What's the difference between reimprison and reincarcerate?



  • (v. t.) To imprison again.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Human rights groups in Bahrain have urged the country’s allies in the EU and the UK to “speak out before it’s too late”, after the prominent activist Nabeel Rajab was released on bail following several months of pre-trial detainment only to be reimprisoned hours afterwards.



Example Sentences:

  • (1) Harris and Lingoes' (1955) six PD subscales were assessed empirically for their convergent validity and for their utility to discriminate amongst male offenders on the two outcome measures of successful completion of sentences at a correctional halfway house and reincarceration at a 1-year follow-up.
  • (2) This aftercare group showed a postrelease DWI rate of only 4.2% and reincarceration rate of 8.3%.
  • (3) 70 male felony offenders treated with the cognitive behavioral approach of Moral Reconation Therapy during and after incarceration were assessed for rearrests and reincarceration 38 months after their release.
  • (4) Analysis showed reincarceration rates of 36.9% for the 65 controls, 22.6% of the 115 treated subjects, and only 16.7% of the 24 aftercare clients.
  • (5) Three years after their release, subjects' postrelease arrest and reincarceration records were collected.
  • (6) In addition, four of the six subscales predicted success in the halfway house program; one of the six subscales predicted reincarceration.

Words possibly related to "reimprison"

Words possibly related to "reincarcerate"