What's the difference between reigning and reining?



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Reign

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is this combination that explains the widespread fascination with how China's economic size or power compares to America's, and especially with the question of whether the challenger has now displaced the long-reigning champion.
  • (2) The problem, however, is that this scale of economic planning and management is entirely outside the boundaries of our reigning ideology.
  • (3) The palace and the politicians expect a smooth succession to the reign of Charles III, even though he is a man who has spent his life demonstrating how woefully unqualified he is to be a constitutional king.
  • (4) This is a team who have found their feet after that winless group section, a side who have already seen off the much admired Croatia and who can ruffle the feathers of the hosts or the reigning world champions.
  • (5) Patrick Vieira, captain and on-pitch embodiment of Wenger’s reign, won the trophy with the last kick of his career at the club in the season when the Arsenal-United axis was finally broken by Chelsea at the top of the Premier League.
  • (6) The paper, which traditionally supports the Tory party and was edited by the former Conservative cabinet minister Bill Deedes during seven years of Thatcher's reign, feared an avalanche of "bile" would "spew" from its pages and decided to keep comments closed, according to insiders.
  • (7) Twenty years ago, before the reign of Charlie Mayfield, the present CEO, the company's cleaners and caterers were all outsourced to save money.
  • (8) When asked whether he was encouraged that Liverpool’s players were still clearly playing for their manager he issued an impassioned defence of his reign, but also warned the club faced a lengthy rebuilding job, “whether that is with me or someone else in the job”.
  • (9) It’s going to be harder in Zurich, because there’s going to be a lot more eight-metre jumpers,” he says, citing the reigning champion, Christian Reif, who has jumped 8.49m this season, as his main opposition Rutherford won gold in Glasgow with a modest leap of 8.20m but, as he points out, the chilly conditions were hardly conducive to leaping far.
  • (10) With this in mind, his new deal feels like Miami paying for past results, rewarding Bosh for his often overlooked contributions during the Heat's four-season reign on top of the East.
  • (11) That decision has caused anger among Leeds’ fans after Redfearn saved Leeds from relegation from the Championship after being given the job in the wake of the ill-fated reigns of the unknown David Hockaday and the little known Darko Milanic.
  • (12) He's been the league MVP for two years in a row, he's the reigning NBA finals MVP, he led Team USA to a gold medal in last summer's Olympics, he's on this year's All-Defense first team, oh and there's that Sports Illustrated's sportsman of the year thing … OK, you get the idea, there's a lot of compelling evidence out there that suggests that the dude knows how to play basketball.
  • (13) Ferguson was not about to let another slip by the reigning champions to escape unpunished.
  • (14) Northern Ireland , meanwhile, must attempt to emerge from a section that includes the reigning world champions Italy and the World Cup qualifiers Serbia and Slovenia.
  • (15) The cardinal consistently condemned homosexuality during his reign, vociferously opposing gay adoption and same-sex marriage.
  • (16) In Britain, an embarrassed silence now reigns where David Cameron’s promised “comprehensive strategy” is supposed to be.
  • (17) While caricatures of welfare dependents reign unchallenged, pressing practical questions about how poor people can make ends meet are ducked.
  • (18) He was technically king of Wessex but was referred to as king of the English towards the end of his reign.
  • (19) Dismantling the reigning champions would normally serve as a statement of intent at Chelsea, though this was all too easy.
  • (20) "It is not the nicest period of my life," admitted the Dutchman, appearing more dejected than at any time in his two-and-a-half-year reign.



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Rein

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Sabogal was one of a group of four Colombians who took over the reins of the country's biggest drug-trafficking outfit after the arrest and deportation to the United States of drug baron Luis Hernando Gómez Bustamante in 2004.
  • (2) Shearer has long been expected to take the reins at St James' Park at some point but it is something of a surprise that he has chosen to do so amid such turbulence and uncertainty over the club's future.
  • (3) The prime minister is coming under increasing pressure from the heads of some of Britain's largest multinational corporations who have urged Cameron to stop "moralising" and rein in his rhetoric on tax avoidance ahead of a G8 summit next month.
  • (4) There is also a feeling among some analysts that the hardline Islamists will be naturally reined in.
  • (5) While the administrators, Deloitte, are officially in charge of the process, Hilco holds the reins, having bought most of HMV's debts last month.
  • (6) The time to hand over the reins came and went, Keating challenged and lost, before heading to the backbench to lick his wounds and shore up the factional numbers needed for a successful spill.
  • (7) These choices now open the way for Mr Juncker to pick the rest of his commission team, all of whom will face confirmation hearings at the newly empowered European parliament before the new commission takes over the reins in two months’ time.
  • (8) The levy, which could raise as much as €35bn (£29.3bn) a year for the 11 countries, is designed to prevent a repeat of the conditions that stoked the credit crunch by reining in investment banks.
  • (9) It also flags up that Portugal is missing its targets despite rebalancing its economy faster than planned: The authorities have continued to rein in expenditure, but have experienced revenue shortfalls resulting from the fast rebalancing of the economy from domestic demand towards exports, which are characterised by a lower tax‐intensity.
  • (10) A ny attempt to rein in the vast US surveillance apparatus exposed by Edward Snowden's whistleblowing will be for naught unless government and corporations alike are subject to greater oversight.
  • (11) Kim Jong-un's need for cash has grown more urgent following tough UN sanctions in response to recent missile and nuclear tests, which also prompted China, the North's main benefactor, to rein in its assistance.
  • (12) It adds: "Either eventuality seems a wholly unjustifiable use of public funds at a time when public spending will be reined in."
  • (13) Chris Leslie, Labour's shadow financial secretary to the Treasury, said: "Nobody doubts that Stephen Hester has done some important things at RBS, but what this award shows is David Cameron's promises about reining in excessive bonuses at state-owned banks or using shareholder power have proved to be utterly worthless.
  • (14) The Democratic frontrunner said she had laid out an “aggressive plan to rein in Wall Street” and pointed to Super Pacs established by hedge fund managers to fight her candidacy.
  • (15) Entwistle will formally take over the reins at the BBC on 17 September, after Thompson has seen the corporation through the London Olympics.
  • (16) Abdullah reined in his base but the shift in the tenor of the fans was unmistakeable, especially after some of them tore down a portrait of Karzai.
  • (17) Labour has said it will put further pressure on RBS executives to rein in excessive bonuses after helping to force the bank's chief executive, Stephen Hester, to abandon his plan to take a £1m share bonus .
  • (18) Using these templates we have shown that a human histone gene, H3.3, contains sequences (intrinsic terminators) within which purified RNA polymerase II will efficiently terminate transcription (Reines, D., Wells, D., Chamberlin, M.J., and Kane, C. M. (1987) J. Mol.
  • (19) In a joint statement, several of the advocates warned: "As the Chinese government bears down heavy-handedly to rein in petitioning citizens, free intellectuals, rights defenders, and religious figures, it has … intensified its full-scale repression of rights defence lawyers to an unprecedented degree.
  • (20) Klopp has made a swift recovery from surgery and will be on the touchline at Upton Park, although has vowed to rein in his demonstrative touchline behaviour against Slaven Bilic’s side.

Words possibly related to "reigning"

Words possibly related to "reining"