(v. t.) To drink or imbibe in small quantities; especially, to take in with the lips in small quantities, as a liquid; as, to sip tea.
(v. t.) To draw into the mouth; to suck up; as, a bee sips nectar from the flowers.
(v. t.) To taste the liquor of; to drink out of.
(v. i.) To drink a small quantity; to take a fluid with the lips; to take a sip or sips of something.
(n.) The act of sipping; the taking of a liquid with the lips.
(n.) A small draught taken with the lips; a slight taste.
(v. i.) See Seep.
Example Sentences:
(1) So I am, of course, intrigued about the city’s newest tourist attraction: a hangover bar, open at weekends, in which sufferers can come in and have a bit of a lie down in soothingly subdued lighting, while sipping vitamin-enriched smoothies.
(2) The new technique, Surface Immune Precipitation (SIP), entails the application of an antigen sample droplet directly onto the surface of a gel containing antibody, the gel being supported by a reflecting substrate.
(3) The questionnaires (Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales [AIMS], Functional Status Index [FSI], Health Assessment Questionnaire [HAQ], Index of Well Being [IWB], and Sickness Impact Profile [SIP]) were administered to 38 patients with end-stage arthritis at three points in time: two weeks before hip or knee arthroplasty, and at three-month and 12- to 15-month follow-up.
(4) In between, I watch a parade of Berliner life: women chain-smoking in the pool’s trademark wicker chairs, fully clothed men sipping a morning beer in the 26C heat, kids jumping off the diving pier and screaming down the large waterslide.
(5) Statistical analysis of SIP concentrations showed that horses on the Feed 1 regime had significantly lower SIP concentrations than horses on the other feed regimes.
(6) Based upon its reliability, validity, breadth of assessment, and ease of administration, the SIP appears to be well suited for the assessment of patients suffering from chronic pain and evaluating the efficacy of multidisciplinary pain units.
(7) As the sun rises over the precipitous streets of SanFrancisco's North Beach, just before 7am, there is a truly wonderful scene: corporation men spray the sidewalk while a gathering of bearded folk sip espressos at Caffe Trieste on the corner of Vallejo and Grant streets.
(8) Psychosocial functioning measured by SIP related specifically to mental health and arthritic pain.
(9) The GHRI may be preferred where brief, self-administered forms are required; the QWB has advantages when health assessments are used to calculate cost-effectiveness; and the SIP is a versatile, easy to understand measure dealing with a wide range of specific dysfunctions.
(10) He looks younger than even the freshest-faced incarnation: skin smooth and honeyed, sipping an almond milk cocktail in one of London's few raw-food vegan restaurants ("I plan to live into my hundreds").
(11) "Dreaming only of sleep and a sip of tea, the exhausted, harassed and dirty convict becomes obedient putty in the hands of the administration, which sees us solely as a free work force.
(12) "Our boy Mesut made it," said Duran Uzunur, 69, sipping his way through a thick Turkish coffee in a cafe frequented by retired gastarbeiters .
(13) The Private Islands Online website, which specialises in selling island paradises and rocky outcrops across the world, says a little bit of land surrounded by sea in the Cyclades or Dodecanese is the perfect trophy asset: "Greek islands are the ultimate status symbol, evoking images of sunglass-sporting shipping magnates sipping champagne on the deck of enormous yachts."
(14) But the insolvency profession trade body, R3, blamed the Insolvency Service for not providing clear guidelines on how to complete the SIP 16 forms and said the changes could drive up costs.
(15) Cameron took his jacket off and sipped from the half pint glasses of water – gin?
(16) Significant correlations (p less than 0.01) were found between pain during walking and the psychosocial questions in the SIP, between the BOA score and questions in the SIP concerning the physical performance, and between self-selected walking speed and the physical questions.
(17) In a laboratory setting, social drinking couples synchronized a greater proportion of their sips of alcoholic beverages than did alcoholic husbands and their wives.
(18) Subjects' health status was measured with the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), a behaviorally based measure of sickness-related dysfunction.
(19) We compared the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), its major subscales, and a short index derived from the SIP (a slight modification of an index proposed by Roland) with regard to reliability, validity, and sensitivity to change.
(20) This will be proof for many that Nick Clegg is indeed a latte-sipping, windsurfing, arugula [rocket]-munching Euro-snob.
(n.) A device, consisting of a pipe or tube bent so as to form two branches or legs of unequal length, by which a liquid can be transferred to a lower level, as from one vessel to another, over an intermediate elevation, by the action of the pressure of the atmosphere in forcing the liquid up the shorter branch of the pipe immersed in it, while the continued excess of weight of the liquid in the longer branch (when once filled) causes a continuous flow. The flow takes place only when the discharging extremity of the pipe ia lower than the higher liquid surface, and when no part of the pipe is higher above the surface than the same liquid will rise by atmospheric pressure; that is, about 33 feet for water, and 30 inches for mercury, near the sea level.
(n.) One of the tubes or folds of the mantle border of a bivalve or gastropod mollusk by which water is conducted into the gill cavity. See Illust. under Mya, and Lamellibranchiata.
(n.) The anterior prolongation of the margin of any gastropod shell for the protection of the soft siphon.
(n.) The tubular organ through which water is ejected from the gill cavity of a cephaloid. It serves as a locomotive organ, by guiding and confining the jet of water. Called also siphuncle. See Illust. under Loligo, and Dibranchiata.
(n.) The siphuncle of a cephalopod shell.
(n.) The sucking proboscis of certain parasitic insects and crustaceans.
(n.) A sproutlike prolongation in front of the mouth of many gephyreans.
(n.) A tubular organ connected both with the esophagus and the intestine of certain sea urchins and annelids.
(n.) A siphon bottle.
(v. t.) To convey, or draw off, by means of a siphon, as a liquid from one vessel to another at a lower level.
Example Sentences:
(1) Glial siphoning can distribute the potassium preferentially toward the blood vessels in the area, leading to an elevation in potassium concentration in the ECF surrounding the vascular smooth muscle of the arterioles.
(2) The effects of intravenous administration of DDAVP to blood donors and the use of DDAVP plasma for the production of cryoprecipitate in the closed thaw-siphon system were evaluated.
(3) Russia's most widely watched television station, state-controlled Channel One, followed a bulletin about his death with a summary of the crimes he is accused of committing, including the siphoning of millions of dollars from national airline Aeroflot.
(4) Four patients with ipsilateral internal carotid occlusion and one with ipsilateral severe siphon stenosis were discharged on antiplatelet therapy; of the remaining eight patients, seven underwent subsequent ipsilateral carotid endarterectomy from 42 to 111 days (average 58.4 days) from onset of symptoms.
(5) The problem is that these revenues have been siphoned off to the London exchequer."
(6) One that sentimentality is obsessed by while funds are disproportionately siphoned away from the other 20,933 species facing extinction .
(7) Exploration of the carotid siphons by the transorbital route is not systematic but used when approach to the vessels by the temporal windows is impossible.
(8) In one of the three complete occlusions of the internal carotid artery (region of the siphon) a considerable partial recanalisation could be achieved.
(9) A semi-intact preparation was used to study the effects of classical conditioning on the type of siphon response elicited by a conditioned stimulus to the mantle of Aplysia.
(10) A dark day for Fifa after claims of arms deals for World Cup votes Read more The prime minister will also lead a further review of the British aid programme to see if more can be done to ensure UK aid is not being siphoned off by corrupt politicians or bankers around the world.
(11) Response evoked by electrical stimulation of the siphon nerve habituate, depending upon the stimulus intensity and interval.
(12) In a semi-intact preparation gill withdrawal was behaviorally measured as in the intact animal, but tactile stimulation of the siphon (to produce habituation) and shock to the tail (to produce dishabituation) were replaced by electrical stimulation of the siphon nerve and left connective, respectively.
(13) Type A patients have fast flow fistulas that are manifest by a direct connection between the internal carotid arterial siphon and the cavernous sinus through a single tear in the arterial wall.
(14) The right common carotid angiogram showed a complete occlusion of the ICA at its cervical segment in case 1 and at its carotid siphon in case 2.
(15) OPG-Gee, however, offers the unique additional possibility of a judgement on the systolic blood pressure in the carotid siphon without, however, taking into account a (difference in) pre-existing intraocular pressure.
(16) The criteria of the cerebrovascular Moyamoya disease is defined by the characteristic findings of its cerebral angiograms, as follows; 1) The internal carotid siphon is narrowed or obstructed bilaterally.
(17) Indium-111-labeled platelet scintigraphy demonstrated abnormal tracer accumulation at the right carotid siphon.
(18) Stenotic disease was present in the aortic arch and branches (five patients) or the carotid siphon (eight patients) and in seven cases it resulted in an incorrect localization on OPG.
(19) We have studied the effects of dopamine on the gill withdrawal reflex evoked by tactile siphon stimulation in the margine mollusc Aplysia.
(20) We have found that one cellular locus for the storage of the memory underlying short-term sensitization of the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex in Aplysia is the set of monosynaptic connections between the siphon sensory cells and the gill and siphon motor neurons.