

  • () of Shear
  • () imp. of Shear.
  • (n.) A sewer.
  • (n.) A prop, as a timber, placed as a brace or support against the side of a building or other structure; a prop placed beneath anything, as a beam, to prevent it from sinking or sagging.
  • (v. t.) To support by a shore or shores; to prop; -- usually with up; as, to shore up a building.
  • (v. t.) The coast or land adjacent to a large body of water, as an ocean, lake, or large river.
  • (v. t.) To set on shore.

Compare shore with other words:

shore vs. smore

shire vs. shore

shore vs. store

shore vs. shove

shore vs. shored

shore vs. sure

shore vs. sore

shole vs. shore

shore vs. shorl

shore vs. spore

shoer vs. shore

shode vs. shore

shore vs. shote

shore vs. snore

shore vs. whore

chore vs. shore

score vs. shore

share vs. shore

shore vs. short

shore vs. swore

shone vs. shore

shore vs. shorn

shoe vs. shore

ocean vs. shore

reland vs. shore

shore vs. shory

shore vs. sublittoral

shore vs. undercliff

shore vs. surfy

circumlittoral vs. shore

shore vs. topographic

cost vs. shore

seaside vs. shore

brace vs. shore

purchase vs. shore

edge vs. shore

coach vs. shore

cockboat vs. shore

rivage vs. shore

shore vs. undertow

shore vs. stranded

shore vs. swash

landfall vs. shore

rance vs. shore

sandbank vs. shore

bank vs. shore

nog vs. shore

pier vs. shore

breakwater vs. shore

shore vs. wharf

offing vs. shore

sewer vs. shore

shore vs. shorer

dogshore vs. shore

bolster vs. shore

buttress vs. shore

shore vs. support

shore vs. strengthen

reinforce vs. shore

ged vs. shore

shore vs. strut

prop vs. shore

shorage vs. shore

longshoreman vs. shore

shore vs. shoreward

shore vs. shoreless

shore vs. shorebird

seashore vs. shore

longshore vs. shore

inshore vs. shore

foreshore vs. shore

backshore vs. shore

ashore vs. shore

alongshore vs. shore

coast vs. shore

headland vs. shore

seamen vs. shore

coca vs. shore

hug vs. shore

littoral vs. shore

disembark vs. shore

breaker vs. shore

brow vs. shore

offshore vs. shore

shore vs. strand

dock vs. shore

monitor vs. shore

knot vs. shore

shore vs. tender

land vs. shore

moses vs. shore

beach vs. shore

catch vs. shore

israel vs. shore

connotation vs. shore