and functional improvement by means of vertical recti transposition to correct their large angle, fixed exotropias.
  • (6) There are four recti (inferior, superior, anterior and posterior) and two obliquii (superior and inferior) muscles for the synchronized rotation of the eye ball within the orbit.
  • (7) Among others, a modified suture technique for correcting the combined laceration of Perineum-Ampulla recti-areal (third degree perineal laceration) and a modification of the method for correcting pneumovagina are described.
  • (8) Adaptation of saccadic magnitude and vestibulo-ocular reflex gain (VOR) was examined in six monkeys that had undergone a tenectomy of the medial and lateral recti of one eye.
  • (9) In a case of general fibrosis syndrom we found almost normally contracting vertical recti, which is compatible only with a supranuclear or misdirectional cause.
  • (10) A case of Moebius syndrome with bilateral aplasia of the medial and lateral recti is reported.
  • (11) A distal segment of the tubuli recti is found in bulls only and is characterized by a high epithelium which is thrown into folds giving the lumen a festooned appearance.
  • (12) The effects of varying degrees of passive stretch on in vitro oxygen consumption and intracellular lactate efflux have been investigated in paired recti abdomini muscles from small male frogs.
  • (13) A simultaneous graded supraplacement of both horizontal recti in the affected eye was used to manage the hypotropia in 9 of 11 patients with unilateral palsies.
  • (14) The findings indicate that the blood supply of the iris is segmental and suggest that, in strabismus surgery, cutting the two vertical recti along with the lateral rectus may subject the eye to the risk of anterior segment ischemia.
  • (15) These findings demonstrate the importance of testing for diastasis recti abdominis above, below, and at the umbilicus throughout and after the childbearing year.
  • (16) A subsequent review of 48 testicular specimens containing well-defined areas of the rete testis showed hyaline globule formation in the rete testis or tubuli recti in 16 of 27 germ cell tumors, one of five other testicular tumors (four stromal tumors and one plasmacytoma), and none of 16 nonneoplastic cases.
  • (17) An experimental study was conducted on rhesus monkeys using the technique of anterior segment fluorescein angiography to determine the changes that occur in the iris circulation following surgery on extraocular recti muscles in various combinations and to investigate the safe time limit to perform further surgery on the remaining recti muscles.
  • (18) This vertical retraction syndrome mimics Duane's syndrome and benefits from recession of the taut vertical recti.
  • (19) When tenotomies of a horizontal and one or two vertical recti were combined, the defect occurred in the region of the vertical rectus only.
  • (20) This should alter the vectors of the forces exerted on the globe by the rectus muscles so that the horizontal recti become partial elevators or depressors and the vertical recti become increasing abductors or adductors.



  • (n.) A writ of right.
  • (n.) The right-hand page; -- opposed to verso.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A balanced synthetic diet, the so called astronaut-diet was given to nine gynaecological patients with recto-vaginal fistulas or operation for aplasia of the vagina.
  • (2) A case report of uterovaginal hypoplasia in association with anal atresia and recto-vaginal fistula is presented, and the value of ultrasound in the diagnosis of this entity is discussed.
  • (3) Out of 23 villous tumours, class A, 11 underwent local removal with two relapses, 7 recto-sigmoidal resections and 3 amputations of the rectum and 2 Hartmann operations.
  • (4) Complications were noted in 13 patients (22%): temporary rectal bleeding in 7, stenosis of the sigmoid in 2, recto-vaginal fistula in 1, ileo-sigmoidal fistula in 1, and perforation of the intestine in 2 patients.
  • (5) The first two cases were affected with ulcerative lesion in the distal portion of the recto-sigmoid colon and the descending colon.
  • (6) The authors report the case of a large pelvic tumour compressing the bladder, the ureters and the recto-sigmoid junction.
  • (7) Their tumor volumes were evaluated once a month using bimanual recto-vaginal palpation under anesthesia.
  • (8) Only one patient had a serious complication through a recto-vesical fistula.
  • (9) Vesical posterior wall has been analysed in about 37 cases, vesico-vaginal structure in about 36 cases, rectal anterior wall and recto-vaginal structure in about 36 cases, parametrium and pelvic sides walls in about 35 cases.
  • (10) Ano-rectal manometry may be used to evaluate the recto-anal inhibitory reflex which is absent in Hirschsprung's disease, although its use in patients with idiopathic constipation requires further study.
  • (11) In 11 patients, it was a Group D streptococcus and a recto-sigmoid colonic tumour was found in 3 cases.
  • (12) A case of recto-sigmoid adenocarcinoma, developing 25 years after bilateral uretero-sigmo dostomy for extrophia vesicae in a 29 year old man.
  • (13) Macroscopic observations at 6 hr p. a. revealed homogeneous and consistent inflammation in the recto-anus applied region.
  • (14) However, the 3 stages share major abnormal findings which comprise high resting rectal neck pressure, reduced or absent recto-inhibitory reflex, internal sphincter hypertrophy and degeneration of the nerve plexus of the internal sphincter.
  • (15) A review of the literature shows that in these repeated procedures, the only good results, carcinologically, are observed when the original procedure consisted in a recto-colic anastomosis.
  • (16) In order of frequency were noted; 144 cases of bilharzia due to Schistosoma haematobium with 75 genito-urinary localisations and 51 appendicular cases, 31 cases of onchocercosis with a majority of subcutaneous nodules (17), 17 cases of digestive helminthiasis all locate in the ileo-caecal-appendix and discovered during systematic appendicular exploration, 13 cases of colitic or recto-sigmoidal amebiasis.
  • (17) Twenty-eight patients with colon carcinoma (excluding the recto-sigmoid region) underwent preoperative staging with computed tomography (CT).
  • (18) For electron microscopy, the immunogold procedure was applied to sections of lowicryl-embedded samples; simultaneous detection of GABA- and TH-immunoreactivities was enabled by recto-verso double labelling with gold particles of distinct diameters.
  • (19) Authors experience in the Dixon's operation regarding the surgical treatment of cancer of the rectum and recto-sigmoid junction is reviewed.
  • (20) The approach is called posterior sagittal ano recto vagino urethroplasty (PSARVUP).

Words possibly related to "recti"

Words possibly related to "recto"