What's the difference between rote and wrote?



  • (n.) A root.
  • (n.) A kind of guitar, the notes of which were produced by a small wheel or wheel-like arrangement; an instrument similar to the hurdy-gurdy.
  • (n.) The noise produced by the surf of the sea dashing upon the shore. See Rut.
  • (n.) A frequent repetition of forms of speech without attention to the meaning; mere repetition; as, to learn rules by rote.
  • (v. t.) To learn or repeat by rote.
  • (v. i.) To go out by rotation or succession; to rotate.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Their three Rs are rigour, rightwing history and rote learning.
  • (2) In Gove's groves of academe, high achievers will be more clearly set apart, laurels for the winners in his regime of fact and rote, 1950s grammar schools reprised, rewarding those who already thrive under any system.
  • (3) Materials-based occupation, imagery-based occupation, and rote exercise have been examined individually by several researchers.
  • (4) Four different tasks were employed (serial learning, paired learning, rote learning, and visuolinguistic transfer), some requiring a single trial learning modality others a multitrial learning modality.
  • (5) The report says incursions were becoming more regular: “In anticipation of the entry of Australian warships (foreign war vessels) into Indonesian territorial waters, already occurring more and more often, it is necessary to increase Indonesian sovereignty in carrying out more patrols in and around the waters of Rote Ndao and Dana Island, so that foreign warships do not enter Indonesian territorial waters again,” it says.
  • (6) They found 17 cases in which dorsal vertebral hyperostosis was indiscutable and in which there was acquired stenosis of the cervical canal related to the bony proliferations that had developed on the anterior face of the cervical canal and to the type of cells described by Forestier and Rotes-Querol on the anterior and lateral faces of the vertebral column.
  • (7) (1) Vigilance and reaction time test were the most useful in evaluation of effects of various doses of the medication; the memory tasks showed similar, but less definite, trends; and rote calculation and block design were of no particular value in this study.
  • (8) Infantile delivery also frequently serves to take the curse off self-publicity; sleight of hand for those who find "my programme is on BBC2 tonight" too presumptuous and exposing, and prefer to cower behind the low-status imbecility of "I done rote a fingy for da tellybox!"
  • (9) The important thing is to stop the boats and and the Australian people are extremely pleased that’s what's happened Tony Abbott The Indonesian police chief on Rote, Hidayat, was quoted by Fairfax as saying the cash “was in $100 bank notes” and wrapped in six black plastic bags.
  • (10) The values regarding maximum doses published in the German Pharmacopeia ("Rote Liste") can be defined as being more or less the product of the volume of distribution and the toxic concentration in the plasma.
  • (11) The present study examines the hypothesis that motor responses added into rote tasks would modulate the sensation-seeking activity and impulsive errors of hyperactive (ADD-H) children.
  • (12) The real problem is that GCSE language courses provide no proper preparation for language work, concentrating as they do on rote learning and minimal understanding of grammar.
  • (13) The ABC this week broadcast footage of asylum seekers receiving treatment for burns they claim they suffered when navy personnel forced them to hold hot engine pipes as they were towed back to Indonesia's Rote Island.
  • (14) The three experiments described aimed to establish whether the achievements of idiot savant calendrical calculators were based solely on rote memory and arithmetical procedures, or whether these subjects also used rule-based strategies.
  • (15) A cohort of 40 children was assessed for their abilities on 44 variables which involved reading, spelling, vocabulary, short-term memory (STM), visual skills, auditory-visual integration, language knowledge, rote knowledge and ordering ability as they developed from five to eight years old.
  • (16) It was Dec who, on Saturday night, almost rugby-tackled the defeated Boyle away from the audience and the cameras when he noticed that she seemed intent on flashing her underwear: a sign – along with her the fact that her congratulations to the winners sounded slow and learned by rote – that she was dangerously on edge.
  • (17) It is suggested that if change in the biomedical system is a goal of a critical clinical anthropology, the impact will be greater where objective and broad causal connections can be demonstrated with minimal use of rote or polemic arguments.
  • (18) Meg Hillier, MP for Hackney South and Shoreditch, which contains Grillo’s school, the Bridge Academy, makes the point that his success is particularly exciting because “it shows that Hackney schools are not just about exam results and rote learning, they’re about teaching wider life skills.
  • (19) Under our experimental conditions, rote associative learning either remains intact or recovers satisfactorily with 1 month of abstinence in alcoholics.
  • (20) While most drug interactions can be avoided by thinking in terms of groups, pharmacokinetics and probabilities, some learning by rote is required, e.g.



  • (imp.) of Write
  • (v. i.) To root with the snout. See 1st Root.
  • () imp. & archaic p. p. of Write.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) "We do not yet live in a society where the police or any other officers of the law are entitled to detain people without reasonable justification and demand their papers," Gardiner wrote.
  • (2) He's finding solace, fleeting and fragmentary, and every springy guitar lick is its own benediction," Chinen wrote.
  • (3) I wish to clarify that for the period 1998 to 2002 I was employed by Fifa to work on a wide range of matters relating to football,” Platini wrote.
  • (4) There is no deal done regarding Paul Pogba, lots of bla bla bla,” the Dutchman wrote on Twitter .
  • (5) The fact that the security service was in possession of and retained the copy tape until the early summer of 1985 and did not bring it to the attention of Mr Stalker is wholly reprehensible,” he wrote.
  • (6) "Maybe dullness is associated with psychic pain," Wallace wrote at one point, "because something that's dull or opaque fails to provide enough stimulation to distract people from some other, deeper type of pain that is always there, if only in an ambient low-level way, and which most of us spend nearly all our time and energy trying to distract ourselves from."
  • (7) My father wrote to the official who had ruled I could not ride and asked for Championships to be established for girls.
  • (8) But leading British doctors Sarah Creighton , consultant gynaecologist at the private Portland Hospital, Susan Bewley , consultant obstetrician at St Thomas's and Lih-Mei Liao , clinical psychologist in women's health at University College Hospital then wrote to the journal countering that his clitoral restoration claims were "anatomically impossible".
  • (9) In mitigation, Gareth Jones, defending, said: "The first comment [he] wrote was in relation to Fabrice Muamba.
  • (10) I didn’t come here to play games – I wrote to all my friends and family because I might not see them again,” he told Al-Aan.
  • (11) The eight senators, including the incoming ranking member Mark Warner of Virginia, wrote to Barack Obama to request he declassify relevant intelligence on the election.
  • (12) Clare Gills, an American journalist and friend of Foley, wrote in 2013: “He is always striving to get to the next place, to get closer to what is really happening, and to understand what moves the people he’s speaking with.
  • (13) In the UK, Litvinenko wrote a series of anti-Kremlin articles.
  • (14) Espinosa wrote that time has now come, with 15 of his group of prisoners having been released, six executed, and American humanitarian worker Kayla Mueller killed in a bombing of Isis positions last month.
  • (15) His coding talent attracted attention early: a music-recommendation program he wrote as a teenager brought approaches from both Microsoft and AOL.
  • (16) Ali!” Vanessa teaches fifth grade, and said many of her students wrote papers and made projects about Ali in February, for Black History Month.
  • (17) Criminal court charges leave me no choice but to resign as a magistrate Read more “This is a terrible piece of legislation introduced through the back door,” he wrote.
  • (18) The following year yet another Bank analyst wrote a report on BCCI entitled "Why action is now urgently required".
  • (19) The authors wrote about the technics particularly of the percutaneous puncture or drainage.
  • (20) The vice chancellor of the Catholic University, Greg Craven, wrote in the Australian that stripping either dual or sole nationals of citizenship via a ministerial decision “would be irredeemably unconstitutional.

Words possibly related to "wrote"