What's the difference between simultaneous and symphonious?



  • (a.) Existing, happening, or done, at the same time; as, simultaneous events.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Thirty-two patients (10 male, 22 female; age 37-82 years) undergoing maintenance haemodialysis or haemofiltration were studied by means of Holter device capable of simultaneously analysing rhythm and ST-changes in three leads.
  • (2) Such an increase in antibody binding occurred simultaneously with an increase in the fluidity of surface lipid regions, as monitored by fluorescence depolarization of 1-(trimethylammoniophenyl)-6-phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene.
  • (3) Completeness of isolation of the coronary and systemic circulations was shown by the marked difference in appearance times between the reflex hypotensive responses from catecholamine injections into the isolated coronary circulation and the direct hypertensive response from a similar injection when the circulations were connected as well as by the marked difference between the pressure pulses recorded simultaneously on both sides of the aortic balloon separating the two circulations.4.
  • (4) In the present study, respirometric quotients, the ratio of oral air volume expended to total volume expended, were obtained using separate but simultaneous productions of oral and nasal airflow.
  • (5) These patients had undergone selective and bilateral simultaneous IPS sampling for diagnostic purposes or for neurosurgical indications.
  • (6) Inhibition of thymidine uptake is attributed to an observed decrease in thymidine kinase activity caused by growth in 1 mM dibutyryl cyclic AMP, and possibly to a simultaneous alteration in membrane permeability.
  • (7) The simultaneous administration of the yellow fever vaccine did not influence the titre of agglutinins induced by the classic cholera vaccine.
  • (8) This observation, reinforced by simultaneous determinations of cortisol levels in the internal spermatic and antecubital veins, practically excluded the validity of the theory of adrenal hormonal suppression of testicular tissues.
  • (9) Hypercalcitoninemia was the most pronounced in patients with cardiac rhythm disorders and a simultaneous reduction in total serum calcium.
  • (10) The addition of a cerebral blood volume (CBV) compartment in the [18F]2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) model produces estimates of local CBV simultaneously with glucose metabolic rates when kinetic FDG studies are performed.
  • (11) Deviations in two planes simultaneously cause less error than deviation in one plane.
  • (12) Using a monoclonal antibody against dopamine and a rabbit antiserum against serotonin, 5-methoxytryptamine or tryptamine, we were able to achieve the simultaneous localization of two amines in glutaraldehyde-fixed sections of rat dorsal raphe nuclei.
  • (13) Acute effects of insulin on protein metabolism (whole body and forearm muscle) were simultaneously assessed using doubly labelled (13C15N) leucine in post-absorptive Type I diabetic patients.
  • (14) Unfortunately more than three quantitative data cannot be judged simultaneously without help of mathematical methods.
  • (15) The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the problems which arise from simultaneously developing regulatory and competitive approaches to health care cost containment can be solved, if recognized, and that those problems deserve more systematic investigation than they have so far received.
  • (16) Simultaneously, mean arterial blood pressure (MABP), PaCO2, PaO2, and hematocrit were recorded.
  • (17) Spontaneous lipid peroxidation in washed human spermatozoa was induced by aerobic incubation at 32 C and measured by malonaldehyde production; loss of motility during the incubation was determined simultaneously.
  • (18) The cardiorespiratory effects of trichloroethylene supplementation of nitrous oxide-oxygen anesthesia, with simultaneous use of halothane at induction as needed, were studied in outpatient oral surgery patients undergoing dental extractions under general anesthesia.
  • (19) Three cases of simultaneous atrial and a-v junctional tachycardia, related to the administration of digitalis and occurring in a short period of 16 months, are reported.
  • (20) The distinguishing feature of this study is the simultaneous measurement of sympathetic firing and norepinephrine spillover in the same organ, the kidney, under conditions of intact sympathetic impulse traffic.



  • (a.) Agreeing in sound; accordant; harmonious.
  • (a.) Symphonic.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Mahler's Second Symphony - that song of love, renewal, and spiritual growth that Abbado has been singing for more than 40 years.
  • (2) The London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Francois-Xavier Roth in 2007.
  • (3) I mean, normally, if you have already recorded one cycle of symphonies, people don't want you to publish another, so there must be things that are better in these new recordings than the old ones.
  • (4) Sometimes it's because of a personal connection - the Shostakovich Preludes and Fugues my grandfather loved the most, which we listened to together, or the Bruckner symphony I associate with our family home in the highlands of Scotland - but the welling-up can also come completely out of the blue.
  • (5) Meanwhile he is preparing a new double piano concerto by Kevin Volans with the Labèque sisters for a concert at the Edinburgh festival next week, and he tells me with a glint in his eye about ideas for the next two seasons: concert performances of Don Giovanni this October, more Brahms symphonies, and more Berlioz – an ambitious plan to realise the gigantic drama of Roméo and Juliette on a chamber-orchestral scale, following up his rapturously received performances of L'Enfance du Christ in February.
  • (6) The plans also follow the high-profile interruption by protesters of a performance by the St Louis Symphony Orchestra.
  • (7) There was a long-standing anomaly that while the in-house symphony orchestras and the music broadcasts, including the Proms, were administered by Drummond's department, all the scheduling was in the hands of the controller of Radio 3, a post then held by Ian McIntyre, a journalist with no great sympathy for music.
  • (8) The Recessional Organ Music will be C. M. Widor’s Toccata from Symphony No 5.
  • (9) Nick Clegg, 24 October 2010 Chopin's Waltz in A Minor played by Idil Biret Sunday Morning Coming Down by Johnny Cash The Cross by Prince Petit Pays by Cesária Évora Street Spirit by Radiohead Life on Mars by David Bowie Waka Waka 2010 World Cup theme, by Shakira Schubert's Impromptu No.3 in G Flat Major played by Alfred Brendel Book The Leopard, by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa Luxury A stash of cigarettes David Cameron, 28 May 2006 Tangled Up In Blue by Bob Dylan Ernie by Benny Hill Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd Mendelssohn's On Wings of Song performed by Kiri Te Kanawa and Utah Symphony Orchestra Fake Plastic Trees by Radiohead This Charming Man by The Smiths Perfect Circle by R.E.M.
  • (10) He has taken various elements of the war, and translated their brutality into elegiac works, as with Freedom Qashoush Symphony, a delicate song which starts with rattled off gunfire, the symphony culminates in an urgent instrumental cry of freedom, inspired by Ibrahim al-Qashoush, an early symbol of rebel martyrdom.
  • (11) On the other hand, the Brahms Third Symphony that he brought to London with his orchestra in 1998 still revealed a masterly control of ebb and flow in a work which Abbado had always regarded as one of the most difficult to conduct from the technical point of view.
  • (12) His chaotic yet coherent masterpieces of the late 1960s, such as his Eight Songs for a Mad King, in which a violin is smashed to pieces every time the work is played – a moment that still draws gasps from any audience – through to his later cycles of concertos, symphonies, string quartets and music-theatre pieces,, as well as the dozens of pieces he has written for communities and amateur musicians to perform, make his a unique achievement in 20th and 21st century music.
  • (13) And I think that listening to something like Mahler’s 6th or 9th symphonies, you realise that the music knows what the author doesn’t.
  • (14) Last year, his composition The Masque of Time was given its world premiere by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.
  • (15) Evacuated to Bournemouth at the outbreak of war, Drummond went to hear the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and a recital by Kathleen Ferrier, whose biography he was to film 20 years later in what was probably his most successful television production.
  • (16) It was with Mahler's Second Symphony that Abbado made his debut with the Vienna Philharmonic in 1965, when, aged 32, he was invited by Karajan to conduct the orchestra at that year's Salzburg Festival (he recalls his teacher in Vienna, Hans Swarowsky, one of the century's great conducting pedagogues, ironically complimenting him after the performance, "Ah look, the new Toscanini!").
  • (17) Soskin, in his 1946 textbook, stated that insulin may be regarded as the dominant instrument in the symphony of endocrine action that results in normal carbohydrate metabolism.
  • (18) And I knew that if I really did go in six weeks, I wouldn’t finish the bloody symphony.
  • (19) From the Third Symphony (1985) onwards, the tuned percussion fades away and the palette becomes much more classical.
  • (20) To assess the risk of noise-induced hearing loss among musicians in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, personal dosimeters set to the 3-dB exchange rate were used to obtain 68 noise exposure measurements during rehearsals and concerts.