What's the difference between retarded and weird?



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Retard

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is followed by rapid neurobehavioral deterioration in late infancy or early childhood, a developmental arrest, plateauing, and then either a course of retarded development or continued deterioration.
  • (2) Low birth weight, short stature, and mental retardation were common features in the four known patients with r(8).
  • (3) It was found that preterm infants (delivered before 38 weeks of gestation) had nine times the early neonatal mortality of term infants, irrespective of growth retardation patterns.
  • (4) Instead of later renal failure and, of course, mental retardation, it was the histological features of the fetus eyes which permit to diagnose and exhibit both congenital cataract and irido-corneal angle dysgenesis.
  • (5) In the interim, sonographic studies during pregnancy in women at risk for AIDS may be helpful in identifying fetal intrauterine growth retardation and may help raise our level of suspicion for congenital AIDS.
  • (6) Three types of responses were observed: group A, no inhibition of gastric acid secretion occurred in 17 (40%) ulcer patients and in three (18%) controls (p less than 0.05); group B, inhibition of gastric acidity occurred in seven (16%) ulcer patients and in 12 (71%) controls (p less than 0.05), and group C, retarded gastric acid inhibition occurred in 19 (44%) duodenal ulcer patients and in 2 (12%) controls (p less than 0.05).
  • (7) This new way of thinking is reflected in the 1992 AAMR definition of what mental retardation is (Luckasson et al., 1992).
  • (8) Confirmation of the striking correlation between increased urinary ammonia and lowered neonatal ponderal index may afford a simple test for the identification of nutrient-related growth retardation.
  • (9) Governmental officials as well as medical scientists in Taiwan have worked hard in recent years to develop and to implement various measures, such as prenatal diagnosis and neonatal screening, to lower the incidence of hereditary diseases and mental retardation in the population.
  • (10) A lower than normal percentage of REM sleep in these patients was consistent with their retarded intellectual development, which supports current thinking that REM sleep may be a sensitive index of brain function integrity.
  • (11) Bone age has been analyzed mixed-longitudinally in a subsample of 370 patients (660 observations) and showed a slight retardation at all ages between 6 and 13 yr. Development of pubic hair of 91 subjects analyzed cross-sectionally was definitely retarded when compared to adequate reference data.
  • (12) The results also suggest that both alkali metals most probably have been delivered to the suckling pups and some of their toxic effect was retarded.
  • (13) However, patients can be taught how to retard the onset of wrinkles by avoiding unprotected sun exposure, unnecessary facial movements, and certain sleeping positions.
  • (14) Between-group responsivity differences suggest developmental retardation in term (38-42 weeks) SGA newborns, but the faster SGA latencies may reflect 'induced' acceleration in auditory neurophysiologic function.
  • (15) Fifty-one severely retarded adults were taught a difficult visual discrimination in an assembly task by one of three training techniques: (a) adding and reducing large cue differences on the relevant-shape dimension; (b) adding and fading a redundant-color dimension; or (c) a combination of the two techniques.
  • (16) Thus, the patient with asymptomatic bacteriuria and a positive FA test is at greater risk of delivering an intrauterine growth-retarded infant.
  • (17) Diffusional anisotropy of water protons, induced by nonrandom, directional barriers which hinder or retard water motion, is measurable by MRI.
  • (18) Partial duplication of the proximal part of the long arm of chromosome 5, on the other hand, is associated mainly with musculoskeletal abnormalities including muscle hypotrophy and hypotonia, scoliosis, lordosis, pectus carinatum, cubitus valgus, and genu valgum, in addition to psychomotor retardation.
  • (19) In contrast, the same concentration of isopropanol produced narcosis in the dams, retarded body-weight gain and reduced the feed intake.
  • (20) A lysosomal membrane labilizer, vitamin A, exacerbated the cartilage pathology, whereas a stabilizer, cortisone, retarded it.



  • (n.) Fate; destiny; one of the Fates, or Norns; also, a prediction.
  • (n.) A spell or charm.
  • (a.) Of or pertaining to fate; concerned with destiny.
  • (a.) Of or pertaining to witchcraft; caused by, or suggesting, magical influence; supernatural; unearthly; wild; as, a weird appearance, look, sound, etc.
  • (v. t.) To foretell the fate of; to predict; to destine to.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) He gets Lyme disease , he dates indie girls and strippers; he lives in disused warehouses and crappy flats with weirded-out flatmates who want to set him on fire and buy the petrol to do so.
  • (2) It's not egotism, it's something else, a weird unshakeable belief.
  • (3) They were ravaged by injuries at that point, although Park and Rafael in the centre was weird.
  • (4) It is still weird that "arts and crafts" is in the same category as dolls.
  • (5) In Niki Savva’s book The Road to Ruin: How Tony Abbott and Peta Credlin Destroyed Their Own Government, Credlin has even been compared to Wallis Simpson, a deeply weird analogy.
  • (6) "Weirdly, we sold it to lots of European countries where there's not only the issue about knowing who Steve and Rob are, but I assume all the impressions are slightly lost on them.
  • (7) Party conferences are always weird melanges of loyal door-knockers, lobbyists, journalists and parliamentarians enjoying a few days of stolen glamour.
  • (8) As Alice Ross of the FT points out: Alice Ross (@aliceemross) Weird that Hollande is talking about an exchange rate that matches "true state" of ezone economy.
  • (9) I don't have any weirdness about it, or any of them."
  • (10) Weirdly, the muffled Doppler effects of several thousand passing SUVs was quite soothing.
  • (11) "Brr, that was weird, but we were cheeky little kids.
  • (12) As the weirdly brilliant TV show Fashion Police – hosted by the late, great Joan Rivers, who, along with various randoms, passed judgment on clothes worn by celebrities that week – demonstrated, people have different takes on clothes.
  • (13) "If viewers think something is false or weird, that's when they reject it," says Gary Knight, commercial content director at ITV.
  • (14) Are the 'Set Piece' binders to stay like we are playing a weird version of American Football?'
  • (15) Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of the Marché du Film, the world's biggest movie market.
  • (16) They occupy that weird middle ground between anonymity and celebrity; they're from well-regarded restaurants, but they're not at the level where, say, James Martin can be obnoxious at them on Saturday Kitchen.
  • (17) They sat me in a chair and just shaved most of my hair off in weird concentric rings so I looked like a tonsured 14th-century monk who had had brain surgery.
  • (18) I know some people will think it's weird to be so organised but I did it last year for the first time, and I found it very relaxing to know I had everything wrapped up by the end of November.
  • (19) It’s all well and good standing in a gallery and stroking your chin, but if you cast your eyes to the left and summon the concentration it takes to read the little rectangle of artistic blurb next to it, all of that context and explanation really helps transform that weird bit of twisted wire your kid could make into something deep and primal pulled from the soul.
  • (20) Away from the violence and the weirdness, Korea supports a healthy contingent of award-winning auteurs, like Hong Sang-soo , Im Sang-soo or Lee Chang-dong.