What's the difference between sart and syrt?



  • (n.) An assart, or clearing.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The sensitivity of SART-stressed (repeated cold-stressed) mice to substance P (SP) was studied.
  • (2) Reflux was most effectively prevented by the Nissen repair, as shown by the SART and the 24-hr esophageal pH monitoring, a sensitive measurement of frequency and duration of reflux.
  • (3) 7 These results suggest that SART-stressed animals are in a disease state differing from that of other so-called stressed animals, and changes in the hypothalamus give rise to the various symptoms in SART-stressed animals.
  • (4) Neurotropin, a sedative analgesic, slightly increased faster waves on resting-arousal EEG and slower waves on slow-wave sleep EEG in normal rats, and it prevented SART stress-induced EEG alterations during both resting-arousal and slow-wave sleep.
  • (5) These results suggest that cholinergic neurons may be activated in both the hypothalamus and basal ganglia of the brain of SART-stressed rats, and the characteristic peripheral changes of the cholinergic system in the duodenum of SART-stressed rats may be under the control of the parasympathetic center.
  • (6) Central nervous system levels of serotonin (5-HT) and 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in SART (specific alternation of rhythm in temperature)-stressed (repeatedly cold-stressed) rats were examined by HPLC-ECD.
  • (7) We stated that SART-stressed guinea pigs showing nasal mucosal hypersensitivity would serve as an animal model for the in vivo evaluation of antiallergic drugs.
  • (8) Moreover, Neurotropin appears to be effective for moderating SART stress.
  • (9) As part of an investigation on the behavioral characteristics of SART-stressed animals, an animal model of autonomic imbalance, the open-field behavior of SART-stressed (repeated cold-stressed) rats was studied and compared with that of rats exposed to other types of stress.
  • (10) With the D'Amour-Smith method, only NSP had a greater effect in SART-stress mice than in normal mice.
  • (11) The effects of Kamikihi-To (KMK), a traditional Chinese medicine, on autonomic imbalances were evaluated in SART-stressed (repeated cold-stressed) mice.
  • (12) These results suggest that SART-stressed rats have some form of abnormality in the synthetic system of 5-HT.
  • (13) Length of small intestine from SART stressed mice was much the same as in controls, but wet weights of small intestines were larger than in controls.
  • (14) Conditioning of monosynaptic reflexes was used to investigate group II excitation from quadriceps (Q) and sartorius (Sart) in posterior biceps-semitendinosus (PBSt) motoneurones and different lesions were made to analyze the interneuronal pathways.
  • (15) SART-stressed mice showed significant increases in erythrocyte count, hemoglobin, hematocrit and specific gravity of whole blood, no change in leukocyte count and a marked decrease in platelet count.
  • (16) Autonomic agonists, antagonists, tranquilizers and other drugs were given intraperitoneally to mice once daily during SART stress, and the ACh responses in the isolated duodenum were investigated.
  • (17) Thus, SART-stressed mice appear to have impairment in the process of acquisition of a passive avoidance task.
  • (18) The mechanism of hyperalgesia observed in SART (repeated cold)-stressed animals (mice and rats) was studied in relation to the autonomic nervous system.
  • (19) ACh response in the isolated duodenum from SART stressed (repeated cold stressed) mice was remarkably decreased in comparison to normal mice 5 days after onset of loading SART stress, and maximal contraction in SART stress mice duodenum was about 37% of that in non-stressed mice.
  • (20) Moreover, Neurotropin appears to improve and normalize hemostatic imbalance due to SART stress, a chronic form of stress.



  • (n.) A quicksand; a bog.

Example Sentences:

Words possibly related to "syrt"