

  • (a.) Noticing with attention; hence, careful; wary; considerate.
  • (a.) Looking towardl having reference to; relative, not absolute; as, the respective connections of society.
  • (a.) Relating to particular persons or things, each to each; particular; own; as, they returned to their respective places of abode.
  • (a.) Fitted to awaken respect.
  • (a.) Rendering respect; respectful; regardful.

Compare respective with other words:

particular vs. respective

respecting vs. respective

respective vs. several

respective vs. venerable

each vs. respective

respective vs. unisilicate

designated vs. respective

correspond vs. respective

respected vs. respective

appropriate vs. respective

respective vs. various

individual vs. respective

all vs. respective

respective vs. single

respective vs. separate

respective vs. respectively

irrespective vs. respective

relevant vs. respective

respective vs. specific

corresponding vs. respective

regardful vs. respective

respect vs. respective

respectful vs. respective

respective vs. wary

careful vs. respective