What's the difference between repair and reparative?
(v. i.) To return.
(v. i.) To go; to betake one's self; to resort; ass, to repair to sanctuary for safety.
(n.) The act of repairing or resorting to a place.
(n.) Place to which one repairs; a haunt; a resort.
(v. t.) To restore to a sound or good state after decay, injury, dilapidation, or partial destruction; to renew; to restore; to mend; as, to repair a house, a road, a shoe, or a ship; to repair a shattered fortune.
(v. t.) To make amends for, as for an injury, by an equivalent; to indemnify for; as, to repair a loss or damage.
(n.) Restoration to a sound or good state after decay, waste, injury, or partial restruction; supply of loss; reparation; as, materials are collected for the repair of a church or of a city.
(n.) Condition with respect to soundness, perfectness, etc.; as, a house in good, or bad, repair; the book is out of repair.
Example Sentences:
(1) Both apertures were repaired with great caution using individual sutures without resection of the hernial sac.
(2) Surgical repair of the rheumatologic should however, is performed rarely, and should be reserved for the infrequent cases that do not respond to medical therapy.
(3) It has also been used to measure the amount of excision repair performed by non-replicating cells damaged by carcinogens.
(4) Post-irradiation hypertonic treatment inhibited both DNA repair and PLD recovery, while post-irradiation isotonic treatment inhibited neither phenomenon.
(5) Substances with a leaving group at the C-3 position form unsaturated conjugated cyclic adducts and are mutagenic only in the His D3052 frameshift strains with an intact excision repair system (no urvA mutation).
(6) We conclude that removal of dimers and repair of gaps were similar in all cases.
(7) After early repair of congenital cardiovascular defects, such as coarctation of the aorta, late stenosis may become a problem.
(8) Carotid artery injury seems to have a good prognosis if repaired promptly within 3 h.
(9) This study demonstrated that significant global and regional ventricular dysfunction develops immediately after removal of the papillary muscles, whereas myocardial contractility is preserved in patients undergoing mitral valve repair.
(10) In situ repair was performed in 30 patients (arterial bypass: 17 patients; splenorenal bypass: 13 patients).
(11) Repair may be accomplished by open or closed techniques.
(12) The authors propose three regular procedures with which they are experienced: repair with a large retromuscular nonabsorbable synthetic tulle prosthesis for extensive epigastric eventrations, fillup aponeuroplasty using the sheath of the rectus abdominis associated with a premuscular patch in case of diastasis or of multiple superimposed orifices and suture associated with a small retromuscular auxiliary patch to treat small incisional hernias.
(13) Just don’t be surprised if they ask you to repair their phones, too.
(14) Defects in the posterior one-half of the trachea, up to 5 rings long, were repaired, with minimal stenosis.
(15) In adults it reappears in malignant tumors and during inflammation and tissue repair.
(16) We attribute the greater strength of the step-cut repair to the additional number of epitendinous loops, which lie perpendicular to the long axis of the tendon.
(17) irradiation by a mechanism that is independent of excision repair.
(18) Thus, there is still a need for improvement, particularly future research devoted to better understanding of the electrophysiological mechanisms responsible for arrhythmias, electrosurgical and medical arrhythmia therapy, and right and left ventricular mechanics after repair of tetralogy of Fallot.
(19) Such lesions should be chemically stable and should not be recognized by DNA-repair enzymes.
(20) Polypropylene mesh was used to repair the abdominal wall.
(a.) Repairing, or tending to repair.
(n.) That which repairs.
Example Sentences:
(1) A polypotent mechanism of the stimulating effect of fibronectin instillations during all the stages of the reparative process in the corneal tissue was proved.
(2) These observations provide biochemical support for the hypothesis that the reparative process of injured tissue in the fetal rabbit proceeds in an attempt to reconstitute normality, i.e.
(3) It is thought that the mechanisms of resorption are: co-mingling with CSF and redistribution in the more acute variety and in instances of subdural hydromas; and thru the healing and reparative process in the chronic type.
(4) The formation of cavity is followed by asymmetrical segment demyelination and reparative hyperplasia of the astroglial cells and gliosis of the cavity walls.
(5) The kinetic and fine structural characteristics and site of origin of the resurfacing uterine lining, as well as the influence of ovarian hormonal stimuli on the reparative processes of experimentally injured endometrium in the rabbit, were studied by means of in vivo historadioautography and electron microscopy.
(6) Hence, reaction of chemical carcinogen with nuclear DNA is possible only when the cell is overwhelmed leading to cell death, or following a temporary breach of the nuclear membrane control points, but the DNA damage in the latter is totally reparable.
(7) Since the contraction of the wound in experimental animals was also more rapid (activization from the 3rd day), a conclusion can be made of the stimulating influence of LP on the course of the reparative regeneration of the epidermis observed as long as 1.5 weeks after a single injection of LP.
(8) After 4 days of treatment, the active-treated wounds had already reached the reparative phase, whereas the vehicle-treated wounds were still in the proliferative phase.
(9) If the villagers fail to respect the social code, by not using her new name or by reminding her of her indignity, they have to perform a reparative ritual, at which a goat is sacrificed.
(10) The modulative effect of the methods of general and local sorptive detoxication on the development of inflammatory reaction of the area of thermal trauma with reduction of damaging effect of proteolytic enzymes and formation of cellular reaction directed at protection from microorganisms and beginning of the proliferative stage of reparative regeneration is shown.
(11) Review of the FNA smears showed the findings to be more typical of a reparative or regenerative process; these findings had been cytologically overinterpreted, partly due to the lack of adequate clinical information submitted with the aspirate.
(12) It is indicated that in vitro and at implantation in preliminary infected ordinary and gunshot osseous wounds in rabbits and dogs gentacycol inhibits the growth of aerobic and, that is especially important, anaerobic microflora, limits the development of inflammatory Process and stimulates, to a certain extent, reparative osteogenesis.
(13) At this stage any attempt at definitive removal of diseased tissue would necessarily result in a larger dural defect at a time when local disease and systemic illness present unsuitable conditions for reparative procedures.
(14) Lower parameters of mononuclear content in dermocytograms during the course of treatment correspond to the disturbance of reparative capacities of the organism in groups of patients with the complicated course of the disease.
(15) Some differences in the thickness of the reparative dentin deposited were noted when teeth were grouped according to the amount of remaining dentin.
(16) This shift is thought to parallel the oscillation between unconscious instinctual gratification and conscious attempts at reparation which is the main dynamic feature of the compulsive neurosis in waking life.
(17) Bernier and Cahn established the subdivision between the rare central giant cell reparative granuloma and the common peripheral epulis.
(18) We also hear that Troika officials have been rather surprised by the latest talk about Greece potentially handing Germany a bill for outstanding war reparations .
(19) Secondary syndactyly is the result of mechanical adhesion of adjacent parts involved in a general reparative or healing process.
(20) In the reparative stage newly formed vessels in the granulation tissue were observed; In the post-infarction scars sinusoid vascular cavities and arteries of the closing type were noted.