(a.) Free from sound or noise; absolutely still; perfectly quiet.
(a.) Not speaking; indisposed to talk; speechless; mute; taciturn; not loquacious; not talkative.
(a.) Keeping at rest; inactive; calm; undisturbed; as, the wind is silent.
(a.) Not pronounced; having no sound; quiescent; as, e is silent in "fable."
(a.) Having no effect; not operating; inefficient.
(n.) That which is silent; a time of silence.
Example Sentences:
(1) First results let us assume that clinically silent TIAs also (in analogy to clinically silent brain infarctions) could be detected and located.
(2) The prevalence of greater than or equal to 1 mm ST-segment depression was 22% (symptomatic in 25%, and silent in 75%) and did not differ between groups with and without cardiac events.
(3) The EMG silent periods (SP) produced in the open-close-clench cycle and jaw-jerk reflex were compared for duration before and after treatment with an occlusal bite splint.
(4) Some features suggest an important reduction in myocardial oxygen supply, in addition to an increase in demand, as a mechanism for silent ischemic episodes occurring during daily life.
(5) Major alleviation of the rigidity and bradykinesia with chronic oral l-dopa therapy was not accompanied by any change in the silent period.
(6) Previous studies in Ghana had shown that primary infections with Epstein-Barr virus in infants under the age of two years remain silent and evoke antibody responses different from those seen in infectious mononucleosis.
(7) A light rain pattered the rooftops of Los Mochis in Friday’s pre-dawn darkness, the town silent and still as the Sea of Cortez lapped its shore.
(8) Silent myocardial ischemia is increasingly recognized as a common phenomenon in a variety of people with coronary artery disease.
(9) In addition, comparison of the rates of evolution among the eight viral genes, excluding the P2 gene, revealed a rapid and roughly equal rate of silent substitution for different genes.
(10) Recurrent stones are usually "silent," and we do not usually treat asymptomatic stones.
(11) He stayed silent when the teacher asked him a question and afterwards I found him standing in the middle of the classroom looking totally lost as everyone ran around.
(12) A total of 188 ischemic episodes was observed; 163 (87%) were silent and accounted for a total ischemic duration of 5,771 minutes.
(13) Thirty-two nursing students were shown silent films in which 10 normal and 10 schizophrenic women described a happy, sad, and an angry personal experience.
(14) Repair within the gene was shown to be much more efficient than that in silent downstream sequences or in the genome overall.
(15) The non-neurosecretory interneuron L10 synthesizes a 12,000 dalton protein, whereas the silent neurosecretory cell L5 synthesizes a lower molecular weight peptide.
(16) To date, no systematic study on silent ischaemia in patients with demand-induced right ventricular dysfunction has been reported.
(17) Patients with all forms of angina, stable effort and unstable rest angina, and those with coronary artery spasm have very frequent episodes of silent myocardial ischemia during ordinary activity.
(18) Hypertensive subjects with other cardiovascular risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia or smoking and with ventricular extrasystoles, reflecting the presence of silent ischemia, can be considered to be at high risk of cardiac death.
(19) However, Teryn Norris and Jesse Jenkins, of the Breakthrough Institute , argue that as the recession has deepened, Obama has been relatively silent on cap and trade emissions schemes similar to the one operating in Europe in which companies can trade permits to emit carbon dioxide.
(20) These calcifications are often clinically silent, but they sometimes accompany a recurrence of the initial painful symptomatology.
(n.) A handle; a stale, or stele.
(v. t.) To take and carry away, feloniously; to take without right or leave, and with intent to keep wrongfully; as, to steal the personal goods of another.
(v. t.) To withdraw or convey clandestinely (reflexive); hence, to creep furtively, or to insinuate.
(v. t.) To gain by insinuating arts or covert means.
(v. t.) To get into one's power gradually and by imperceptible degrees; to take possession of by a gradual and imperceptible appropriation; -- with away.
(v. t.) To accomplish in a concealed or unobserved manner; to try to carry out secretly; as, to steal a look.
(v. i.) To practice, or be guilty of, theft; to commit larceny or theft.
(v. i.) To withdraw, or pass privily; to slip in, along, or away, unperceived; to go or come furtively.
Example Sentences:
(1) We determined to further clarify the mechanism of this transmural coronary "steal" employing intracoronary DP administration, thereby avoiding systemic hypotension.
(2) In the presence of peripheral vasodilatation, adequate blood flow can be expected after such bypass grafts at blood pressures as low as 80 millimeters of mercury and hypotension per se does not produce vascular steal.
(3) 'We were stealing money from our managers to buy vegetables to be able to survive.
(4) The combination of a carotid-basilar and a vertebro-vertebral collateral circulation was verified directly in a patient with a complete subclavian steal by means of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography.
(5) The second, less common type of steal is associated with isolated atresia of the proximal segment of the subclavian arteries.
(6) Jacoby Ellsbury goes to steal second, and the catcher Molina's throw isn't even close allowing Ellsbury to make it to third base with nobody out.
(7) Garfield has a history of making interesting choices and a knack for using his edgy watchfulness to steal scenes from some of the best actors in the business.
(8) There’s always other things you can do than stealing and that and running around with the same people,” he says.
(9) These chains have been stealing market share from bigger rivals, such as Tesco and Asda during the economic downturn.
(10) Camden Town is a creative business with a great range of brands that will complement our existing portfolio.” Mark Benner, managing director of the Society of Independent Brewers (Siba) said: “As craft beer continues to grow in popularity and steal market share we are likely to see more global brewers looking to take over craft breweries, something which makes membership to Siba even more important for breweries looking to differentiate themselves, as consumers look to seek out truly independent craft brewed beers.” • This article was amended on 21 December 2015 because Guinness is owned by Diageo, not SAB Miller as an earlier version said.
(11) Roger Kirkby: An infield single for Papi, lol Wait until he steals a base in this series.
(12) No patient developed evidence of an intracerebral steal at the higher arterial carbon dioxide tension.
(13) Chaffin’s sources say that, even as Elon Musk’s electronic car firm Tesla Motors is stealing away record numbers of employees from Apple , the house the Steves built is hiring Tesla employees right back – and specifically, “the kind of people from Tesla with expertise that is most suited to cars”.
(14) And if you're really funny, then provided you're not punching people when you come off, or stealing people's belongings, then you'll get a gig.
(15) One possible explanation for the lack of protective effect for isoflurane might be related to its vasodilative properties, which could result in a cerebral vascular steal.
(16) Even if Morgan is caught, people fear that his powerful backers in the army will find another militia to continue poaching and stealing gold.
(17) Concern over the extent of the News of the World's hacking of the phones of prominent people increased after it was revealed that the name of Brian Paddick , the former deputy assistant commissioner, was found on documents belonging to Glenn Mulcaire, the private investigator jailed for stealing secrets from mobile phone voice messages.
(18) Apple accuses Samsung of: • Stealing design ideas, features of iPad and iPhone.
(19) "It was the negligence of Shell which compelled people to steal.
(20) There was still time for Saborio to try an audacious lob from distance to steal the game, but Nielsen, who'd looked ponderous in his movements all game, was able to watch this one safely over.