(1) Instagram is breaking under the weight of Peaches' love for her little grub – and, seeing as she's up the duff again, it will have to migrate to new servers when she has the second.
(2) The FBI’s decision to reopen their criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret email server just 11 days before the election shows how serious this discovery must be,” the RNC chairman, Reince Priebus, said in a statement.
(3) In May, Mojang launched Minecraft Realms , a service allowing PC and Mac owners to set up their own private servers for up to 20 friends.
(4) Hillary Clinton had the right to delete personal emails from her private server, the US justice department has told a federal court.
(5) The bureau seemed obsessed instead with classified material that flowed through a private email server set up by Clinton’s aides.
(6) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Trump ‘sways malevolently’ behind Hillary Clinton Instead, he began the night by assembling a group of women in a press conference to revisit alleged sexual assaults by Bill Clinton, before confronting his opponent hardest on her private email server.
(8) Despite guidelines to the contrary, Clinton used mobile devices to conduct official business on her personal email account and private server.
(9) Destiny wants to change the way we think about online gaming – whether it succeeds or not will be down to the capability of its server network and whether there is really enough in there to keep gamers coming back.
(11) The DMM acts as an image file server and an image archive device.
(12) Serveral ex vivo surgical techniques are described, illustrated and the literature reviewed.
(13) Contact Paul Farrell securely using the Signal messaging app on +61 457 262 172 or using the Guardian’s Securedrop server
(14) 3.48pm GMT Security Once your phone is hooked up to the company email via the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) secure network that BlackBerry supplies to businesses, you can use the BlackBerry Balance feature, which separates personal and work functions.
(15) First-set tie-break: Kyrgios* 6-5 Nadal (*denotes server): Nerves?
(16) The last few months have seen the former secretary of state dogged by a relentless focus over her use of a private email server , dipping favorabillity numbers and the rise of Bernie Sanders, the socialist senator who is challenging her for the Democratic party’s nomination.
(17) The BLASTx program, implemented on the National Center for Biotechnology Information server, allows a sensitive search of all putative translations of a nucleotide query sequence against all known proteins in a matter of seconds.
(18) Republicans were under pressure not to dwell on Clinton’s use of a private email server as too zealous an attack could come off as partisan.
(19) The multimedia file server manager station is built around a PC-AT compatible with a Northern Telecom Meridian SL-1ST digital PBX and a Meridian Mail digital voice messaging system.
(20) So really, it could be anyone.” US intelligence believes the Democratic party’s servers were hacked by a group known alternatively as Fancy Bear, APT 29 or Sofacy, which they say was working for the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence .
(adv.) Toward the higher part of a stream; against the current.
Example Sentences:
(1) The latter result indicates that the dexamethasone block is upstream from release of esterified arachidonic acid.
(2) Other DNase I hypersensitive sites located adjacent to the S14 cap site at -65 to -265 base pairs (Hss-1) or upstream at -1.3 kb (Hss-2), -2.1 kb (Hss-3'), -5.3 kb (Hss-4), and -6.2 kb (Hss-5) remained unaffected by changes in S14 gene transcription.
(3) No other essential regulatory sequence is located further upstream.
(4) Analysis of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) expression by enzyme assay and immunoblots, as well as Northern and dot blots of poly (A)+ RNA, in the deletion strains indicates that there are two upstream regulatory sequences that control the level of gene expression.
(5) Although the islet promoter was found to lack a TATA box, a major transcript from the islet promoter was mapped 486 nucleotides upstream of the translation initiation site.
(6) If this is the only issue, flight would be fine, but need to make sure that it isn’t symptomatic of a more significant upstream root cause.” Elon Musk (@elonmusk) Btw, 99% likely to be fine (closed loop TVC wd overcome error), but that 1% chance isn't worth rolling the dice.
(7) There was an upstream "HTF" island (Hpa II tiny fragments) followed by four direct repeats of the "chorion box" enhancer.
(8) Six discrete 'phased' nucleosomes are present upstream from the gene and are modulated by induction.
(9) That the opposite was observed in our study indicates that the increase in Pst(L), which results from parenchymal hysteresis, offsets any dimensional decrease in upstream airways due to airways hysteresis.
(10) The human gene-specific upstream stimulatory transcription factor (USF) is required, both in vivo and in vitro, for maximal expression of the major late promoter (MLP) of adenovirus.
(11) A single upstream CCAAT element is essential for high level expression in both liver and non-liver cells.
(12) Deletional analysis demonstrated that a region between -86 and -70 nucleotides upstream from the transcriptional origin of the human VIP gene was responsible for stimulation by forskolin.
(13) The gradient of increasing copper and zinc concentrations with increasing distance upstream from the mouth of the estuary reported in 1975 could not be statistically validated.
(14) By using primer 1 (5'-AAAGAATTCATGGAATCCAGGATCTG-3', upstream nucleotides 157 to 2877), primer 2 (5'-AAAGAATTCATGAACGTGAAGGAATCG-3', upstream nucleotides 1846 to 2877), and primer 4(5'-ATAAAGCTTAATCAGACGTTCTCTTCTTC-3', downstream nucleotides 157 to 2877 and 1846 to 2877), the HCMV B gene code region sequence and its glycoprotein 52 kd antigenic domain sequence were amplified from the recombinant plasmid pBH1 DNA containing the HCMV B gene.
(15) The sequence TAGAAAA was found 30 bases upstream from the transcription initiation site and could be analogous to the TATA box.
(16) A potential ribosome binding site was located 20 nucleotides upstream of the initiation codon in the 5' noncoding region.
(17) A 1,300-base pair fragment of 5'-flanking sequence containing these elements, ligated upstream from a firefly luciferase reporter gene and transfected into cultured normal rat kidney cells, demonstrated strong promoter activity.
(18) Since these three mutants differ in the extent to which EBNA expression is impaired, the data suggest that there are several critical regions upstream of the open reading frame that regulate EBNA expression in COS-1 cells.
(19) One class II mutant carried a Tn10 insertion in or close to malT whereas in the remaining class II mutants the insertions were located at least 4 kb upstream of pulA in a region which may define a new regulatory locus of the maltose operon.
(20) We report here that a nuclear protein is tightly bound to the HBV genome at a position approximately 190 bases upstream from the S gene promoter.