What's the difference between senate and syndicate?



  • (n.) An assembly or council having the highest deliberative and legislative functions.
  • (n.) A body of elders appointed or elected from among the nobles of the nation, and having supreme legislative authority.
  • (n.) The upper and less numerous branch of a legislature in various countries, as in France, in the United States, in most of the separate States of the United States, and in some Swiss cantons.
  • (n.) In general, a legislative body; a state council; the legislative department of government.
  • (n.) The governing body of the Universities of Cambridge and London.
  • (n.) In some American colleges, a council of elected students, presided over by the president of the college, to which are referred cases of discipline and matters of general concern affecting the students.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who is also seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, recently proposed a bill that would ease the financial burden of prescription drugs on elderly Americans by allowing Medicare, the national social health insurance program, to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies to keep prices down.
  • (2) Of the five committees asked to develop bills, four have completed their work, and the Senate Finance Committee announced today that it will move forward next week.
  • (3) Now, as the Senate takes up a weakened House bill along with the House's strengthened backdoor-proof amendment, it's time to put focus back on sweeping reform.
  • (4) Mike Enzi of Wyoming A senior senator from Wyoming, Enzi worked for the Department of Interior and the private Black Hills Corporation before being elected to Congress.
  • (5) That’s a criticism echoed by Democrats in the Senate, who issued a report earlier this month criticising Republicans for passing sweeping legislation in July to combat addiction , the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (Cara), but refusing to fund it.
  • (6) If we’re waiting around for the Democratic version to sail through here, or the Republican version to sail through here, all those victims who are waiting for us to do something will wait for days, months, years, forever and we won’t get anything done.” Senator Bill Nelson, whose home state of Florida is still reeling from the Orlando shooting, said he felt morally obligated to return to his constituents with results.
  • (7) They include two leading Republican hopefuls for the presidential race in 2016, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio; three of them enjoy A+ rankings from the NRA and a further eight are listed A. Rand Paul of Kentucky The junior senator's penchant for filibusters became famous during his nearly 13-hour speech against the use unmanned drones, and he is one of three senators who sent an initial missive to Reid , warning him of another verbose round.
  • (8) The eight senators, including the incoming ranking member Mark Warner of Virginia, wrote to Barack Obama to request he declassify relevant intelligence on the election.
  • (9) Jubilant Democrats are eyeing so-called “red states” such as Georgia and Utah and expanding their ambitions to take both the Senate and House .
  • (10) Environmental campaigners had been apprehensive about the chances of the Senate ratifying a new international treaty – a successor to the Kyoto protocol – to combat global warming unless a consensus had already been reached on Capitol Hill.
  • (11) Ben Bernanke's testimony to the Senate: from here onwards .
  • (12) The Rhode Island Democrat got his start in national politics in 1999 when he was appointed to the Senate as a Republican after his father’s death.
  • (13) Bongbong Marcos won a Senate position in 2010, the first time since his father’s demise that a family member had won a nationally elected post.
  • (14) The day it opened in the US, three senators – senate select committee on intelligence chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, Carl Levin and John McCain – released a letter of protest to Sony Pictures's CEO, citing their committee's 6,000-page classified report on interrogation tactics and calling on him "to state that the role of torture in the hunt for Osama bin Laden is not based on the facts, but rather part of the film's fictional narrative".
  • (15) April 17, 2013 The third floor isn't doing so well either: Rebecca Berg (@rebeccagberg) Capitol police email Senate offices: Police "are responding to a suspicious envelope on the third floor of the Hart Senate Office Building."
  • (16) Hagan’s defeat came as a shock and a heavy blow for the Democratic party in North Carolina, a purple state that now has no Democratic senator or governor for the first time in 30 years.
  • (17) Senators Ron Wyden and Angus King Tweeted their support.
  • (18) The Pentagon leadership suggested to a Senate panel on Tuesday that US ground troops may directly join Iraqi forces in combat against the Islamic State (Isis), despite US president Barack Obama’s repeated public assurances against US ground combat in the latest Middle Eastern war.
  • (19) Macfarlane’s defection would increase the number of Nationals MPs and senators from 21 to 22.
  • (20) The Florida senator on Wednesday signed on to legislation that would delay the implementation of the sweeping surveillance reforms passed by Congress under the USA Freedom Act.



  • (n.) The office or jurisdiction of a syndic; a council, or body of syndics.
  • (n.) An association of persons officially authorized to undertake some duty or to negotiate some business; also, an association of persons who combine to carry out, on their own account, a financial or industrial project; as, a syndicate of bankers formed to take up and dispose of an entire issue of government bonds.
  • (v. t.) To judge; to censure.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is called falling off the swing,” said Soames, when he tried to explain all this to me, “and getting hit on the back of the head by the roundabout.” There are times, when considering Serco, that it begins to resemble Milo Minderbinder’s syndicate, M&M Enterprises, in the novel Catch-22, which starts out trading melons and sardines between opposing armies in the second world war, and ends up conducting bombing raids for commercial reasons.
  • (2) It will also have to syndicate an afternoon programme to surrounding BBC local stations including BBC Radio Kent, BBC Essex and BBC Sussex and Surrey.
  • (3) Moreover, the state-controlled Chinese media have in a series of broadcasts denounced a number of detained “suspects” as members of a crime syndicate engaging in “rights-defence-style troublemaking”, and paraded some of those detained “confessing” to wrongdoing before they have even been publicly indicted.
  • (4) Netflix mutated from a DVD-by-post service to an on-demand internet network for films and TV series, and Sarandos found himself cutting deals with traditional TV networks to broadcast shows online a season after they were originally shown, instead of waiting for several years for them to be available for syndication.
  • (5) He co-authored the RSS internet syndication standard, an automated system for distributing blogposts, at 14, and then contributed to the development of Lawrence Lessig's Creative Commons copyright system.
  • (6) Despite the promise of a layered saga involving communism, the IRA and betting syndicates, not a great deal happens in Peaky Blinders .
  • (7) One of the suspects was quoted by police as saying that he and his accomplice had targeted a group linked to the Yamaguchi-gumi, Japan's most powerful crime syndicate, in apparent retaliation for Sugiura's death, according to the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper.
  • (8) Content syndication would be subject to an agreement by partners on terms and conditions relating to the branding of the BBC's output and advertising around it, according to the corporation.
  • (9) Police have arrested two members of a gang affiliated to the Sumiyoshi-kai, Japan's second-biggest crime syndicate.
  • (10) It is also the most cogent organised crime syndicate in the world, trafficking – according to some estimates – up to 90% of drugs consumed in the US and varying proportions across Europe, Africa and the east.
  • (11) A Traffic report , co-authored by Milliken and published last month, blames "a deadly combination of institutional lapses, corrupt wildlife industry professionals and Asian crime syndicates".
  • (12) The radio talkshow host, whose syndicated show is the most listened-to talk-radio programme in the US, said Moore and others who provided surety for Assange's return to court on sex charges filed by Swedish prosecutors were "fans of serial rapists".
  • (13) In June 2012, the month that Butt was sentenced to 15 years in jail, the DSI smashed another major counterfeiting syndicate, this one accused of issuing some 3,000 falsified passports and visas over the five years of its existence, two of them to Iranians convicted of carrying out a series of botched bomb attacks in Bangkok in February 2012, supposedly aimed at Israeli diplomats .
  • (14) Sabi Sand said it had injected a mix of parasiticides and indelible pink dye into more than 100 rhinos' horns over the past 18 months to combat international poaching syndicates.
  • (15) "In most other countries crime syndicates are banned, but Japan still recognises their right to exist," Mizoguchi said.
  • (16) One proposal is thought to include the establishment of a "BBC Radio England"-style station which would syndicate an evening programme to all local stations apart from those broadcasting football commentaries.
  • (17) Within six years of beginning as a lowly prop assistant, he led the show to national syndication and had an Emmy to show for his efforts.
  • (18) And so I think as we do more and more work in the space, and as we have more and more rights to the content we will need to syndicate it out for getting exposure on more conventional linear television, we will have more and more freedom to change the format going forward.
  • (19) • Web access Using the popularity of bbc.co.uk to help other public service web content through increased linking and syndication.
  • (20) They do seem entirely unaware of contradictions in their arguments – Senator Cory Bernardi, for example, seeing nothing amiss in attacking Turnbull for distracting from the government’s message by responding when commentator Andrew Bolt accused him of leadership manoeuvring on national television and a nationally-syndicated newspaper column.