What's the difference between revisable and revivable?
(a.) That may be revised.
Example Sentences:
(1) Under a revised deal most people are now being vetted on time, but charges for the service have had to rise from £12 and free vetting for volunteers, to £28 for a standard disclosure and £33 for an advanced disclosure.
(2) Potential revisions of the scale, as well as cautions for its use in clinical applications on its present form are discussed.
(3) In addition, a new dosage concepts has been introduced on the basis of the effective dose on the lines of the recommendations by the IRCP; as a result, the definitions of radiation protection areas and of dosage limit values had to be revised and reworded.
(4) Cameron, who faces intense political pressure from the UK Independence party in the runup to the 2014 European parliamentary elections, believes voters will need to be consulted if the EU agrees a major treaty revision in the next few years.
(5) Here we compare this revised technique to the classical sucrose density centrifugation procedure.
(6) The data were grouped to determine differences between the experimental and the newly revised formats of the GRE-A measure, in addition to any differences among programs.
(7) They also questioned why George Osborne and the Treasury failed to realise there was a potential issue earlier in the calculation process – pointing to recent upwards revisions of post-1995 gross national income by the UK’s own statistics watchdog.
(8) The Met Office has had to revise its forecast on previous occasions.
(9) The revised diagnosis was pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma for one case and pleomorphic leiomyosarcoma for the other cases.
(10) As a contribution to the proposed revision of the DSM-III-R category "Psychological Factors Affecting Physical Condition" for DSM-IV, this article reviews the history of how the relationship of psychiatric illness to neurological illness has been understood with respect to depression.
(11) Fixation is more difficult to achieve after revision for infection because of the inferior quality of the bone.
(12) The component was revised in forty-five patients, revision and advancement of the trochanteric component was done in twenty-five patients, and impinging bone or cement was removed from six patients; a combination of these procedures was done in nineteen patients.
(13) The decision came after Japan’s revised rules on the transfer of arms and defence technology, Suga said.
(14) With these stringent criteria the rejection rate was 71.0% for group A records, 58.5% for group B and 44.5% for group C. The proportions of records with peak quality (no missing leads or clipping, and grade 1 noise, lead drift or beat-to-beat drift) were 4.5% for group A, 5.5% for group B and 23.0% for group C. Suggested revisions in the grading of technical quality of ECGs are presented.
(15) The United States is in the process of adopting the revised recommendations of the ICRP.
(16) Functional gain was measured by the Revised Level of Rehabilitation Scale (LORS-II).
(17) Percutaneous balloon catheter dilation appears to be an effective method of treating stenosis in autogenous vein grafts and a useful alternative to surgical revision.
(18) The unreliable items were then deleted, and the revised scales were assessed in Study 2.
(19) These will be put forward for another round of consultation when the government publishes its revised national energy policy statements.
(20) Physicians are urged to reject involvement in rationing as inconsistent with their role as patient advocates and to support technology assessment, fee revisions, and more stringent self regulation as ways to discourage malpractice suits.
(a.) That may be revived.
Example Sentences:
(1) King also described how representatives of every country at this month's G7 meeting in Canada seemed to be relying on an export-led recovery to revive their economies.
(2) It happens to anyone and everyone and this has been an 11-year battle.” Emergency services were called to the oval about 6.30pm to treat Luke for head injuries, but were unable to revive him.
(3) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Trump signs order reviving controversial pipeline projects “The Obama administration correctly found that the Tribe’s treaty rights needed to be respected, and that the easement should not be granted without further review and consideration of alternative crossing locations,” said Jan Hasselman, an attorney for the Standing Rock Sioux tribe.
(4) There are a few seats, such as South Dorset and Braintree, where the Liberal Democrats are in third place and a third party revival would help the Conservatives to regain the seats lost to Labour but they are outnumbered by vulnerable Tory marginals.
(5) While demand in the US remains sluggish, Toyota has benefited at home from a revival in demand for its Prius petrol-electric hybrid, Japan's best-selling passenger car for the past five months.
(6) But the genius of the High Line was to revive and repurpose a decaying piece of legacy infrastructure, and by doing so to revitalise several moribund districts of Manhattan, whereas the garden bridge would be new-build in an already vibrant part of London.
(7) Fear of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome and other blood-transmitted diseases has created a revival of autologous transfusion during cardiac surgery.
(8) | Mary Dejevsky Read more Third, if that breakthrough can be delivered with good faith on all sides, that could potentially be the basis to revive the Kerry-Lavrov ceasefire , open humanitarian channels into Aleppo, and start the process of negotiating a lasting peace.
(9) The present data further demonstrate that a subpopulation of B cells which were functionally deleted during aging can be revived in vivo with 7m8oGuo.
(10) While the results reflect antiandrogenic and antispermatogenic action of V. rosea, the selective retention of the spermatogonia provides scope for the much desired revival of spermatogenesis on cessation of the treatment.
(11) The definition of the blurring of narrow beam rotation radiography is revived.
(12) JP Bean tells the story of the folk revival of the 1950s and 60s, "not an easy task", added Cocker, "especially when the events in question took place many years ago and may have involved the consumption of alcohol".
(13) It has been the UK's view that a violation of Iraq's obligations under resolution 687 which is sufficiently serious to undermine the basis of the ceasefire can revive the authorisation to use force in resolution 678.
(14) Earlier this month China devalued its currency in a move aimed at reviving its slowing economy.
(15) With the other half, they want the front page and, while they may dream of a splash on the lines of "Minister makes inspiring call to revive Labour", they know their article will be buried on page 94 and swiftly forgotten if it contains nothing more dramatic than that.
(16) The Times editor, James Harding, recently decided to revive the supplement following reader complaints at his decision to scrap it seven months earlier .
(17) Designed seven years ago by Foggo Associates , the 24-storey spam tin has been revived by one of the world’s biggest pension funds, TIAA-CREF.
(18) Ukraine peace process: leaders agree roadmap to revive talks Read more By far the biggest shock, however, has been just how much money Ukraine’s politicians seem to stash away in hard cash.
(19) But Gates’s decision to “bump off from art” and live “in the sphere of dirt, the dirty, the stuff that we think is in the ground” was revelatory, leading to invitations to Davos and a TED Talk, where he talked about how he revived a neighborhood with imagination and hard graft .
(20) Fornalini in 1984 independently revived the concept of APT using the closed method of needle induction, as later accepted.