What's the difference between slender and willowy?
(superl.) Small or narrow in proportion to the length or the height; not thick; slim; as, a slender stem or stalk of a plant.
(superl.) Weak; feeble; not strong; slight; as, slender hope; a slender constitution.
(superl.) Moderate; trivial; inconsiderable; slight; as, a man of slender intelligence.
(superl.) Small; inadequate; meager; pitiful; as, slender means of support; a slender pittance.
(superl.) Spare; abstemious; frugal; as, a slender diet.
(superl.) Uttered with a thin tone; -- the opposite of broad; as, the slender vowels long e and i.
Example Sentences:
(1) Numerous slender sarcotubules, originating from the A-band side terminal cisternae, extend obliquely or longitudinally and form oval or irregular shaped networks of various sizes in front of the A-band, then become continuous with the tiny mesh (fenestrated collar) in front of the H-band.
(2) On E7, a slender neuropil was present in the migrating cell clusters, but all the crest derived cells were uniform.
(3) We also observed slender tubules connecting Golgi stacks to neighbouring rough endoplasmic reticulum.
(4) Both lower limbs were abnormal: the left had a single slender long bone articulating with the foot, which was markedly dorsiflexed and had only 2 toes; on the right the femur was angulated, the fibula was absent, and only 4 metatarsals were present with 4 toes.
(5) But, as Falconer admits, the chance of this bill passing all its stages in the Lords and the Commons before the election are slender as it requires the government to give it time.
(6) Accordingly, we probed lysates of long-slenders, short-stumpies and procyclics (insect midgut stage) with antibody to myc proteins and also hybridized myc gene family sequences to procyclic DNA.
(7) Histologically, they contained slender spindle cells and various amounts of collagen fibers.
(8) But with the privilege of hindsight – plus a very long afternoon wading through the responses to the green paper – handily archived on the iLegal site – it probably wasn't the time to give ministers the benefit of the doubt, no matter how slender and qualified that benefit was.
(9) Public schools report dipping into their own slender budgets, and sometimes principal’s own pockets to pay family electricity bills so that students can keep access to their computer and also get the occasional warm meal.
(10) They merely extended short slender cytoplasmic processes to HAP1250.
(11) Dendritic cells were characterized by their slender cytoplasmic processes, indented nucleus and pale cytoplasm.
(12) Normally, PC12 cells respond to NGF by morphologically differentiating into sympathetic neuron-like cells, exhibiting a marked hypertrophy, and extending slender neurites piloted by well defined growth cones.
(13) When explants of neurofibroma tissue were cultured, macrophage-like cells with pseudopodia migrated out first, and later took on a slender fusiform shape.
(14) Bone-age was advanced and bones were slender and osteoporotic with metaphyseal thickening.
(15) The surface cells had well developed apical junctions and slender cytoplasmic processes projecting into widened intercellular spaces appeared during the developmental period.
(16) At the level of the Z-line, a slender transverse tubule (T-tubule) runs transversely to the longitudinal axis of the myofibril.
(17) But his 12-seat majority is slender: it could be overturned by a single surge of rebellious fury, or a big backbench sulk.
(18) These consisted of parallel configurations of slender sheet-like astrocytic processes frequently connected to one another by highly organized intercellular adhesive devices.
(19) Several types of NPY-containing neurons can be distinguished by their laminar location, by the size of their perikarya, and by the size, shape, and pattern of ramification of their processes: 1) layer I small local circuit neurons; 2) layer II granule cells; 3) aspiny stellate cells located in layers II-III and V-VI, with long, slender dendrites; 4) sparsely spiny stellate cells; 5) aspiny stellate cells with long, horizontally oriented dendrites, whose cell body is situated in layer VI; 6) Martinotti cells in areas 9, 7, and 24; and 7) multipolar neurons situated in the white matter subjacent to the cortical gray.
(20) These events were followed by a transformation of the long slender bloodstream form to a short stumpy form via an intermediate morphology.
(a.) Abounding with willows.
(a.) Resembling a willow; pliant; flexible; pendent; drooping; graceful.
Example Sentences:
(1) What makes this interesting is not that there are teenage girls willing to sleep on the pavement to get a glimpse of the willowy Harry, Liam, Zayn, Louis and Niall.
(2) According to tonight's No 10 statement Hilton is simply off to mighty Stanford University for a year's intellectual refreshment, something he did before when his wife – as tall and willowy and Hilton is short and chunky – landed a senior post at Google, another of the IT treadmills which makes political life more demanding.
(3) He's incredibly physically strong, a muscly bloke, not a willowy thing.
(4) The tall willowy woman was always conspicuous, wagging a disapproving finger, growling like a combatant in the advisers’ box, standing a full head higher than the men.
(5) The popular image – willowy, spike-heeled women spinning, kicking and lunging across the floor in the arms of tuxedo-clad men – is known as show tango.
(6) The former for a mix of willowy grace and sharp intellect; the latter for her ability to excavate the rage, rancour and incestuous yearnings beneath the surface of middle-class family life.
(7) In retrospect, it all seems pretty logical now: straddled at the tail-end of a self-indulgent bout of thoroughly earnest teenage introspection, which had manifested itself through long solitary gambols over village greens; vague, confused affairs with willowy, callous girls; occasionally picking away tardily at cheap open-tuned guitars in an effort to “express myself”; studious, worshipful dialectics over the hidden gem-like enunciations on Blonde on Blonde – above all, that arch-affectation of the world-weary Misunderstood Youth.
(8) In 2011, Vogue profiled “a 35-year-old, willowy media company executive”, who had just frozen her eggs.
(9) She’s willowy, kind and wise, a bit like the alien species from Avatar, but not blue.
(10) This fictionalised account of the rise and fall of a "nervous romance" between Jewish New York comic Alvy Singer (Allen) and the willowy, Waspy Annie Hall (Diane Keaton) was the high-water mark of Allen's gift for sublimely touching and funny screen comedy.
(11) Willowy and bright eyed with an impressive mane of salt-and-pepper hair, Le Roy has an air of amused detachment about her.
(12) She’s willowy, kind and wise, a bit like the alien species from Avatar, but not blue I needn’t have worried about starving, either.
(13) At the time many of those employed at the Riverside suspected the willowy, tricky winger with the adhesive first touch and deceptive change of pace might eventually eclipse another left-footer, Stewart Downing.
(14) The old man came onto his back porch holding a cup of coffee and looked east over the sound, his great grandson dawdling behind, hands in his pockets, a willowy boy of nine.
(15) Second is tying up a deal for Bordeaux’s Adam Ounas , a willowy French-Algerian winger.