What's the difference between replant and reptant?



  • (v. t.) To plant again.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) An 11-year clinical and radiographic follow-up of an avulsed tooth, replanted within 15 minutes, has been presented.
  • (2) To improve the outcome of extremity replantation, microsurgeons have administered systemic antithrombotic agents (e.g., heparin, aspirin, dextran).
  • (3) A report on a case of successful replantation of an excised segment of forearm tissue is presented.
  • (4) 16 maxillary and mandibular permanent lateral incisors of four dogs aged from 5 to 7 months were immediately replanted without endodontic treatment.
  • (5) Within a year, protective sensibility was restored in the replanted hand, but intrinsic muscles were paralysed.
  • (6) Four weeks after replantation, a more than threefold increase in PBF was measured in premolars with two roots, while PBF in premolars with one root and incisors was consistently reduced to an average of 40% of the controls.
  • (7) In 10 patients extracorporeal repair with replacement of the artery by a venous graft and replantation was performed.
  • (8) Two cases of thumb replantation and one of finger revascularization complicated by Aeromonas hydrophila infection are reported.
  • (9) Axial pattern flaps, free transfer flaps, and replanted fingers were investigated using this method intra- and postoperatively.
  • (10) Follow-up for over 6 months showed that the hair of the replanted scalps grew normally in all the 6 patients.
  • (11) A case of a totally amputated ear that was successfully replanted using microvascular anastomosis is reported.
  • (12) Based on these findings, it seems reasonable to conclude that brief storage of teeth in ATP solution before replantation may have improved the healing of replanted teeth in rats.
  • (13) The ways of performing the possible optimal limb replantation are scheduled on the basis of their own experiences.
  • (14) A big toe of a rat was successfully replanted by anastomosing the deep branch of the medial plantar artery and its concomitant vein.
  • (15) The authors report a case of successful replantation of all fingers in a ten-finger complete amputation.
  • (16) One hundred eleven patients who sustained isolated, complete thumb amputation between 1971 and 1985 were reviewed to assess results of replantation and to compare these with results of amputation revision.
  • (17) The considerable technical progress in surgery of the hand, especially in the field of microsurgery which made replantation of detached fingers possible, may give the impression that hand surgery is primarily a technical discipline.
  • (18) We believe that replantation should be attempted in all cases of thumb amputation in which the part is available.
  • (19) Therefore, with the exception of the thumb, single finger replantation should not be a routine procedure in a cold climate such as that encountered in Finland.
  • (20) We present a successful microvascular replantation of a scalp and ear, where almost the entire scalp and right ear survived on 1 artery and 1 vein.



  • (a.) Same as Repent.
  • (a.) Creeping; crawling; -- said of reptiles, worms, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Recent findings reviewed in this paper suggest that in fact all reptants share the same three inhibitory axons: one is a universal common inhibitor, making synaptic connections within all leg muscles; the other two are specific (single-target) inhibitors of the opener and stretcher muscles, respectively (muscles which share a single excitatory axon as their sole source of activation even though they act on different joints).

Words possibly related to "replant"

Words possibly related to "reptant"