(n.) One employed to solicit patronage, as for a steamboat, hotel, shop, etc.
(n.) A slender trailing branch which takes root at the joints or end and there forms new plants, as in the strawberry and the common cinquefoil.
(n.) The rotating stone of a set of millstones.
(n.) A rope rove through a block and used to increase the mechanical power of a tackle.
(n.) One of the pieces on which a sled or sleigh slides; also the part or blade of a skate which slides on the ice.
(n.) A horizontal channel in a mold, through which the metal flows to the cavity formed by the pattern; also, the waste metal left in such a channel.
(n.) A trough or channel for leading molten metal from a furnace to a ladle, mold, or pig bed.
(n.) The movable piece to which the ribs of an umbrella are attached.
(n.) A food fish (Elagatis pinnulatus) of Florida and the West Indies; -- called also skipjack, shoemaker, and yellowtail. The name alludes to its rapid successive leaps from the water.
(n.) Any cursorial bird.
(n.) A movable slab or rubber used in grinding or polishing a surface of stone.
(n.) A tool on which lenses are fastened in a group, for polishing or grinding.
Example Sentences:
(1) In common with other studies, we found that the injury occurred in competitive runners, especially females, and was likely to develop during competitive races or intensive training sessions.
(2) "Runners, for instance, need a high level of running economy, which comes from skill acquisition and putting in the miles," says Scrivener, "But they could effectively ease off the long runs and reduce the overall mileage by introducing Tabata training.
(3) For recreational runners who have sustained injuries, especially within the past year, a reduction in running to below 32 km per week is recommended.
(4) In combined groups of male runners and controls, there was a highly significant positive correlation between the serum HDL-cholesterol level and the LPL activity of adipose tissue expressed per tissue weight (r = +0.72, p less than 0.001) or per whole body fat (r = +0.62, p less than 0.001).
(5) 50 runners with exertion induced injuries of the lower extremity were provided with appropriate running shoe insoles.
(6) When I had that keyhole surgery, I thought: ‘Maybe, if I come back, it won’t be to that top level.’ But with the support I have been getting from my coach, family and friends, I think that really motivated me to come back strong.” Kenya is more famed for its distance runners and steeplechasers than its hurdlers, but the country was left celebrating a surprise gold medal in the 400m hurdles when Nicholas Bett powered home from lane nine to smash his personal best to win in 47.79sec.
(7) Runners at the corners for Daniel Descalso who he hits a hard ground ball right to Barmes at shortstop (not second base), he steps on the bag at second to get Freese for one out, fires to first to get the second out, and that's what we call an inning ending double play...or sometimes we call it a pitchers best friend.
(8) The runners showed less rapid eye-movement activity during sleep than the nonrunners under both experimental conditions, indicating a strong and unexpected effect of physical fitness on this measure.
(9) Blade Runner: the Final Cut is re-released on 3 April
(10) The best advertisement for the format came four hours before the final even started, when, in ITV1's coverage of the FA Cup Final, the teenager Faryl Smith, a 2008 runner-up, sang the national anthem solo and faultlessly in front of a full crowd at Wembley.
(11) We tested the hypothesis that the neuroendocrine control of gonadotropin secretion is altered in certain women distance runners with secondary amenorrhea.
(12) Afternoon Delights doesn't have anything approaching a mission statement – it's just two middle-aged men arsing about, frankly – but its gleeful anarchism can be riotously funny: witness the pair as free runners, declaring "war against the urban environment", or their magnificently coiffed Rock'n'Rollers, with the aid of subtitles, showing off their moves on the streets of Ashford, Kent.
(13) To determine the prevalence of various gastrointestinal disturbances related to long-distance running and its effect on weight, diet and everyday digestive problems, we gave a questionnaire to 279 leisure-time marathon runners, comprising 10% of the participants in a local marathon race.
(14) Runner up: Newcastle University A project inspired by the childhood game Kerplunk is being used to slow the flow of water in order to improve water quality and reduce flood risk for a Northumberland town hit by floods in recent years.
(15) The middle distance runners were all highly trained, but had significantly slower performance times than the elite runners at distances greater than 3 miles.
(16) However, as we watch Blade Runner , Deckard doesn’t feel like a replicant; he is dour and unengaged, but lacks his victims’ detached innocence, their staccato puzzlement at their own untrained feelings.
(17) The athletes were mostly volley ball players, jumpers or runners.
(18) The runners were divided into 2 groups: group A, who competed the 160 km within 24 hours and group B, who either ran for 24 hours, or who retired before completing the distance.
(19) The effects of L-carnitine on respiratory chain enzymes in muscle of long distance runners were studied in 14 athletes.
(20) Further, previous work has, almost exclusively, examined male runners.
(n.) The offering of anything to God, or to a god; consecratory rite.
(n.) Anything consecrated and offered to God, or to a divinity; an immolated victim, or an offering of any kind, laid upon an altar, or otherwise presented in the way of religious thanksgiving, atonement, or conciliation.
(n.) Destruction or surrender of anything for the sake of something else; devotion of some desirable object in behalf of a higher object, or to a claim deemed more pressing; hence, also, the thing so devoted or given up; as, the sacrifice of interest to pleasure, or of pleasure to interest.
(n.) A sale at a price less than the cost or the actual value.
(n.) To make an offering of; to consecrate or present to a divinity by way of expiation or propitiation, or as a token acknowledgment or thanksgiving; to immolate on the altar of God, in order to atone for sin, to procure favor, or to express thankfulness; as, to sacrifice an ox or a sheep.
(n.) Hence, to destroy, surrender, or suffer to be lost, for the sake of obtaining something; to give up in favor of a higher or more imperative object or duty; to devote, with loss or suffering.
(n.) To destroy; to kill.
(n.) To sell at a price less than the cost or the actual value.
(v. i.) To make offerings to God, or to a deity, of things consumed on the altar; to offer sacrifice.
Example Sentences:
(1) Estimates of the risk probability for each dose level and sacrifice time are found utilizing the sample likelihood as the posterior density.
(2) At the People’s Question Time in Pendle, an elderly man called Roland makes a short, powerful speech about the sacrifices made for the right to vote and says he’s worried for the future of the NHS.
(3) Furthermore, at sacrifice, 7 days after the initiation of the disease, the concentration of circulating PAF in treated as well as untreated rats was normal.
(4) To determine whether this density gradient shift was due to increased maturation rate of bone or decreased resorption and mineralization rates, [3H]proline and 45Ca were injected 5 days and 24 hours prior to sacrifice, respectively.
(5) All freedom-loving people will miss him, but we will never forget his sacrifice and his achievements."
(6) Indomethacin given as a single dose 4 hours prior to sacrifice resulted in a significant depression of 14C-arachidonate incorporation but did not affect granularity of interstitial cells.
(7) The projection-matrix recovery step can be performed in a matter of seconds; thus the benefits of signal recovery are gained without a significant sacrifice in computation time.
(8) Two injections of the alpha 1-adrenoceptor blocker prazosin 45 and 90 min before sacrifice, alone or together with the beta-blocker propranolol, prevented the increase in plasma AVP found in SCGx rats 6 h after surgery, and the decrease in plasma AVP and the increase of NIL-AVP found 16 h after SCGx.
(9) We can never sacrifice fundamental fairness for political gain, and we should never value expediency over justice – especially in matters of life or death.
(10) In group I (torsion maintained), unilateral torsion of the spermatic cord was maintained until the day of sacrifice; in group II (torsion and untwist), torsion of the spermatic cord was maintained for 8 to 12 hours, then the spermatic cord was untwisted and the testis was retained until the day of sacrifice.
(11) Selected anaerobic bacterial groups in cecal and colonic contents of clinically healthy pigs fed a corn-soybean meal production diet were determined at sacrifice after 4, 8, and 11 weeks on feed, corresponding to intervals within the growing-finishing growth period.
(12) The percentage change in total hemolytic complement activity (% delta CH50) was determined between serum obtained prior to sacrifice and at t = 0.
(13) He skirted round the issue of historic responsibility for the misery but referred to the sheer scale of the sacrifice, pointing out that, among more than 14,000 parishes in the whole of England and Wales, only about 50 so-called "thankful parishes" saw all their soldiers return.
(14) But from others there is a sense that Microsoft has had to sacrifice a potentially progressive view of the console industry to win back consumer support.
(15) Both men had been members of the peshmerga for more than 30 years, and each had stories of struggle and sacrifice that were true to the Kurdish force's legend.
(16) The results imply that the traditional methods of sacrifice may result in the measurement of spuriously low tissue concentrations of some peptides, e.g.
(17) Thus the G20 leaders, faced with the still gathering failure of the global economy, see no alternative but to sacrifice another $1 trillion .
(18) Histological examination after sacrifice at wk 52 revealed that the incidences of tongue papillomas and esophageal squamous cell carcinomas in the groups given MNAN followed by catechol (57.1% and 64.3%) or resorcinol (50% and 58.8%) were significantly higher than those in the carcinogen only controls (9.1, and 0%, respectively).
(19) Bone histomorphometry with double tetracycline labelling and cartilage histology were performed after sacrifice on days 28 and 56.
(20) Provided that one is prepared to sacrifice some of the additional information provided by the multiple PGSE gradient approach, it is possible to construct a velocity image alone by means of a single PGSE phase-encoding step.