(1) It is resilient, but like all reefs around the world, it is also facing challenges.
(2) In the UK, George Osborne used this to his advantage, claiming "Britain faces the disaster of having its international credit rating downgraded" even after Moody's ranked UK debt as "resilient".
(3) We continue to work closely with Pacific partner countries and regional organisations to build resilience and manage the impacts of climate change on economic development.” Aluka Rakin, director of Youth to Youth in Health in Majuro, said the organisation’s clinic is falling apart.
(4) It has been a season where you learn about yourself, it teaches you about your own mental fortitude and resilience.
(5) Oral complications consist of mucositis, salivary gland dysfunction, loss of resiliency of perioral tissues, periodontal disease, and caries.
(6) Schools should adopt whole-school approaches to building emotional resilience – everyone from the dinner ladies to the headteacher needs to understand how to help young people to cope with what the modern world throws at them.
(7) Aware of FMNR's ability to build resilience, the WFP is giving food for work to 5,000 FMNR farmers in Kaffrine.
(8) Some were less fortunate, but panic has given way to a Balkan pride and resilience.
(9) Spanish renaissance In contrast, Spanish has held up remarkably well, due to its resilience at GCSE and growing awareness of the number of people around the world who speak it.
(10) Since the effectiveness with which they are removed largely depends on the age with respect to the stage of root formation, bone resilience and relationship with adjacent anatomical structures, and the dexterity of the operator, whenever possible, early removal is recommended.
(11) Over the last month, the company has released PR materials that highlight the Gulf’s resilience, as well as a report compiling scientific studies that suggest the area is making a rapid recovery.
(12) Despite all these fault lines, China is not going to collapse; it is far too resilient for that.
(13) This week, the resilience of Italy’s most pernicious problem – the mafia – was exposed once again when it was announced that Corleone’s town council was being dissolved by the order of Rome because it had been infiltrated by organised crime.
(14) Those androgynous looks helped him play a resilient 1970s transvestite in Breakfast On Pluto, for example.
(15) An independently composited index of competence from 2-year tool-using measures also correlated significantly with later resiliency, as did 2-year measures of mothers' support and quality of assistance.
(16) Facebook Twitter Pinterest ‘I’m president, they’re not’: Donald Trump at rally in Washington Trump is “much more resilient” than his opponents allow, said Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker, before pivoting to a plug for his new book, Understanding Trump .
(17) I think the fact that the movement has now become so public and widely supported gives it a resilience that means we can do this and it will make it very hard for border force and the government to make a move on these people.” There were also training demonstrations given at churches in Sydney, Hobart, Perth, Canberra and Adelaide, while Christ Church cathedral in Darwin will hold a demonstration later this afternoon.
(18) It's only when you try to navigate the system for an elderly relative that you realise how an older person's wellbeing and resilience matter less than the place in the NHS hierarchy of the hospital consultant, GP and social worker.
(19) While sympathetic influence is critical to the escape and maintenance of AV junctional automaticity both anterograde and retrograde AV conduction are remarkably resilient even under conditions of severe sympathetic deficit.
(20) The concept of heightened resilience or invulnerability in young profoundly stressed children is developed in terms of its implications for a psychology of wellness and for primary prevention in mental health.
(n.) The state or quality of being springly.
Example Sentences:
(1) He's finding solace, fleeting and fragmentary, and every springy guitar lick is its own benediction," Chinen wrote.
(2) In our dog days this was a favoured spot, a conifer plantation where he could do no harm, a springy floored place without seasons where a wee up a tree was all he could leave behind.
(3) We strolled across springy heather and moss as wet as a sponge, and a strange cackling call of “go-back, go-back” rose on the wind: small coveys of red grouse whirred away from us.
(4) People throughout Asia use springy bamboo poles to carry the loads of everyday life.
(5) Nonarticulated components, such as the solid-ankle cushion heel foot, have various keel designs; energy-storing variants provide springiness for walking and running.
(6) Popular with journalists and staff from Editora Abril – the offices of Brazil's magazine leviathan are just down the road – Ella offers silky, exquisite homemade pasta, springy gnocchi and tender milanesas (breaded steak in a superbly crunchy coating).
(7) I put the recorder inside and hit it: a kind of springy reverb sound.
(8) In two other versions the pins are movable by means of special springs and volumetric elastic (springy) materials which allows to ensure electrical contact with uneven body surface.
(9) the process of healing was followed by regular structure of new aorta walls together with well developed flexible and springy fibre and neglidgeble immunological reactions.
(10) Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until the sponges are well risen and springy to the touch and have shrunk slightly from the sides of the tin.
(11) Present problems are related to the possible need of an implant material of a more springy character tan that of the 2353 (316L) steel implant, used at present and also to reduce the manufacturing costs.
(12) Allow the dough to prove for 1½–2 hours, until it has doubled in size and is springy to the touch.
(13) The new design is characterized by functional mechanical action and by the presence of a system of springy planes.
(14) During more pronounced exercise loading, a reversible "springiness" of the fracture results, which might stimulate callus formation and improved stability.
(15) Check him out with a springy, teddyboy quiff, causing a fracas on the dancefloor in his first film, The Wild And The Willing , from 1962, or as a smouldering gypsy in 1965's Sky West And Crooked .