(v. t.) To give in return, whether good or evil; -- commonly in a good sense; to requite; to recompense; to repay; to compensate.
(n.) Regard; respect; consideration.
(n.) That which is given in return for good or evil done or received; esp., that which is offered or given in return for some service or attainment, as for excellence in studies, for the return of something lost, etc.; recompense; requital.
(n.) Hence, the fruit of one's labor or works.
(n.) Compensation or remuneration for services; a sum of money paid or taken for doing, or forbearing to do, some act.
Example Sentences:
(1) We want to be sure that the country that’s providing all the infrastructure and support to the business is the one that reaps the reward by being able to collect the tax,” he said.
(2) This "gender identity movement" has brought together such unlikely collaborators as surgeons, endocrinologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, gynecologists, and research specialists into a mutually rewarding arena.
(3) Learning ability was assessed using a radial arm maze task, in which the rats had to visit each of eight arms for a food reward.
(4) The hosts had resisted through the early stages, emulating their rugged first-half displays against Manchester United and Arsenal here this season, and even mustered a flurry of half-chances just before the interval to offer a reminder they might glean greater reward thereafter.
(5) "The company and its shareholders have been handsomely rewarded for that."
(6) It is worth noting though that the government is reaping scant reward in the polls even though the economy has expanded by more than 3% over the past year and – according to the IMF – will be the fastest growing of the G7 economies this year.
(7) Despite a few initial concerns about the technology and how it would fit into their daily routines, staff really see the benefit and find it rewarding to see the messages and be able to respond straight away.
(8) The Treasury said: "Britain has been at the forefront of global reforms to make banking more responsible, including big reductions in upfront cash bonuses and linking rewards to long-term success.
(9) The hypothesis that metabolic rate, as well as foraging and recruiting activities, depend on the motivational state of the foraging bee determined by the reward at the food source is discussed.
(10) But mention the words "eurozone crisis" to other Finns, and you could be rewarded with little more than a confused, albeit friendly, smile.
(11) Six other rats were rewarded only if their sequence of left and right responses in the current trial differed from each of the previous five trials.
(12) Cats were trained to press a lever for 0.5--1.0 ml of milk reward both in the presence and absence of ambient light.
(13) He is 100% committed in every training session and that is why I rewarded him with the chance to play.
(14) As a result existing job definitions and traditional forms of organization are being challenged and attempts made to restructure work so that it becomes meaningful and rewarding in the fullest sense, to the individual, to the enterprise, and to society.
(15) Since these tumors are often multiple and small, angiography is not very rewarding.
(16) The reason to be an atheist is not that it makes us feel better or gives us a more rewarding life.
(17) The collaborative approach focused on rewards of behavioral change and minimized attention to prevention of negative behaviors, while openly valuing input from the women who are potential health promoters in their own communities.
(18) Not only is there a great need, but it is a personally rewarding and satisfactory experience.
(19) The glutamatergic mechanisms of neostriatum and nucleus accumbens septi play a minor role in attenuation of tegmental self-stimulation with droperidol, fluphenazine, trifluoperazine and clozapine but these mechanisms seem to be responsible for the suppression of "reward" phenomenon with haloperidol, thioridazine and aminazine.
(20) Free money offers The Halifax's £100 cash is available to people who switch to its Reward current account.
(n.) The property or aggregate properties of a thing by which it is rendered useful or desirable, or the degree of such property or sum of properties; worth; excellence; utility; importance.
(n.) Worth estimated by any standard of purchasing power, especially by the market price, or the amount of money agreed upon as an equivalent to the utility and cost of anything.
(n.) Precise signification; import; as, the value of a word; the value of a legal instrument
(n.) Esteem; regard.
(n.) The relative length or duration of a tone or note, answering to quantity in prosody; thus, a quarter note [/] has the value of two eighth notes [/].
(n.) In an artistical composition, the character of any one part in its relation to other parts and to the whole; -- often used in the plural; as, the values are well given, or well maintained.
(n.) Valor.
(v. t.) To estimate the value, or worth, of; to rate at a certain price; to appraise; to reckon with respect to number, power, importance, etc.
(v. t.) To rate highly; to have in high esteem; to hold in respect and estimation; to appreciate; to prize; as, to value one for his works or his virtues.
(v. t.) To raise to estimation; to cause to have value, either real or apparent; to enhance in value.
(v. t.) To be worth; to be equal to in value.
Example Sentences:
(1) Furthermore, it had early diagnostic (seven days) as well as prognostic value, as revealed by response to therapy and decrease in COA titer.
(2) Steady-state values of cell, glucose, and cellulase concentration oxygen tension, and outlet gas oxygen partial pressure were recorded.
(3) Although the mean values for all hemodynamic variables between the two placebo periods were minimally changed, the differences in individual patients were striking.
(4) The findings indicate that there is still a significant incongruence between the value structure of most family practice units and that of their institutions but that many family practice units are beginning to achieve parity of promotion and tenure with other departments in their institutions.
(5) The angiographic appearances are highly characteristic and equal in value to a histological diagnosis.
(6) Since MIRD Committee has not published "S" values for Tl-200 and Tl-202, these have been calculated by a computer code and are reported.
(7) It was found that linear extrapolations of log k' versus ET(30) plots to the polarity of unmodified aqueous mobile phase gave a more reliable value of log k'w than linear regressions of log k' versus volume percent.
(8) Virtually every developed country has some form of property tax, so the idea that valuing residential property is uniquely difficult, or that it would be widely evaded, is nonsense.
(9) The goals in control patients were to attain normal values for all hemodynamic measurements.
(10) gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate release from the treated side was higher than the control value during the first 2-3 h, a result indicating an important role of glial cells in the inactivation of released transmitter.
(11) The statistical T value calculated for the LP-TAE group showed that the administration of LP, the tumor size, intrahepatic metastasis, portal vein infiltration, and serum total bilirubin and alpha-fetoprotein levels significantly (P < 0.01) affected the patients' survival.
(12) Among the groups investigated, the subjects with gastric tumors presented the greatest values.
(13) By 24 hr, rough endoplasmic reticulum in thecal cells increased from 4.2 to 7% of cell volume, while the amount in granulosa cells increased from less than 3.5% to more than 10%; the quantity remained relatively constant in the theca but declined to prestimulation values in the granulosa layer.
(14) Needle acupuncture did, however, increase the pain threshold compared with the initial value (alpha = 0.1%).
(15) When the data correlating DHT with protein synthesis using both labelling techniques were combined, the curves were parallel and a strong correlation was noted between DHT and protein synthesis over a wide range of values (P less than 0.001).
(16) Schneiderlin, valued at an improbable £27m, and the currently injured Jay Rodriguez are wanted by their former manager Mauricio Pochettino at Spurs, but the chairman Ralph Krueger has apparently called a halt to any more outgoings, saying: “They are part of the core that we have decided to keep at Southampton.” He added: “Jay Rodriguez and Morgan Schneiderlin are not for sale and they will be a part of our club as we enter the new season.” The new manager Ronald Koeman has begun rebuilding by bringing in Dusan Tadic and Graziano Pellè from the Dutch league and Krueger said: “We will have players coming in, we will make transfers to strengthen the squad.
(17) Minimal levels were evident 16 weeks after irradiation; Hct then increased, but remained below preirradiation values.
(18) The norepinephrine values remained constant on the three days.
(19) The mean and median values in the nondiabetic group are higher than in previously published reports.
(20) However, this predictive value disappeared when five baseline parameters found to predict the outcome (neopterin, beta 2-microglobulin, p24 antigen, anti-p18 antibody and immunoglobulin A) were adjusted.