(1) Serial sections of mouse foetal liver, during the 9th and 16th days of gestation, were studied.
(2) Serially sectioned rabbit foliate taste buds were examined with high voltage electron microscopy (HVEM) and computer-assisted, three-dimensional reconstruction.
(3) Serial observations of blood pressure after unilateral adrenalectomy for aldosterone-producing adenoma revealed an incidence of hypotension (systolic BP less than fifth percentile for age- and sex-matched normal population) of 27% at 2 years, more than 5 times that predicted.
(4) Five days later, the animals were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups: Group 1 received intracranial implantation of controlled-release polymers containing dexamethasone; Group 2 received intraperitoneal implantation of controlled-release polymers containing dexamethasone; Group 3 received serial intraperitoneal injections of dexamethasone; and Group 4 received sham treatment.
(5) Using serial section electron microscopic reconstructions as a reference, we have chosen as our standard procedure a method that maximizes both the preservation of the cytoskeleton and the proportion of cells staining, while minimizing the degree of nonspecific staining.
(6) Eddy current transducers measured relative displacements under application of static loads, serially applied in the axial, mediolateral, and craniocaudal directions.
(7) Females were killed at various times after the onset of mating or artificial insemination, oviducts were fixed and sectioned serially, and spermatozoa were counted individually as to their location in the oviduct.
(8) The lengths and heights of the scalae tympani in ten pairs of serially sectioned temporal bones were measured by an adaptation of the serial section method of cochlear reconstruction.
(9) Serial measurements demonstrated a good correlation between enolase and NSE serum levels and the progression of the disease.
(10) Serial antepartum platelet alloantibody quantitation by an enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay revealed rising antibody titers during advancing gestation.
(11) The serial changes in EF during exercise was divided into 5 types, including continuous increase (type A), initial increase but return to the baseline (type B), no change (type C), initial increase but later decrease below the baseline (type D), and continuous decrease (type E).
(12) The patient had experienced repeated spontaneous fractures for 1.5 years such as serial rib fractures, fractures of the sternum and most recently fracture of the neck of the femur after a minimal trauma.
(13) The lack of tumor specificity of sialyl Lewis-Xi antigen limits its diagnostic value for gynecologic malignancies, but serial measurement of this antigen may be useful in evaluating therapy and monitoring patients.
(14) Acute isovolemic anemia was produced in anesthetized chickens by serial exchanges of 6% dextran 70 equal to 1% of body weight to quantitate cardiovascular and metabolic parameters.
(15) The cells have been maintained through 23 serial passages, and the modal number of chromosomes was calculated to be 55.
(16) In 5 of the 7 patients with an initially abnormal pituitary fossa, serial radiological studies revealed remodelling in 3.
(17) Using serial-sectioning techniques for conventional transmission and high-voltage electron microscopy, we characterized the ultrastructural features and synaptic contacts of the sensory cell in tentacles of Hydra.
(18) Special techniques such as serial macroscopic sectioning (SMS) or immunohistochemical staining (IH) improve the detection rate of micrometastases but this detection is of value only if it improves the prediction of recurrence and survival.
(19) Liver cells, however, cultured in this way, can also be used for experiments in the early stage of serial cultivation.
(20) Serial sections from over a hundred such structures show that these are tubular structures and that the 'test-tube and ring-shaped' forms described in the literature are no more than profiles one expects to see when a tubular structure is sectioned.
(v. i.) To utter words or articulate sounds, as human beings; to express thoughts by words; as, the organs may be so obstructed that a man may not be able to speak.
(v. i.) To express opinions; to say; to talk; to converse.
(v. i.) To utter a speech, discourse, or harangue; to adress a public assembly formally.
(v. i.) To discourse; to make mention; to tell.
(v. i.) To give sound; to sound.
(v. i.) To convey sentiments, ideas, or intelligence as if by utterance; as, features that speak of self-will.
(v. t.) To utter with the mouth; to pronounce; to utter articulately, as human beings.
(v. t.) To utter in a word or words; to say; to tell; to declare orally; as, to speak the truth; to speak sense.
(v. t.) To declare; to proclaim; to publish; to make known; to exhibit; to express in any way.
(v. t.) To talk or converse in; to utter or pronounce, as in conversation; as, to speak Latin.
(v. t.) To address; to accost; to speak to.
Example Sentences:
(1) But when he speaks, the crowds who have come together to make a stand against government corruption and soaring fuel prices cheer wildly.
(2) Whittingdale also defended the right of MPs to use privilege to speak out on public interest matters.
(3) The cause has been innumerable "VIP movements", as journeys undertaken by those considered important enough for all other traffic to be held up, sometimes for hours, are described in South Asian bureaucratic speak.
(4) Many speak about how yoga and surfing complement each other, both involving deep concentration, flexibility and balance.
(5) Speaking to pro-market thinktank Reform, Milburn called for “more competition” and said the shadow health team were making a “fundamental political misjudgment” by attempting to roll back policies he had overseen.
(6) Speaking to a handpicked audience of community representatives, the prime minister said he had not allowed the EU to get its way.
(7) Technically speaking, this modality of brief psychotherapy is based on the nonuse of transferential interpretations, on impeding the regression od the patient, on facilitating a cognitice-affective development of his conflicts and thus obtain an internal object mutation which allows the transformation of the "past" into true history, and the "present" into vital perspectives.
(8) The distribution of cells at the stage of DNA synthesis and mitosis in all the parietal peritoneum speaks of the absence of special proliferation zones.
(9) Again, the boys in care that he abused now speak to us as broken adults.
(10) It’s the same story over and over.” Children’s author Philip Ardagh , who told the room he once worked as an “unprofessional librarian” in Lewisham, said: “Closing down a library is like filing off the end of a swordfish’s nose: pointless.” 'Speak up before there's nothing left': authors rally for National Libraries Day Read more “Today proves that support for public libraries comes from all walks of life and it’s not rocket science to work out why.
(11) Speaking in the BBC's Radio Theatre, Hall will emphasise the need for a better, simpler BBC, as part of efforts to streamline management.
(12) The ability to demonstrate selective augmentation of the functional matrix-associated receptor population, and our recent results showing that gonadotropes are indeed the responsive cells (Singh P, Muldoon TG, unpublished observations) speak to the specificity and relevance of these findings.
(13) Clare Gills, an American journalist and friend of Foley, wrote in 2013: “He is always striving to get to the next place, to get closer to what is really happening, and to understand what moves the people he’s speaking with.
(14) There is a certain degree of swagger, a sudden interruption of panache, as Alan Moore enters the rather sterile Waterstones office where he has agreed to speak to me.
(15) The debate certainly hit upon a larger issue: the tendency for people in positions of social and cultural power to tell the stories of minorities for them, rather than allowing minority communities to speak for themselves.
(16) Speaking to reporters at the Pentagon, People's Liberation Army's chief of the general staff Gen Fang Fenghui also warned that the US must be objective about tensions between China and Vietnam or risk harming relations between Washington and Beijing.
(17) Speaking at The Carbon Show in London today, Philippe Chauvancy, director at climate exchange BlueNext, said that the announcement last week that it is to develop China's first standard for voluntary emission reduction projects alongside the government-backed China Beijing Environmental Exchange, could lay the foundations for a voluntary cap-and-trade scheme.
(18) "There were around 50 attackers, heavily armed in three vehicles, and they were flying the Shebab flag," Maisori added, speaking from the town, where several buildings including hotels, restaurants, banks and government offices were razed to the ground.
(19) Maryam Namazie, an Iranian-born campaigner against religious laws, had been invited to speak to the Warwick Atheists, Secularists and Humanists Society next month.
(20) A doctor the Guardian later speaks to insists it makes no sense.