(n.) The act of one who, or that which, sails; the motion of a vessel on water, impelled by wind or steam; the act of starting on a voyage.
(n.) The art of managing a vessel; seamanship; navigation; as, globular sailing; oblique sailing.
Example Sentences:
(1) If we’re waiting around for the Democratic version to sail through here, or the Republican version to sail through here, all those victims who are waiting for us to do something will wait for days, months, years, forever and we won’t get anything done.” Senator Bill Nelson, whose home state of Florida is still reeling from the Orlando shooting, said he felt morally obligated to return to his constituents with results.
(2) Porec , a port in Istria, is a good place to learn to sail; try the marina (marina-porec@pu.tel.hr) or istra-yachting.com .
(3) The coke sailed up my nasal passage, leaving behind the delicious smell of a hot leather car seat on the way back from the beach.
(4) The passengers were then flown to an Australian icebreaker, the Aurora Australis, which had cracked through ice floes and was now sailing towards Australia's Casey research base.
(5) He set sail on his $15m yacht Sorcerer II on an unending voyage with the mission, along the way, "to put everything that Darwin missed into context" and map the whole world's genetic components.
(6) When I clambered onto the fishing boat after the last men left, it occurred to me that an armed smuggler might be hiding below deck, waiting to sail the boat back to Libya.
(7) Ships should be able to sail directly over the north pole by the middle of this century, considerably reducing the costs of trade between Europe and China but posing new economic, strategic and environmental challenges for governments, according to scientists.
(8) "In ocean races in sailing a handicap prize is awarded as well as a line honours prize to recognise sailing skill rather than simply the newest and most expensive boat," writes Benjamin Penny.
(9) For most people this ship has sailed and they want to move on.
(10) The new royal research ship will be sailing into the world’s iciest waters to address global challenges that affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people, including global warming, the melting of polar ice and rising sea levels,” he said.
(11) The 700-strong trade mission to Emperor Qianlong sailed in a man-of-war equipped with 66 guns, compromising diplomats, businessmen and soldiers, but it ended in an impasse with the emperor refusing to meet them, saying: "We the celestial empire have never valued ingenious articles, nor do we have the slightest need of your country's manufactures."
(12) Fabregas hammers it down the middle, the ball sailing slightly to the left before bulging the net.
(13) The SAILS offers a criterion-based means of quantifying patient functional status for both clinical and research applications.
(14) The broadcast featured panoramic shots of the hundreds of boats, tugs, cruisers and canoes sailing past the Houses of Parliament during the pageant staged as part of the national celebrations in June.
(15) "I don't know why," he says, but it's something that didn't even happen at his lowest ebb: amid the bleakness of the early 70s, he somehow kept sporadically producing incredible songs: Til I Die, This Whole World, Sail On Sailor… There's always touring, however.
(16) Back in Liverpool, however: "My great-grandfather on my mother's side was a qualified ship's captain, but was never allowed to sail out of Liverpool as such, because the crews would not take orders from a black captain.
(17) Ahmad boarded at roughly the same time, calling to tell his family he would be sailing for Italy that night.
(18) Tourists Guy and Jo from Margaret River, in Western Australia, were preparing to sail in the lagoon in a glass-bottom boat when a police officer stopped them.
(19) A similar surge was expected this “sailing season”, Vivian Tan, a spokeswoman for the UNHCR, told Guardian Australia.
(20) Some of those operations may “sail close to the wind” in terms of breaking existing laws.
(v. t.) To throw; hence, to send forth, or throw out, as words; to utter.
(v. t.) To turn or twist out of shape; esp., to twist or bend out of a flat plane by contraction or otherwise.
(v. t.) To turn aside from the true direction; to cause to bend or incline; to pervert.
(v. t.) To weave; to fabricate.
(v. t.) To tow or move, as a vessel, with a line, or warp, attached to a buoy, anchor, or other fixed object.
(v. t.) To cast prematurely, as young; -- said of cattle, sheep, etc.
(v. t.) To let the tide or other water in upon (lowlying land), for the purpose of fertilization, by a deposit of warp, or slimy substance.
(v. t.) To run off the reel into hauls to be tarred, as yarns.
(v. t.) To arrange (yarns) on a warp beam.
(v. i.) To turn, twist, or be twisted out of shape; esp., to be twisted or bent out of a flat plane; as, a board warps in seasoning or shrinking.
(v. i.) to turn or incline from a straight, true, or proper course; to deviate; to swerve.
(v. i.) To fly with a bending or waving motion; to turn and wave, like a flock of birds or insects.
(v. i.) To cast the young prematurely; to slink; -- said of cattle, sheep, etc.
(v. i.) To wind yarn off bobbins for forming the warp of a web; to wind a warp on a warp beam.
(v.) The threads which are extended lengthwise in the loom, and crossed by the woof.
(v.) A rope used in hauling or moving a vessel, usually with one end attached to an anchor, a post, or other fixed object; a towing line; a warping hawser.
(v.) A slimy substance deposited on land by tides, etc., by which a rich alluvial soil is formed.
(v.) A premature casting of young; -- said of cattle, sheep, etc.
(v.) Four; esp., four herrings; a cast. See Cast, n., 17.
(v.) The state of being warped or twisted; as, the warp of a board.
Example Sentences:
(1) It's no coincidence that both novels are about how easily children can be warped or damaged, but of the two it is the shorter, sharper Great Expectations that has aged better.
(2) Abdella, now 19, illustrates the constrained choices and warped pragmatism that many here face.
(3) But this time warp is a Seville one, and all the statues of (ecclesiastical) virgins, winged cherubs, shrines and other Catholic paraphernalia, plus portraits of the late Duchess of Alba, give it a unique spirit, as do the clientele – largely local, despite Garlochí’s international fame as the city’s most kitsch bar.
(4) On this logic – warped because Soviet rule hit Jews as hard as anyone else – the "double genocide" in effect says: you hurt us, we hurt you, now we're even.
(5) In the second trial 24 grafts without velours trimming (Cooley II, Meadox), 24 grafts manufactured by a new warp-knitting procedure without velours trimming (Protegraft 2000, B. Braun AG) and 24 identical grafts of B. Braun AG but with gelatine impregnation were evaluated.
(6) Thus we propose that the internal or "intra-laminar" cross-bridges are the active force-generating ATPases in this system, and that they generate overall bends or changes in the helical pitch of the axostyle by altering the longitudinal and lateral register of microtubules in each lamina individually; e.g., by "warping" each lamina and creating longitudinal shear forces within it.
(7) The breathing sounds were recorded with the small transistor warp type microphone inserted through the nasal orifice into the trachea, main bronchi and segmental bronchi, and were analyzed with sound analyzer.
(8) Magnetic resonance angiography of the pulmonary vasculature was evaluated in 12 subjects using breath-hold gradient echo scans and surface coils at 1.5 T. Flow-compensated GRASS, spoiled GRASS (SPGR), and WARP-SPGR sequences were utilized.
(9) It dismays Kirk that Warp moved to London but he's still in touch with them and their releases, effusing particularly about DJ Mujava and "Township Funk".
(10) Warp wanted him to make a feature film in the same style as he had made his early shorts: quickly and spontaneously, with no script.
(11) It was Warp that optioned the novel and suggested Ayoade direct it.
(12) She said: “We struggle to comprehend the warped and twisted mind that sees a room packed with young children not as a scene to cherish but an opportunity for carnage.
(13) Now, the Obama administration has warped the AUMF even further.
(14) This method is based on the investigations of GIBSON and DAVIS (1958), who showed the tendency of cartilage to warp when one surface is cut.
(15) If there is money to hand out to senior managers who are returning to the health service, but none to help nursing staff who have endured three years of pay restraint, then we are dealing with some seriously warped priorities."
(16) Warp's next act of subversion was to wind up Pete Tong by declaring that bleep was dead and that the future of music was "clonk" - the title of Sweet Exorcist's next 12in.
(17) He developed a parallel career as a rock video director after mentioning in a meeting with record label and film company Warp that he loved the Arctic Monkeys, and ended up directing a string of videos for them (given the band's legendary reticence, the mind boggles at what the initial meeting was like) as well as Vampire Weekend , Kasabian and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs .
(18) When a patient's wave form is compared to a normal template, warping can identify the peaks in the patient's wave form that correspond most closely to the peaks in the normal template.
(19) I can’t help but think that that will eventually come back to bite somebody’s ass, although it may well be your grandchildren’s.” Gibson told me that when he visits London, he’s struck by the extent to which overseas money has warped the fabric of the city, but even more so by “the denial of my lifelong Londoner friends.
(20) (The NSA’s warped interpretation of Section 215 was also the subject of John Oliver’s entire show on Sunday night .