What's the difference between seep and sip?



  • (v. i.) Alt. of Sipe

Example Sentences:

  • (1) These results indicate the presence of ANP in canine CSF and that it does not come from blood that has seeped across the blood-CSF barriers but may originate in the brain.
  • (2) The media are more pervasive, seeping everywhere into the vacuum left by the shrinking of the old powers.
  • (3) It has been estimated that natural oil seeps may also contribute as much as 10% of the hydrocarbons in the global marine environment.
  • (4) The unusually long period of time that the tooth survived might be attributed to a different approach to the replantation technique, such as occlusion adjustment prior to replantation, preoperative reduction of oral cavity bacteria and of the harmful aerosols commonly found in the dental operatory, placement of a noneugenol periodontal packing under the acrylic splint to prevent residual liquid monomer from seeping into the periodontal space, use of the patient's own blood and no other material to moisten the root while it was out of the socket, a short extraoral period, loose splinting, complete isolation of the operative site in the oral cavity, and completion of periodontal therapy before intentional replantation.
  • (5) For these palmiers, however, – full of chocolate and honey – I've found the rolling method is best for keeping the filling contained in the swirls of dough and stopping it from seeping across the baking tray.
  • (6) Today's news shows the poison of bad credit continues to seep through the veins of the world's financial markets.
  • (7) Over the following days, every drop of the 119,328 tonnes of crude oil borne by this 300m-long supertanker seeped into the Atlantic.
  • (8) Porous rocks under the Martian surface might hold frozen water that melts in the summer months and seeps up to the surface.
  • (9) Shorten said he hoped debate would shift from the “toxic, malignant, poison of Hansonism that seeps to surface of our politics”.
  • (10) Noble gases are one of four things the organisation looks out for in its nuclear monitoring process, because the gases can be released by either slowly seeping through rock and sediment from underground to the surface after a nuclear test or come from activity at a test site.
  • (11) Even as the radiation levels above ground stabilise, the legacy for Tomioka and Fukushima Prefecture in general will be a long one, as caesium seeps deeper into the ground on its slow journey to the groundwater.
  • (12) But the arts are of importance to all voters, and seep into areas well beyond the confines of the Department for Culture .
  • (13) By the 13th fetal day cerebrospinal fluid begins to seep into and replace it.
  • (14) Somehow the story seeped into our bones, expressed in our best-loved sitcoms – with their tales of frustrated men, from Captain Mainwaring to David Brent, made ridiculous by delusions of grandeur – and by a brand of newspaper whose unspoken daily message is that the country is going to the dogs.
  • (15) The organism was recovered from the clay layer of the soil profile as well as from water that seeps into this layer during the "wet" season.
  • (16) Oil is spreading across the creeks and mangrove forests and seeping deeper into the water table.
  • (17) If bleeding persists in spite of ligation, this does not mean that the wrong vessel has been tied off but that arterial anastomoses are allowing blood to seep from the ethmoidal to the sphenopalatine area of the nose.
  • (18) She said: "Under the carapace of glittering, hedonistic celebrity, the ooze of a very different and more dangerous lifestyle has seeped out for all to see."
  • (19) Lahm was 12 years old when he joined the Bundesliga’s record title winners and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the club’s you-have-to-win-everything attitude to the game has seeped deep into Lahm’s psyche.
  • (20) Brendan didn’t obsess about telling us about opponents constantly, but through working on certain exercises the message seeped into our minds.



  • (v. t.) To drink or imbibe in small quantities; especially, to take in with the lips in small quantities, as a liquid; as, to sip tea.
  • (v. t.) To draw into the mouth; to suck up; as, a bee sips nectar from the flowers.
  • (v. t.) To taste the liquor of; to drink out of.
  • (v. i.) To drink a small quantity; to take a fluid with the lips; to take a sip or sips of something.
  • (n.) The act of sipping; the taking of a liquid with the lips.
  • (n.) A small draught taken with the lips; a slight taste.
  • (v. i.) See Seep.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) So I am, of course, intrigued about the city’s newest tourist attraction: a hangover bar, open at weekends, in which sufferers can come in and have a bit of a lie down in soothingly subdued lighting, while sipping vitamin-enriched smoothies.
  • (2) The new technique, Surface Immune Precipitation (SIP), entails the application of an antigen sample droplet directly onto the surface of a gel containing antibody, the gel being supported by a reflecting substrate.
  • (3) The questionnaires (Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales [AIMS], Functional Status Index [FSI], Health Assessment Questionnaire [HAQ], Index of Well Being [IWB], and Sickness Impact Profile [SIP]) were administered to 38 patients with end-stage arthritis at three points in time: two weeks before hip or knee arthroplasty, and at three-month and 12- to 15-month follow-up.
  • (4) In between, I watch a parade of Berliner life: women chain-smoking in the pool’s trademark wicker chairs, fully clothed men sipping a morning beer in the 26C heat, kids jumping off the diving pier and screaming down the large waterslide.
  • (5) Statistical analysis of SIP concentrations showed that horses on the Feed 1 regime had significantly lower SIP concentrations than horses on the other feed regimes.
  • (6) Based upon its reliability, validity, breadth of assessment, and ease of administration, the SIP appears to be well suited for the assessment of patients suffering from chronic pain and evaluating the efficacy of multidisciplinary pain units.
  • (7) As the sun rises over the precipitous streets of SanFrancisco's North Beach, just before 7am, there is a truly wonderful scene: corporation men spray the sidewalk while a gathering of bearded folk sip espressos at Caffe Trieste on the corner of Vallejo and Grant streets.
  • (8) Psychosocial functioning measured by SIP related specifically to mental health and arthritic pain.
  • (9) The GHRI may be preferred where brief, self-administered forms are required; the QWB has advantages when health assessments are used to calculate cost-effectiveness; and the SIP is a versatile, easy to understand measure dealing with a wide range of specific dysfunctions.
  • (10) He looks younger than even the freshest-faced incarnation: skin smooth and honeyed, sipping an almond milk cocktail in one of London's few raw-food vegan restaurants ("I plan to live into my hundreds").
  • (11) "Dreaming only of sleep and a sip of tea, the exhausted, harassed and dirty convict becomes obedient putty in the hands of the administration, which sees us solely as a free work force.
  • (12) "Our boy Mesut made it," said Duran Uzunur, 69, sipping his way through a thick Turkish coffee in a cafe frequented by retired gastarbeiters .
  • (13) The Private Islands Online website, which specialises in selling island paradises and rocky outcrops across the world, says a little bit of land surrounded by sea in the Cyclades or Dodecanese is the perfect trophy asset: "Greek islands are the ultimate status symbol, evoking images of sunglass-sporting shipping magnates sipping champagne on the deck of enormous yachts."
  • (14) But the insolvency profession trade body, R3, blamed the Insolvency Service for not providing clear guidelines on how to complete the SIP 16 forms and said the changes could drive up costs.
  • (15) Cameron took his jacket off and sipped from the half pint glasses of water – gin?
  • (16) Significant correlations (p less than 0.01) were found between pain during walking and the psychosocial questions in the SIP, between the BOA score and questions in the SIP concerning the physical performance, and between self-selected walking speed and the physical questions.
  • (17) In a laboratory setting, social drinking couples synchronized a greater proportion of their sips of alcoholic beverages than did alcoholic husbands and their wives.
  • (18) Subjects' health status was measured with the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), a behaviorally based measure of sickness-related dysfunction.
  • (19) We compared the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), its major subscales, and a short index derived from the SIP (a slight modification of an index proposed by Roland) with regard to reliability, validity, and sensitivity to change.
  • (20) This will be proof for many that Nick Clegg is indeed a latte-sipping, windsurfing, arugula [rocket]-munching Euro-snob.

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