(n.) An instrument used in weaving for passing or shooting the thread of the woof from one side of the cloth to the other between the threads of the warp.
(n.) The sliding thread holder in a sewing machine, which carries the lower thread through a loop of the upper thread, to make a lock stitch.
(n.) A shutter, as for a channel for molten metal.
(v. i.) To move backwards and forwards, like a shuttle.
Example Sentences:
(1) Transfer of the shuttle vectors from B. uniformis donors to E. coli occurred at the same frequencies when the matings were done aerobically or anaerobically.
(2) The effects of perinatal malnutrition on behavioural development and adult shuttle-box avoidance performance were studied in Swiss white mice.
(3) The chimeric shuttle vector was transformed into strain GS-5, and two transformants (TK15 and TK18) were isolated.
(4) The effect of angiotensin II (ATII) and of its interactions with dopaminergic drugs injected post-trial on retention in active avoidance tasks in shuttle-box-trained rats were studied.
(5) No effect was observed on the [6-3H]glucose half-life suggesting the dicarboxylic acid shuttle is unaffected by adrenalectomy; the Cori cycle is also not influenced.
(6) The implication that attenuation is due to the inhibition of energy transport via a PCr shuttle resulting in the decrease of ATP and accumulation of inhibitory levels of ADP distally has been supported by calculating sperm PCr and ATP levels resulting from diffusion along the flagellum.
(7) These results are consistent with data previously obtained by others in the supF shuttle vector system and the CHO aprt gene.
(8) The use of a new single long-terminal-repeat retroviral shuttle vector has allowed us to obtain copies of the Ld gene with the first seven exons spliced correctly, as well as many other partially spliced or aberrantly recombined copies.
(9) In addition, shuttle vectors that can be established both in Pseudomonas and Escherichia coli have been constructed by adding a pMB9 replicon.
(10) To gain insight into the mechanisms by which carcinogens induce mutations in human cells, we have been comparing the frequency and spectrum of mutations induced when a shuttle vector, pS189, carrying covalently bound residues of structurally related carcinogens, replicates in human 293 cells.
(11) A possible functional role for LDH isoenzyme X is proposed: the redox couple-2-oxo acid-2-hydroxy acid could integrate a shuttle system transferring reducing equivalents from cytoplasm to mitochondria.
(12) In contrast to these enzymes, the levels of cytoplasmic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (cGPDH), the enzyme representative of the alpha-glycerophosphate shuttle, were higher (25%) in the type II fibres.
(13) In cells from hypothyroid animals, a 58% depression of glucose formation and 68% reduction in ureogenesis were induced by n-butylmalonate, an inhibitor of the malate shuttle.
(14) It has recently been shown that transport of electron opaque tracers can occur via the vesicular system, but the detailed ultrastructure is inconsistent with the transcytotic shuttling of single vesicles.
(15) The fragment mediates an increased level of methicillin resistance when inserted into a shuttle vector and transformed back into the sensitive strain generated when the original DNA was deleted.
(16) Rats were trained to perform shuttle responses to a buzzer in four different situations: pseudoconditioning or D test (buzzers and footshocks presented at random), classical conditioning or DP test (buzzers and footshocks paired on every trial), avoidance without stimulus pairing or DC test (buzzer-shock intervals varied at random, shocks contingent upon non-emission of a shuttle response to the preceding buzzer), and standard two-way avoidance or DPC test (buzzers paired to shocks, but the latter omitted every time there was shuttling to the buzzer).
(17) A Thermus-E. coli shuttle vector pYK109 was constructed.
(18) This shuttle may function at specific times to catalytically generate cytosolic NADP+ and in turn regulate enzymes limited by [NADP+].
(19) Lack of actin filaments around giant vacuoles in Schlemm's canal indicates that they do not play a role in shuttling aqueous across the endothelium of the canal.
(20) In addition, prenatal alcohol exposure produced a deficit in acquisition and performance of a shuttle-avoidance task.
(v. t.) To carry or bear from one place to another; to remove; to convey; as, to transport goods; to transport troops.
(v. t.) To carry, or cause to be carried, into banishment, as a criminal; to banish.
(v. t.) To carry away with vehement emotion, as joy, sorrow, complacency, anger, etc.; to ravish with pleasure or ecstasy; as, music transports the soul.
(v.) Transportation; carriage; conveyance.
(v.) A vessel employed for transporting, especially for carrying soldiers, warlike stores, or provisions, from one place to another, or to convey convicts to their destination; -- called also transport ship, transport vessel.
(v.) Vehement emotion; passion; ecstasy; rapture.
(v.) A convict transported, or sentenced to exile.
Example Sentences:
(1) The high amino acid levels in the cells suggest that these cells act as inter-organ transporters and reservoirs of amino acids, they have a different role in their handling and metabolism from those of mammals.
(2) Ca2+ transport was positively correlated with MR cell density.
(3) In addition, DDT blocked succinate dehydrogenase and the cytochrome b-c span of the electron transport chain, which also secondarily reduced ATP synthesis.
(4) The transport of potassium ions through membranes of red blood cells was examined in in bitro experiments using a CMF of 4500 oersted.
(5) The transported pIgA was functional, as evidenced by its ability to bind to virus in an ELISA assay and to protect nonimmune mice against intranasal infection with H1N1 but not H3N2 influenza virus.
(6) In January, Paris taxi drivers attacked an Uber car transporting two passengers from Charles de Gaulle airport.
(7) These results suggest the involvement of SRC in opsin transport.
(8) Plasma membranes were isolated from rat kidney and their transport properties for sodium, calcium, protons, phosphate, glucose, lactate, and phenylalanine were investigated.
(9) Erythrocyte membrane choline transport is abnormally high in chronic renal failure.
(10) These results indicate that both the renal brush-border and basolateral membranes possess the Na(+)-dependent dicarboxylate transport system with very similar properties but with different substrate affinity and transport capacity.
(11) Chronic CHP administration elicited significant increase in both KD and Bmax of striatal mazindol-binding sites (labelling DA transporter complex), but no change in either D1- or D2-type DA receptors.
(12) By the time Van Kirk returned to the US in June 1943, he had flown 58 combat and eight transport missions.
(13) Solely infectious waste become removed hospital-intern and -extern on conditions of hygienic prevention, namely through secure packing during the transport, combustion or desinfection.
(14) These studies also suggest at least two mechanisms for uric acid reabsorption; one sodium dependent, the other independent of sodium and water transport.
(15) Basal and maximally insulin-stimulated rates of 3-O-methylglucose transport in adipocytes from obese and obese NIDDM subjects were reduced to 50% of the values in cells from normal subjects (P less than 0.05).
(16) Thus, although ferric-enterochelin cannot penetrate the cell surface from outside, the complex that is formed within the envelope is transported normally into the cell.
(17) When antibodies were bound to cell-surface DPP IV at 4 degrees C, the immune complex remained stable for more than 1 h after rewarming to 37 degrees C, despite ongoing metabolic and membrane transport processes.
(18) Uptake studies with 22Na were performed in cultured bovine pigmented ciliary epithelial cells, in order to characterize mechanisms of Na+ transport.
(19) Benzylpenicillin showed small inhibition against succinate transport and ticarcillin against sulfate transport.
(20) Inhibition of fast axonal transport by an antibody specific for kinesin provides direct evidence that kinesin is involved in the translocation of membrane-bounded organelles in axons.