What's the difference between role and star?



  • (n.) A part, or character, performed by an actor in a drama; hence, a part of function taken or assumed by any one; as, he has now taken the role of philanthropist.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The role of the family practitioner in antenatal care is discussed.
  • (2) The high amino acid levels in the cells suggest that these cells act as inter-organ transporters and reservoirs of amino acids, they have a different role in their handling and metabolism from those of mammals.
  • (3) These results demonstrate that increased availability of galactose, a high-affinity substrate for the enzyme, leads to increased aldose reductase messenger RNA, which suggests a role for aldose reductase in sugar metabolism in the lens.
  • (4) In this study, the role of psychological make-up was assessed as a risk factor in the etiology of vasospasm in variant angina (VA) using the Cornell Medical Index (CMI).
  • (5) The role of Ca2+ in cell agglutination may be either to activate the cell-surface dextran receptor or to form specific intercellular Ca2+ bridges.
  • (6) The role of whole Mycobacteria, mycobacterial cell walls and waxes D as immunostimulants was well established many years ago.
  • (7) We have investigated a physiological role of endogenous insulin on exocrine pancreatic secretion stimulated by a liquid meal as well as exogenous secretin and cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8) in conscious rats.
  • (8) The data indicate that ebselen is likely to be useful in the therapy of inflammatory conditions in which reactive oxygen species, such as peroxides, play an aetiological role.
  • (9) We have examined the insertion of bovine 17 alpha-hydroxylase (P45017 alpha) into the endoplasmic reticulum of COS 1 cells to evaluate the functional role of its hydrophobic amino-terminal sequence and membrane insertion.
  • (10) Although solely nociresponsive neurons are clearly likely to fill a role in the processing and signalling of pain in the conscious central nervous system, the way in which such useful specificity could be conveyed by multireceptive neurons is difficult to appreciate.
  • (11) gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate release from the treated side was higher than the control value during the first 2-3 h, a result indicating an important role of glial cells in the inactivation of released transmitter.
  • (12) Although antihistamines are widely used for symptomatic treatment of seasonal (allergic) rhinitis, the role of histamines in the pathogenesis of infectious rhinitis is not clear.
  • (13) Because many wnt genes are also expressed in the lung, we have examined whether the wnt family member wnt-2 (irp) plays a role in lung development.
  • (14) As prolongation of the action potential by TEA facilitates preferentially the hormone release evoked by low (ineffective) frequencies, it is suggested that a frequency-dependent broadening of action potentials which reportedly occurs on neurosecretory neurones may play an important role in the frequency-dependent facilitation of hormone release from the rat neurohypophysis.
  • (15) The role of O2 free radicals in the reduction of sarcolemmal Na+-K+-ATPase, which occurs during reperfusion of ischemic heart, was examined in isolated guinea pig heart using exogenous scavengers of O2 radicals and an inhibitor of xanthine oxidase.
  • (16) A possible role for mitochondria in myocardial adenosine production is discussed.
  • (17) Further studies are required to elucidate specific roles of the steroid-induced proteins in the effects of glucocorticoids on HTM and HS cells.
  • (18) To clarify the functional roles of His40, Glu58, and His92, we analyzed the consequences of several amino acid substitutions (His40Ala, His40Lys, His40Asp, Glu58Ala, Glu58Gln, and His92Gln) on the kinetics of GpC transesterification.
  • (19) The manufacturers, British Aerospace describe it as a "single-seat, radar equipped, lightweight, multi-role combat aircraft, providing comprehensive air defence and ground attack capability".
  • (20) The presently available data allow us to draw the following conclusions: 1) G proteins play a mediatory role in the transmission of the signal(s) generated upon receptor occupancy that leads to the observed cytoskeletal changes.



  • (n.) One of the innumerable luminous bodies seen in the heavens; any heavenly body other than the sun, moon, comets, and nebulae.
  • (n.) The polestar; the north star.
  • (n.) A planet supposed to influence one's destiny; (usually pl.) a configuration of the planets, supposed to influence fortune.
  • (n.) That which resembles the figure of a star, as an ornament worn on the breast to indicate rank or honor.
  • (n.) Specifically, a radiated mark in writing or printing; an asterisk [thus, *]; -- used as a reference to a note, or to fill a blank where something is omitted, etc.
  • (n.) A composition of combustible matter used in the heading of rockets, in mines, etc., which, exploding in the air, presents a starlike appearance.
  • (n.) A person of brilliant and attractive qualities, especially on public occasions, as a distinguished orator, a leading theatrical performer, etc.
  • (v. t.) To set or adorn with stars, or bright, radiating bodies; to bespangle; as, a robe starred with gems.
  • (v. i.) To be bright, or attract attention, as a star; to shine like a star; to be brilliant or prominent; to play a part as a theatrical star.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) 2.35pm: West Ham co-owner David Sullivan has admitted that a deal to land Miroslav Klose is unlikely to go through following the striker's star performances in South Africa.
  • (2) The greatest stars who emerged from the early talent shows – Frank Sinatra, Gladys Knight, Tony Bennett – were artists with long careers.
  • (3) Gove said in the interview that he did not want to be Tory leader, claiming that he lacked the "extra spark of charisma and star quality" possessed by others.
  • (4) Gassmann, whose late father, Vittorio , was a critically acclaimed star of Italian cinema in its heyday in the 1960s, tweeted over the weekend with the hashtag #Romasonoio (I am Rome), calling on the city’s residents to be an example of civility and clean up their own little corners of Rome with pride.
  • (5) Yves was the vulnerable, suffering artist and Pierre the fiercely controlling protector: a man who, in Lespert's film, is painfully aware of his public image – "the pimp who's found his all-star hooker".
  • (6) Bob Farnsworth, president of Nashville, Tennessee-based Hummingbird Productions, told trade publication Variety that the film was set for release in 2015 and would star Karolyn Grimes, who played George Bailey's daughter in the original film.
  • (7) Lady Gaga is not the first big music star to make a new album available early to mobile customers.
  • (8) Cape no longer has the monopoly on talent; the stars are scattered these days, and Franklin's "fantastically discriminating" deputy Robin Robertson can take credit for many recent triumphs, including their most recent Booker winner, Anne Enright.
  • (9) It also has one of the highest female university rates anywhere in the world.” The UAE-based Rotana hotels is planning to open a number of hotels in Iran, and France’s leading hotelier, Accor, is involved in at least two four-star hotels in the country.
  • (10) The EFDD role is a lucrative one and involves representing rightwing MEPs from across the EU, including populist parties such as the Swedish Democrats and Italy’s Five Star Movement.
  • (11) The former Arsenal and France star has signed a three-year contract to replace the sacked Jason Kreis at the helm of the second-year expansion club and will take over on 1 January, the team said.
  • (12) HTC needs to move from being star struck fan to star of its own ads.
  • (13) I called it following the Star Trek Non-Interference Directive.
  • (14) I'm just saying, in your … Instagrams, you don't have to have yourself with, walking with black people.” The male voice singles out Magic Johnson, the retired basketball star and investor: "Don't put him on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me.
  • (15) Where Jim Broadbent stands as an inherently warm screen presence, his co-star's image is rather more flinty.
  • (16) Along with a lengthy list of cameos, Girls actor Gaby Hoffmann and Party Down star Martin Starr appear as former Neptune High classmates new to the Veronica Mars universe.
  • (17) Mimics are stars and the country’s finest impersonators have their own television shows.
  • (18) While ITV1's Harry Hill and the final series of BBC1's Gavin and Stacey will stay put, Sky1 did manage to secure US drama House, starring Hugh Laurie, from Channel Five, paying an estimated £500,000 an episode.
  • (19) Olympic games are a competition between countries, but here spectators can freely choose which star to cheer for and unite as one,” said Inoki, a lawmaker in Japan’s upper house who was known as “Burning Fighting Spirit” in the ring.
  • (20) Likewise, Blanchett's co-star Alec Baldwin appeared to call for an end to the public nature of the row, terming Dylan's allegations "this family's personal struggle".