(1) Navalny, represented by two defence lawyers, will argue that he did not lead a criminal group to embezzle 16m roubles (£333,000) from Kirovles, a state-run timber firm, while advising the region's liberal governor, Nikita Belykh.
(2) Under Russia's anti-gay propaganda law, anyone promoting "non-traditional sexual relations" to minors face fines of up to 5,000 roubles (£100), while businesses and schools could get fines up to 500,000 roubles (£10,000).
(3) The rouble is in freefall – it’s lost 40% of its value since the beginning of the year – Putin is resurgent and every week comes the news that another independent media outlet is being closed or the editor sacked and a government stooge appointed in their place.
(4) Those who were used to travelling abroad have already had to scale back as the rouble made the cost of visiting foreign cities prohibitive; and rising food prices have made it harder to balance the books for many families.
(5) Russia’s credit rating has been downgraded to junk status for the first time in a decade due to the collapsing oil price, the tumbling value of the rouble and sanctions imposed because of its intervention in Ukraine.
(6) They are between a rock and a hard place.” Putin said in his state of the nation address earlier this month that Russians should take advantage of sanctions and the falling rouble to develop domestic industry.
(7) Such a project could take years and billions of taxpayer roubles.
(8) Navalny was jailed and given a 20,000-rouble (£280) fine by a Moscow court for disobeying police orders and organising the protests, which led to more than 1,000 people being detained.
(9) Economic losses including damage caused by temporary disability, invalidity and premature deaths accounted for 11.1 million roubles.
(10) Since the start of the year, stock markets have lost 14% of their value and the rouble is down 8% against the dollar.
(11) The marketing slogan was: “There are 1,000 reasons not to believe in independent television, but just 1,000 roubles will get it for you.” Now, the price has gone up, to 4,800 roubles per year, and the channel has around 60,000 subscribers, with Muscovites making up nearly 40% of that number.
(12) In 2015, roughly 1bn roubles (£10.2m) was sidelined for Cossack groups in the Kuban region, the RBC newspaper reported .
(13) • Russian market indexes plummeted and the central bank sold $10bn in an effort to stop a slide of the rouble.
(14) As the eurozone is easing monetary policy to ward off deflation, Russia’s central bank raised its key interest rate to 9.5% from 8% in an attempt to address a sliding rouble and tackle inflation.
(15) Putin will next year increase its global budget by 40% to 15.38bn roubles (£183m), up from 11.87bn roubles this year.
(16) Those charged with breaking the law will be fined from 5,000 (£108) to 500,000 roubles.
(17) Russia is spending 2.3tn roubles (£22bn) to shore up its economy as sanctions bite and after its debt was downgraded to junk.
(18) The rouble rallied again in the afternoon, recovering from a low point of over 100 to the euro to reach the 90 mark, but that figure still leaves Russians stunned, given the rate at the beginning of this year.
(19) Igor Sechin, the chairman of blacklisted, Kremlin-owned oil group Rosneft, has asked the government to dole out 1.5 trillion roubles (£25bn) to help the state-owned oil giant company refinance its debts.
(20) Early on Tuesday, the rouble hit 52.88 to the dollar, its strongest since 8 December.
(v. t.) A fault or interruption in a stratum.
(v. t.) To put into confused motion; to disturb; to agitate.
(v. t.) To disturb; to perplex; to afflict; to distress; to grieve; to fret; to annoy; to vex.
(v. t.) To give occasion for labor to; -- used in polite phraseology; as, I will not trouble you to deliver the letter.
(a.) Troubled; dark; gloomy.
(v. t.) The state of being troubled; disturbance; agitation; uneasiness; vexation; calamity.
(v. t.) That which gives disturbance, annoyance, or vexation; that which afflicts.
Example Sentences:
(1) The patient was a forty-five-year-old female who had been troubled by obstinate Raynaud's phenomenon for ten years before the definite diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension was made.
(2) Based on a large, ongoing empirical research effort to determine factors associated with the successful community adjustment of troubled adolescents leaving residential treatment, this paper focuses on multiple indicators of success measured at multiple points of time in the treatment process.
(3) "The disrespect embodied in these apparent mass violations of the law is part of a larger pattern of seeming indifference to the constitution that is deeply troubling to millions of Americans in both political parties," he said.
(4) Its current troubles are in part due to the fact that Colt lost out on the M4 US army contract to FN Herstal in 2013.
(5) FC Terek Grozny, the newly energised team based in the troubled Caucasus republic of Chechnya , is hoping a slew of high-profile international acquisitions will help it make waves in the Russian premier league, which kicked off last weekend.
(6) The writer Palesa Morudu told me that she sees, in the South African pride that "we did it", a troubling anxiety that we can't: "Why are we celebrating that we built stadiums on time?
(7) They can genuinely believe their partner provoked them to commit the abuse, just so they could get them in trouble.
(8) Here's something else you've worked out: Anthony's name is made up, in order to stop my interviewee from getting in trouble with his employer, and I can't be too specific about his living arrangements.
(9) Perhaps strangely, it was the second remark that troubled me more than the possibility that humanity would be extinguished by my hand.
(10) Concerning the etio-pathogenic study, as we tried to show, the authors agree in simultaneous and contemporary appearance, between the 4th and the 6th month of the intra-uterine life of oculo-cerebro-renal troubles of Lowe's Syndrom and in the existence of a common factor, probably a genetic one.
(11) The very low number of African members is particularly troubling, because more than one third of projects take place in that region.
(12) "When people don't feel they have a reason to stay out of trouble, the consequences for communities can be devastating – as we saw last August," said Darra Singh, chair of the panel.
(13) Arvind Kejriwal, leader of a new populist political party "dedicated to improving the lot of the common man", announced on Monday that he would form a government to run the sprawling, troubled and increasingly wealthy city of 15 million people.
(14) While Brown – finally fit again after appalling knee trouble that very nearly ended his career –began a home game for the first time since January 2012, Poyet only found room in Sunderland's starting XI for five of the 14 summer signings secured by Roberto De Fanti, the club's director of football.
(15) Port Vale are in deep financial trouble and their administrators will not let him pay half the player's wages.
(16) Flying in Soyuz was “ real teamwork ” she said, adding: “Tim will have no trouble with that.” David Southwood , a senior researcher at Imperial College, and a member of the UK space agency steering board, has known Tim since he joined the European Space Agency in 2009.
(17) Last month Neil Berkett, Virgin Media's chief executive, said he was "not surprised" YouView had run into trouble, given the number of partners involved, adding that the cable company intended to "take advantage" of the delay.
(18) Britain’s troubled relationship with the EU has provided Boris Johnson with nothing but fun since he first made his name lampooning the federalist ambitions of Jacques Delors as the Daily Telegraph’s Brussels correspondent in the early 1990s .
(19) Mohammed Salama, 23, an Al Ahly ultra whose leg was broken in the stadium riot, said it became clear at half-time in the match between the two historical foes that trouble was brewing.
(20) They were compared to two groups: normal elderly subjects with no memory trouble and no attention dysfunction (12 subjects, mean age: 66) and elderly subjects with minor trouble in STM and little attention disturbance (6 subjects, mean age: 68.5).